Funeral Srv Mer exam 2

  1. List of Materials used
    • Lining
    • Backing (Upholstery) Material
    • Plastic
    • Padding Material
    • Styles of Interior Materials
  2. Types of Lining
    • Velvet
    • Crepe
    • Satin
    • Twill Weave
    • Linen Weave
    • Linen
  3. List of Backing (Upholstery) materials
    • Fiberboard
    • Massillon
    • Plastic
    • Domet
    • Muslin
  4. List of Padding Materials
    • Cotton
    • Polyetheylene foam
    • Shredded paper
    • Spun polyester
    • Wood-wool or Excelsior
  5. Lining
    material visible to the public
  6. Velvet
    • a fabric of silk, cotton & possibily rayon with a short, dense nap or pile that is usually found in expensive caskets.
    • (Nap or pile-soft surface on a woven fabric)
  7. Crepe
    thin crinkled cloth of silk, rayon, cotton, or wool
  8. satin
    fabric woven to create a smooth, lustrous face and dull back. It is used as exterior and interior material on infant casket.
  9. Twill weave
    textile weave in which threads are crossed over on another to give an appearance of diagonal lines
  10. linen weave
    fabric woven to like linen
  11. Linen
    fabric made from flax noted for its strength, coolness and luster
  12. Backing (upholstery) Materials:
    found underneath the lining material and used to cover the padding materials
  13. Fiberboard (cardboard)
    composition board
  14. massillon
    pressed paper in sheet form
  15. Plastic
    synthetic or natural organic material shaped when soft and then hardened
  16. Domet
    light cotton flannel possessing a short nap
  17. muslin
    heavy cotton cloth with a plain weave
  18. Padding Materials:
    materials used to vocer metal or interiors of caskets and are not visible to the public
  19. Cotton
    soft, white downy fibers of the cottonseed
  20. Polyethylene foam
    polymer of ethylene known as foam rubber
  21. shredded paper
    newsprint cut into strips
  22. Wood-wool or Excelsior
    thin wood shavings. Wood that has been shredded into spaghetti like strings
  23. Styles of Interior Materials
    • Shirred
    • Tufted
    • Crushed
    • Tailored
    • Combinations
    • Specialty head panels
  24. shirred
    material is drawn or gathered in paralled rows or fashion and is sewn on a machine that has multiple needle heads
  25. Tufted
    created by placing a padding material such as cotton between linings. A upholstery material with subsequent stitches taken and forming small raised puffs known as the ultimate style of interior materials sewn by hand found only in expensive caskets. The two most common: carriage tufting and biscut tufting
  26. crushed
    created by placing the lining material on a metal form, weights added, material steamed to set the pattern, and attached to a suitable upholstery material
  27. tailored
    material is tightly drawn to form casket interior
  28. Combinations
    tailored and tufted. Or any combination of shirred, tufted, crushed and tailored
  29. specialty head panels
    whatever the family orders
  30. Types of Casket Exteriors
    • Wood finishes
    • Cloth-covered finishes
    • Metal finishes
    • Styles of Cap design: opening design
    • Shell design
    • Closure methods
    • Casket sizes
  31. Wood finishes
    • Unfinished
    • Natural finish-most common finish for hardwoods
  32. Natural finish (stained vs. unstained)
    • Painted finish
    • Laminate-matte/flat finish and free of gloss, dull and lustrous
  33. Types of wood finish
    • Polished (gloss) finish-surface made smooth & glossy by friction brought
    • Semi-gloss finish-low luster. highly developed finished or refined state
    • Satin finish- type of semi luster or semi gloss casket finish that's smooth with well defined lines or strations
  34. Types of Cloth-covered finishes
    • Embossed- to ordinate with raised work, to raise relief from surface, cloth. Having a raised design.
    • Smooth- material having a short nap and no design
  35. Covering materials for Cloth-Covered finishes
    • Broadcloth
    • Plush
    • Doeskin or moleskin
  36. Broadcloth
    twille, napped, or woolen fabric with smooth lustrous face and dense texture usually made of cotton, silk or rayon. Woven in plain or ribbon weave soft with semi gloss finish.
  37. Plush
    Woven cloth with nap exceeding 1/8 in. in length and less dense than velvet
  38. Doeskin or moleskin
    heavy durable cotton fabric with short, thick velvety nap on one side. Woven cloth with a suede like appearance with a nap that is less than 1/8 in.
  39. Types of Metal finishes
    • Brushed finish
    • Plated finish
    • Sprayed finish
    • Fiberglass and polymer
  40. Brushed finish
    bare metal is scratched with an abrasive material and finished until a smooth high gloss is obtained
  41. plated finish
    finish created when base metal is coated by another metal by way of an electrolytic process. Often found on casket hardware with a substance that wrinkles as it dries.
  42. Types of Sprayed finish
    • Polished (gloss) finish
    • Crinkled finish
    • Hammertone finish
    • Matte or flat finish
  43. Crinkled finish
    exterior casket finish in which the metal is coated with a substance that wrinkles as it dries
  44. Hammertone finish
    sprayed finish that has the appearance of small indentations in the metal that are in the paint and appears as the paint dries. Usually found on inexpensive casket.
  45. Matte or flat finish
    finish used on casket exterior that is free of gloss
  46. fiberglass and polymer
    • wood grained finish
    • polished gloss finish
    • sprayed finish
  47. Styles of Cap Design: Opening Styles
    • regular half couch
    • perfection couch
    • hinge panel (hinge cap)
  48. Reg. Half Couch
    • casket w/ the cap in 2 pieces, usually the cap or lid has a transverse cut which bisects the head and foot panels
    • the ogee is hinged to the top body molding
    • ogee folds at the head end and front side of the head section
    • deceased is viewed from the waist up
  49. perfection couch types
    • perfection half couch
    • perfection full couch
  50. perfection couch
    this casket when opened, the ogee raises with cap
  51. perfection half couch
    • ogee & cap are hinged to the top body molding bot at head end and foot end of the casket
    • ogee raises with head and foot panels
    • transverse cut does not bisect top, but head section is longer than foot section
    • deceased is viewed from head to hips
  52. perfection full couch
    • no transverse cut in top; therefor a full top casket
    • usually has an inner panel to cover the deceased from waist to foot
  53. hinge panel (hinge cap) types
    • single hinged panel
    • slip panel (slip top, priest casket)
  54. single hinged panel
    2 piece top. the ogee or rim and foot panel is 1 piece that is hinged to the top body molding and the head panel being the second piece, which is hinged to the rim or ogee.
  55. slip panel (slip top, priest casket)
    casket opening style in which the cap is completely removed from the casket for the purpose of viewing. The remains may be viewed from either side.
  56. shell designs
    • Ends and corners
    • side (body panel)
  57. Ends and corners
    • Square- corners at right angles
    • Round-corners are curved in a circular shape
    • Octagon-casket is formed with 8 sides and 8 angles. found in wood caskets only
    • Elliptic- casket having ends in the shape of a half circle. Sometimes called half moon.
  58. type of Side (body panel)
    • flaring side square
    • verticle side square
    • urnside
  59. flaring side square
    casket shell design where the sides and ends flair out from the bottom to the top
  60. vertical side square
    • casket body style with the body sides at least 90 degree angle from the bottom
    • -called "state casket"
    • -least expensive to manufacture
  61. urnside
    casket design in which the body panels display the shape of an urn. most expensive design to make-called the ultimate or finest casket in the industry
  62. closure methods
  63. Gasketed Components
    • gasket
    • hinges
    • locking mechanism
  64. locking mechanism types
    • end lock
    • side lock (front lock)
    • lever lock
    • threaded fasteners- a screw type fastner
  65. non-gasketed
    • latch closure
    • threaded fasteners
    • chemical compound
    • hermetically sealed- air tight completely sealed by fusion or soldering
  66. casket size
    measurements are stated according to inside dimensions and vary between manufactures
  67. casket sizes
    • Oversize or extra sizes
    • Standard sizes: adult casket
    • Infant & children's casket
  68. Oversize or extra sizes
    • width increases in increments of 2 in.
    • ea. step increase in width is represented by an "X"
    • length increases in increment of 3 in.
    • (Oversize casket may require the use of an oversize outer burial container)
  69. Standard sizes: adult casket
    • standard adult wood L: 6"3 W: 22"
    • wood state casket L: 6"6 W: 22"
    • standard metal L: 6"6 W: 23"
    • Flaring side-wood
    • At top L: 6"3 W: 22"
    • At bottom L: 6"3 W: 19 1/2"
  70. infant & children's caskets (from 18" to 5' in length)
    • size will increase in increments of six inches
    • materials used are similar to, or the same as, adult casket
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Funeral Srv Mer exam 2
FSM Exam 2