Chem 112

  1. What are the 6 strong acids?
    • HCL - Hydrochloric Acid
    • HBR - Hydrobromic Acid
    • HI - Hydroiodic Acid
    • HCLO4 - Perchloric Acid
    • HCLO3 - Chloric Acid
    • HNO3 - Nitric Acid
    • H2SO4 - Sulfuric Acid
  2. What are the 8 strong bases?
    • LiOH - Lithium Hydroxide
    • NaOH - Sodium Hydroxide
    • KOH - Potassium Hydroxide
    • RbOH - Rubidium Hydroxide
    • CsOH - Cesium Hydroxide
    • Ca(OH)2 - Calcium Hydroxide
    • Sr(OH)2 - Strontium Hydroxide
    • Ba(OH)2 - Barium Hydroxide
  3. What are considered to be strong electrolytes?
    • Dissolved ionic compounds
    • Strong acids
    • Strong bases
  4. What are considered to be weak electrolytes?
    • "insoluble ionic compounds"
    • Weak molecular acids
    • Weak molecular bases
  5. What are considered to be non-electrolytes?
    Dissolved molecular compounds
  6. Do acids give up or accept an H+ ion?
    Give up
  7. Do bases give up or accept an H+ ion?
  8. How do u decide if the compound is an acid?
    It begins with H or has COOH in it
  9. How do u decide if the compound is a base?
    • Metal & OH-
    • An N followed by an H
  10. Sulfide (S) is soluble with what?
    • Group 1 & 2 & NH4
    • Therefore insoluble with everything else
  11. Are hydrocarbons SE, WE, or NE?
  12. What is CH3COO considered? SE, WE, or NE
  13. What is CH3COOH? SE, WE, or NE
  14. Compounds containing _________ are soluble.
    Li+, Na+, K+, NH4+, NO3-, & C2H3O2 (CH3COO)
  15. Compounds containing CL-, Br- & I- are soluble except with ___________
    Ag+, Hg2/2+, or Pb2+
  16. Sulfates (SO2-/4) are soluble except when paired with _________.
    Sr2+, Ba2+, Pb2+, Ag+, & Ca2+
  17. Compounds containing OH- are insoluble except when paired with ________.
    Li+, Na+, K+, NH4+, Ca2+, Sr2+, & Ba2+
  18. Compounds containing S2- are insoluble except when paired with ___________.
    Ca2+, Sr2+, & Ba2+
  19. Carbonates (CO2-/3) & Phosphates (PO3-/4) are insoluble except when paired with ___________.
    Li+, Na+, K+, or NH4+
Card Set
Chem 112
Solubility, electrolytes, 1st chem test