Biology Lab 1.2

  1. Image Upload 2
    Potato Cells - Unstained
  2. Image Upload 4
    • Anabaena - Prokaryotic (Prepared Slide)
    • Domain - BACTERIA
  3. Image Upload 6
    • Anabaena - Prokaryotic (Fresh Mount)
    • Domain - BACTERIA
  4. Eukaryotic Cells
    • Paramecium
    • Amoeba
    • Euglena

    • Domain - Eukarya
    • Kingdom - Protist
  5. Miniscus
    Is a curve in the surface of a liquid
  6. Testing for Protein

    • Negative - Blue
    • Positive - Purple
  7. Testing for Strach

    • Negative - Yellow
    • Positive - Blue-black
  8. Testing For Sugar

    • Negative - azul
    • Positive - red - orange
  9. Testing for Lipids
    Image Upload 8
    A) Positive

    B) Negative
  10. Image Upload 10
    Water - H2O
  11. Image Upload 12
    Ethyl Alcohol - C2 H6 O
  12. Image Upload 14
    Glucose - C6 H12 O6
  13. Image Upload 16
    Rybose - C5 H10 O5
  14. Image Upload 18
    DeoxyRibose - C5 H10 O4
  15. R Group - Amino Acid
    • Glycine
    • Alanine
  16. Amino Acid
  17. Image Upload 20
    Glycine - C2 H5 NO2
  18. Image Upload 22
    Alanine - C3 H7 NO2
  19. Carboxyl
    C = O - OH
  20. Hydroxyl Group
  21. Carbonyl Group
  22. Image Upload 24
    • Black - Carbon
    • Blue - Nytrogen
    • Red - Oxygen
    • Yellow - Hydrogen
  23. Which part of the meniscus is used to read the volume of water in graduated cylinder?
    • eye level
    • central point
  24. Freezing point of water
    0 C/32 F
  25. Boiling point of water
    100 C/ 212F
  26. Mycroscopy: how to determine the total magnification when using different objectives lenses
    multiply by 10X
  27. Why is the word Compund used to describe our microscope?
    because use both ocular and objective lenses
  28. Name the two types of lenses in our compound scope?
    ocular and objective
  29. What is meant when it is said that our microscope are Parfocal?
    that is: once the object is in focus with the lowest power, it should also be almost in focus with the higher power
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Biology Lab 1.2