Euglena viridis-class Mastigophora

  1. Form
    Euglena viridis has a definite shape unlike the Amoeba proteus. There is a blunted anterior and pointed posterior.
  2. Explain the structure of Euglena viridis.
    • 1. Like the amoeba it has an outer ectoplasm and an inner endoplasm which makes up cytoplasm.
    • 2. The simple plasmalemma has been replaced by a flexible pellicle.
    • 3. There is an anterior reservoir from which prtrudes a single flagllea.
    • 4. The cytoplasm is filled with chloroplasts.
    • 5. Also in the cytoplasm are paramylum bodies which are storage organelles for starch grains.
  3. Explain the process of respiration
    No specific respirtory structure. By the process of simple diffusion.
  4. Explain the process of excretion
    No special excretory structure. Reoval of waste is by simple diffusion. Contractile vacuole is secondary excretory.
  5. Explain the movement of Euglena viridis
    Unlike Amoeba who has a temporary structure, Euglena's movement is by a flagellum which is a permanent locomotary structure.
  6. Explain how the Euglena reproduce.
    No sexual reproduction. Reproduction is a-sexually by longitudinal binary fission. The division is from anterior to posterior. Division of nucleus(carykinesis) followed by division of cytoplasm(cytokinesis)
  7. Describe the mode of nutriton of the Euglena viridis
    Euglena viridis is an autotrophic holophytic organism which makes their own food by photosynthesis. Hence the use of paramylum bodies for the storage of strach grains which are derived from glucose. Species of Euglena which lack chloroplast, the mode of nutrition is holozoic.
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Euglena viridis-class Mastigophora
euglena viridis class mastigophora