English Test 2

  1. Action Research
    • The recursive process of collecting data by the teacher to improve instructional practice
    • Frey 263
  2. Analyze
    • To break a subject or concept into parts and discuss the parts.
    • Frey 255
  3. Concept Circles
    • Students group words or phrases into four sections of a circle and then name the concept the circle is illustrating.
    • Frank 76 and 90
  4. Context Clues
    • Hints about word meaning derived from phrases and sentences immediately around the word in question.
    • Frey 73
  5. Directly taught vocabulary
    • Vocabulary incorporated into reading instruction for a specific text
    • Voc. Powerpoint
  6. Formal Assessments
    Assessments developed to be administered to students using a prescribed format concerning time, directions, and level of assistance.
  7. Formative Assessment
    • Assessment used throughout the unit to inform instruction.
    • Frey 179
  8. Frayer Model
    • When using this model, students brainstorm examples, non-examples, essential characteristics and non-essential characteristics for a given concept.
    • Frank 76 and 93
  9. General Vocabulary
    • Consists primarily of words used in everyday language.
    • Voc. Powerpoint
  10. Indirectly taught vocabulary
    • Using vocabulary to make connections with other subjects or reading contexts.
    • Voc. Powerpoint
  11. Informal Assessments
    Assessment that happens throughout the day as teachers use questioning, discussions, and assignments to measure student progress.
  12. Inventories
    • Lists of observable behaviors that can be easily identified and recorded by the teacher.
    • Frey 245
  13. Justification
    When students furnish evidence to support their answers.
  14. Justify
    • To furnish evidence to support ones answer.
    • Frey 255
  15. List Group Label
    • Allows students to brainstorm words they know associated with a key concept and then group the words into logical arrangements.
    • Frank 76 and 87
  16. Monitoring and clarifying
    An ongoing process used by the reader to ensure that what is being read is also being understood.
  17. Partner Rater Knowledge
    • This strategy includes student prediction of word meaning, collaboration with a partner, reevaluation of predictions and identifying the definition based on reading of a given text.
    • Frank 75 and 78
  18. Portfolios
    • A collection of student work that represents progress over time.
    • Frey 243
  19. Possible Sentences
    • This strategy involves teacher or student generated sentences as they relate to selected vocabulary words.
    • Frank 75 and 84
  20. RIVET
    • Allows students to use prior knowledge to make vocabulary predictions before reading. (Similar to hangman.)
    • Frank 75 and 81
  21. Rubric
    A scoring guide distributed and discussed in advance so that students know what is expected of them.
  22. Self Evaluation
    The learner’s ability to monitor and evaluate their own learning.
  23. Self-Assessments
    • A learner’s ability to develop a plan for learning, then monitoring and evaluating that plan.
    • Frey 246
  24. Specialized Vocabulary
    • Meaning of words is not consistent across multiple contexts.
    • Voc. Powerpoint
  25. Summative Assessment
    • Assessment administered at the end of the unit to measure cumulative student learning.
    • Frey 179
  26. Technical Vocabulary
    • Vocabulary specified for only one field of study.
    • Voc. Powerpoint
  27. Tier I
    • Universal teaching- ALL students.
    • RTI Powerpoint
  28. Tier II
    • Supplemental Interventions- Approximately 20-30% of the student population.
    • RTI Powerpoint
  29. Tier III
    • Intensive Interventions- Approximately 5-10% of the student population.
    • RTI Powerpoint
  30. Word Wall
    • Alphabetical arrangements of words displayed in a manner to allow easy access to all students.
    • Frey 77
  31. List and describe the three types of ELL students.
    • Long Term ELL- been in US for several years. Speak fluently, but struggle academically with reading and writing.
    • Recent Arrivals with limited or interrupted schooling- These students usually have no preschooling and move often due to parents’ agricultural jobs. They are orally proficient, but lack academic language and content area concepts for their grade level.
    • Recent Arrivals with adequate schooling- In most cases have attended bilingual schools. Usually have a strong academic background, but are not fully prepared to speak English.
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English Test 2
english test 2, RDG 4133