First Aid

  1. Advanced Life Support
    The use of specialized equipment and techniques for patient care, including giving medications, establishing IV lines, and performing endotracheal intubation. (only EMT-paramedic has the highest level of training in EMT and can do this, so EMT-B (basic and EMT- I (intermediate) CAN NOT preform this! EMT-I CAN give medications though.
  2. Assessment
    The process of checking the patient for life threats and other medical problems before and during care. (Examples include patients airways are open, the patient is breathing adequately, the patients has a pulse and adequate circulation and the patients spine is protected from movement, ect.)
  3. Basic Life Support
    First responders provide this. Basic care for the patient's airway, breathing and circulation provided by first responders and them EMTS when they show up (happens if needed after assesment).
  4. Citizen Responder
    A by-stander, ideally trained in first aid and CPR, who helps an ill or injured person and/or activates the EMS system in a emergancy. Some instruction can be given by the dispatcher to the citizen until EMTs arrive.
  5. Direct Medical Control
    The process by which the medical director or designated physician is personally involved in directing patient care provided by EMS personnal through online communications.They can also autherize a specific patient treatment not covered by standard protocols for patient care.
  6. Dispatcher
    the person within EMS system who answer 911 or other emergancy calls and determines what emergancy personal and equipment to send to the scene; also called and Emergancy Medical Dispatcher (EMD).
  7. Emergancy Medical technician (EMT)
    A professional trained in emergancy care who has completed and approved Emergancy Medical Technition training program at the basic (EMT-B), intermidiate (I-EMT), or Perimedic (EMT-P) level. They are who EMS sounds out when they get a emergancy call.
  8. Emergancy Medical Services (EMS) System
    A complex healthcare system that provides prehospital care to ill or injured patients, consisting of a tiered approach involving lay persons, First Responders, EMTs, Perimedics, and others. See dispatcher
  9. Enchanced 911
    An EMS communication system in which a call to 911 from a LANDLINE telephone provides the dispatcher with the address and the telephone number of the caller. With cell phones they can't see where you are at!
  10. First Responder
    A person who many be called upon to provide emergancy care as a routine pat of his or her job (paid or vollenteered) and who has a professional duty to respond to medical emergancy (prepared with first aid equipment).
  11. Indirect Medical Control
    The offline or prospective direction provided by the medical director, including protocols (standing orders), standereds of training and quality assurance programs.
  12. Medical director
    The physician who oversees out of hospital emergancy medical care. See indirect medical control!)
  13. Medical Oversight
    the process by which the medical director oversees out-of- hospital emergancy care. See indirect medical control.
  14. Perimedic
    An EMT who has completed an approved Paramedic training training programa involvintg many advanced emergancy procedures including IV and drugs (seeAdvanced life support!)
  15. Prehospital Care
    the phase of emergancy medical care provided before a patient is delivered to a hospital. (See first respnder, Citizen and EMT)
  16. Preplanning
    A process of developing an organized idea in anticipation of an emergancy likely in a given location; the pre-plan should identify responding personnel, possible scene hazards, routes of evacuation, and other action guidlines.
  17. sudden illness
    A medical crisis that occurs with no or little warning and requires emergancy care until the patient can be seen by a medical professional.
  18. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aides) 19
    A fatal disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus HIV
  19. Airborne transmission 20
    the process by which a pathogen existing in an infected person is transmitted into a different perosn through the air, usually via small fluid dropletes the infected person coughs or sneezes out. Icky
  20. Bloodbourne transmission 20
    the transmission of disease from one person to another through the contact with the infected person's blood or certain other bodily fluids or tissues.
  21. Body substance isolation BSI 21
    Techniques to prevent contact with or exposure to a patient's body fluids and other potentially contaminated materials.
  22. Critical incident 18
    an emergancy situation particulary stressful to EMS personnel. (Ex. Death of coworker, multi-casuality incident, suicide by emerganct service worker, injury of death of child, emergancy with a lot of media, violent emergancy, patient care to known person, a disaster)
  23. critical incident stress debriefing (CISD) 18
    A program designed to help emergancy personal cope with the severe stress of an emergancy situation.
  24. Critical incident stress managment CISM 18
    programs available in most public safety departments or EMS systems for those who experiance uncontrolable stress resulting from a critial incident or from an accumulation of events. They provide pre-incedent stress ed., on-scene peer support, 1 on 1 support, the CISD, support for family members,
  25. debriefing
    a CISD team meeting generally held within 24 to 72 hours after a major incedent to help emergancy workers manage their feelings and overcome stress.
  26. decontamination 22
    the use of physical or chemical means to remove, inactivate ppr destroy bloodbourne pathogens on a surface or item so that it is no longer infectious.
  27. defusing 18
    a short CISD session, typically less formal and less structured than a debriefing. occurs a few hours after critial event helps the personal vent and begin to resolve feelings. either enchances formal debriefing or elimanate the need for one.
  28. Direct contact 20
    disease transmission that occurs when someone directly contacts an infected person, or fluids or substances from that person.
  29. disinfectant 22
    a substance, such as bleach solution, that kills most pathogens on contaminated surfaces.
  30. hepatitis 19
    the varies forms of liver disease caused by the bloodbourne hepatitus B virus (HBV), hepatitus C virus (HCV) or other hepatitus viruses. Hep B has a vaccine, at room temp the virus can live for several days in dried body fluids on hard surfaces, so it makes it easily transmitted. Hep C you dont nececarrily feel sick from it, there is no vaccine.
  31. human immunodeficiency virus HIV 19
    the human immunodeficiency virus that causes AIDES can be transmitted by blood semem vaginal secretions breast milk and other bodily fluids if it has blood present.
  32. indirect contact 20
    disease transmission that occurs when someone contacts contaminated objects, food or drinks, droplets in the air (airbourne) or vectors such as mosquitos (insects)
  33. occupational exposure to bloodbourne pathogens standard. 20
    a set of regulations deom the occupational safety and health administration OSHA designed to protect employees from exposure to bloodbourne disease pathogens.
  34. pathogen 19
    infectious substance, such as bacteria or a virus, capable of inducing disease.
  35. personal protective equipment PPE 22
    barriers, such as gloves and resuscitation masks, that prevent being exposed to blood and other body fluids when caring for a patient in an emergancy or working around potentially infected materials.
  36. standard precautions 21
    a set of safety guidlines for treating all blood and other portentially infectious materials as if they are contaminated; also called universal precautions.
  37. sterilize 22
    to use a chemical or physical procedure to destroy all microbrial life on an item.
  38. stress 14
    a mental and emotional state that akso has many physical effects, resulting from any negative experiance that causes psychological strain or disequilibrium.
  39. tuberculosis TB 20
    a highly contagious airbourne disease caused by bacteria. personal very rarely use any equipment to take precaustions againest it but there is a face mask (for resusatation) that has only a one way valve.
  40. Vaccine 19
    a drug that stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies to a specific disease, thereby make a person immune to the disease.
  41. vector transmission 20
    a infected insects (such as tick or mosquito) caring a bloodbourne pathogen bites into the person and they get infected with the disease.
  42. ABC's in Initial Assessment
    • A-Airways
    • B-Breathing
    • C-circulation
  43. APGAR Newborn Assessment
    • A- Appeatance
    • P-Pulse
    • G-Grimace
    • A-Activity
    • R-respitory effort
  44. AVPU scale for assessing responsiveness
    • A-Alert
    • V-Responds to Verbal stimuli but is not clearly oriented to time and place
    • P-Responds to painful stimuli but not verbal stimuli; rub patient's sternum, if no chest injury, or gently pinch skin between neck and shoulder to elicit response.
    • U-unresponsive to all stimuli Eyes are closed, and no response to painful stimuli.
  45. BVM
    Bag-valve-mask (usually bag-mask)
  46. CSM to assess extremity circulation
    • C-circulation
    • S-sensation
    • M-movement
  47. DOTS Physical exam for trauma patients
    • D-Deformities
    • O-open injuries
    • T-tenderness (pain)
    • S- swelling
  48. DCAP-BTLS Physical for trauma patients
    • D-deformities
    • C-contusions
    • A-abrasions
    • P-punctures
    • B-burns
    • T-tenderness
    • L-lacerations
    • S-swelling
  49. FBAO
    Foreign body airway obstruction
  50. MCI
    mass-casualty incident
  51. OPQRST to evaluate pain or symptoms
    • O-onset
    • P-provocation
    • Q-quality
    • R-radiation
    • S-severity
    • T-time
  52. SAMPLE history
    • S-signs and symptoms
    • A-allergies
    • M-medication
    • P-pertinent past medication history
    • L- last food and drink
    • E-events
Card Set
First Aid
First set of cards for test one in Class PE 284