
  1. Root Chakara
    • Chakra One - AssociationsColor - red
    • Sanskrit Name - muladhara
    • Physical Location - base of the spine
    • Purposes - kinesthetic feelings, movement
    • Spiritual Lesson - material world lessons
    • Physical Dysfunctions- lower back pain, sciatica, varicose veins, rectal tumors, depression, immune related disorders
    • Mental and Emotional Issues - survival, self esteem, social order, security, family
    • Information Stored Inside Root Chakra - familial beliefs, superstitions, loyalty, instincts, physical pleasure or pain, touch
    • Area of Body Governed - spinal column, kidneys, legs, feet, rectum, immune system

    • *****
    • Red:
    • The color of the Base or Root chakra, also known as Muladhara. This
    • chakra is located at the base of the spine and allows us to be
    • grounded and connect to the universal energies.
    • First chakra, base of the spine. Groundedness, trust, belonging, lessens feelings of mistrust. Gemstones that will aid the Root chakra include lodestone, ruby, garnet, smokey quartz, obsidian, hematite and onyx.
  2. Second ChakraSacral Chakra
    Chakra Two - Associations

    • Color - orange
    • Sanskrit Name - swadhisthana
    • Physical Location - lower abdomen to the navel Purposes - emotional connection Spiritual Lesson - creativity, manifestation. honoring relationships, learning to "let go" Physical Dysfunctions- low back pain, sciatica, ob/gyn problems, pelvic pain, libido, urinary problems Mental and Emotional Issues - blame, guilt, money, sex, power, control, creativity, morality Information Stored Inside Sacral Chakra - duality, magnetism, controlling patterns, emotional feelings (joy, anger, fear)
    • Area of Body Governed - sexual organs, stomach, upper intestines, liver, gallbladder, kidney, pancreas, adrenal glands, spleen, middle spine


    • Orange:
    • The color of the Sacral chakra, also known as Svadhisthana. This chakrais located beneath the naval, close to the genitals. The Sacral Chakra is linked to the sexual organs and reproductive system. Opening this chakra will free fertility and inherent creativity. The Sacral chakra stimulates sexuality and emotions. Gemstones that will aid the Sacral chakra include carnelian, coral, orange jasper, orange jade.


    The sacral Chakra keeps the kidneys, adrenals, and flow of bodily fluidsworking properly. When this one is balanced, you experience creativity, sexual satisfaction, concern for others, and prosperity.
  3. Solar Plexus Chakra - Third Chakra
    Color - yellow

    • Sanskrit Name - manipura
    • Physical Location - solar plexus Purposes - mental understanding of emotional life
    • Spiritual Lesson - acceptance of your place in the life stream. (self-love)Physical Dysfunctions-
    • stomach ulcers, intestinal tumors, diabetes, pancreatitis, indigestion,
    • anorexia/bulimia, hepatitis, cirrhosis, adrenal imbalances, arthritis,
    • colon diseasesMental and Emotional Issues - self esteem,
    • fear of rejection, oversensitivity to criticism, self-image fears,
    • fears of our secrets being found out, indecisiveness Information Stored Inside Sacral Chakra - personal power, personality, consciousness of self within the universe (sense of belonging), knowing
    • Area of Body Governed - upper abdomen, umbilicus to rib cage, liver, gallbladder, middle spine, spleen, kidney, adrenals, small intestines, stomach


    • Yellow:
    • The color of the Solar Plexus chakra, also known as Manipura. This chakra is located in the stomach area and is linked to organs & muscular system in that area. The Solar Plexus chakra is
    • representative of vitality and will. When this chakra is open, it acts to empower a person and help them find their personal strength. It will help turn dreams and goals into reality. Gemstones that will
    • aid the Solar Plexus chakra include amber, topaz, citrine, yellow calcite, yellow jasper.


    • Emotionally, a balanced solar plexus means you have respect for yourself
    • and others, strong nerves, and flexibility. If this Chakra is
    • imbalanced, you may experience depression and other emotional disorders.
  4. Heart Chakra -
    • Chakra Four - Associations Color - green, pink
    • Sanskrit Name - anahata Physical Location - center of chest Purposes - emotional empowerment Spiritual Lesson - forgiveness, unconditional love, letting go, trust, compassion Physical Disfunctions- heart conditions, asthma, lung & breast cancers, thoracic spine, pneumonia, upper back, shoulder problems Mental and Emotional Issues - love, compassion, confidence, inspiration, hope, despair, hate, envy, fear, jealousy, anger, generosity Information Stored Inside Heart Chakra - connections or "heart strings" to those whom we love
    • Area of Body Governed - heart, circulatory system, blood, lungs, rib cage, diaphragm, thymus, breasts, esophagus, shoulders, arms, hands


    • Green:
    • The color of the Heart chakra, also known as Anahata. This chakra is located at the center of the chest area and is linked to this entire area, the heart, lungs, circulatory system, and cardiac plexus.
    • The Heart Chakra bridges the gap between the physical and spiritual worlds. Opening the Heart chakra allows a person to love more, empathize, and feel compassion. Gemstones that will aid the
    • Heart chakra include emerald, tourmaline, aventurine, malachite, rose quartz, rhodonite, rhodochrosite.

    • *****
    • controls the heart, lungs, blood pressure, and breathing, but also unconditional love and compassion for yourself and others.
  5. Blue chakra -
    Chakra Five - Associations Color - blue

    • Sanskrit Name - vishuddhaPhysical Location - throat, neck region Purposes - learning to take responsibility for one's own needs Spiritual Lesson - confession, surrender personal will over to divine will, faith, truthfulness over deceit Physical Dysfunctions- sore throat, mouth ulcers, scoliosis, swollen glands, thyroid dysfunctions, laryngitis, voice problems, gum or tooth problems, TMJ Mental and Emotional Issues - personal expression, creativity, addiction, criticism, faith, decision making (choices), will, lack of authority Information Stored Inside Throat Chakra - self-knowledge, truth, attitudes, hearing, taste, smell
    • Area of Body Governed - throat, thyroid, trachea, neck vertebrae, mouth, teeth, gums, esophagus, parathyroid, hyperthalemus

    • Blue:
    • The color of the Throat chakra, also known as Visuddha. This chakra is
    • located in the throat. It is linked to the throat, neck, hands, and
    • arms. The Throat Chakra is connected with speech and hearing, and
    • encourages spiritual communication. Opening the Throat chakra improves clairaudience.
    • Gemstones that will aid the Throat chakra include turquoise, aquamarine, lapis, sodalite, quartz, angelite, aqua aura.

    • *****
    • communicate well with others, speak the truth, and listen to the truths of others. It also controls the Thyroid and parathyroid.
  6. Brow - Third Eye
    • Color - indigo
    • Sanskrit Name - ajna
    • Physical Location - center of the forehead Purposes - action of ideas, insight, mind development Spiritual Lesson - understanding, reality check point, detachment, open mindPhysical Dysfunctions- brain tumors, strokes, blindness, deafness, seizures, learning disabilities, spinal dysfunctions, panic, depression Mental and Emotional Issues - fear of truth, discipline, judgement, evaluation, emotional intelligence, concept of reality, confusion Information Stored Inside Sacral Chakra - seeing clear picture (symbolic or literal), wisdom, intuition, mental facilities, intellect
    • Area of Body Governed - brain, neurological system, eyes, ears, nose, pituitary, pineal glands


    • Indigo: The color of the Brow or Third-Eye chakra, also known as Ajna. This chakra is located at the top of the head.
    • This chakra is our link to the universal unconsciousness, Opening this
    • chakra can aid in clear sight, intuition, integrity, and lessens
    • feelings of despair. Gemstones amethyst, moonstone and augilite


    • Physically, the third eye governs your Pituitary gland, eyes, nose, and ears. Spiritually, when the third eye is balanced, you can receive intuitive information, wisdom, and not fear death. Balancing the third
    • eye also reduces stress and calms the mind.
  7. Crown
    • Color - violet, whiteSanskrit Name - sahasraraPhysical Location - top of head Purposes - intuitive knowing, connection to one's spirituality, integration of the whole Spiritual Lesson - spirituality, living in the NOW Physical Disfunctions-mystical depression, diseases of the muscular system, skeletal system
    • and the skin, chronic exhaustion not associated with physical ailments, sensitivity to light, sound, environment Mental and Emotional Issues- discovery of the divine, lack of purpose, loss of meaning or
    • identity, trust, selflessness, humanitarianism, ability to see the bigger picture in the life stream, devotion, inspiration, values, ethics
    • Information Stored Inside Crown Chakra - duality, magnetism, controlling patterns, emotional feelings (joy, anger, fear) Area of Body Governed - top center of the head, midline above the ears

    • Violet (purple)
    • is the color of the Crown chakra, also known as Sahasrara. This chakra
    • is located at the top of the head. The Crown chakra is linked to the
    • crown of the head, the nervous system, and the brain, and is
    • representative of pure thought. This chakra connects one with
    • the infinite consciousness. Opening this chakra will help tap into a
    • deep spiritual understanding. Gemstones that will aid the Crown chakra include diamond and clear quartz.


    • Chakra Seven - Associations Color - violet, whiteSanskrit Name - sahasraraPhysical Location - top of head Purposes - intuitive knowing, connection to one's spirituality, integration of the whole Spiritual Lesson - spirituality, living in the NOW Physical Disfunctions-
    • mystical depression, diseases of the muscular system, skeletal system
    • and the skin, chronic exhaustion not associated with physical ailments,
    • sensitivity to light, sound, environment Mental and Emotional Issues
    • - discovery of the divine, lack of purpose, loss of meaning or
    • identity, trust, selflessness, humanitarianism, ability to see the
    • bigger picture in the life stream, devotion, inspiration, values, ethics
    • Information Stored Inside Crown Chakra - duality, magnetism, controlling patterns, emotional feelings (joy, anger, fear) Area of Body Governed - top center of the head, midline above the ears


    • On a physical level, this Chakra controls your brain and Pineal gland.
    • On a spiritual level, it helps you feel connected to the divine and
    • everything in the universe.
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Chakra Basics