Dolben's Act of 1788
this act came about as slaves were being bought and sold to the new colonies. It forced owners to take better care of their slaves (charged $10,000 for every slave death), forced owners to have 50% of their slaves be women and children, and it forced owners to have 50% of their slave be between the ages of 15-18.
John Locke
a philosopher who challenged the divine right of kings and said that he believed more in the rights of man. He believed in 3 principles: there is no divine right of kings, the divine right of man, and he believed that every man had 3 inalienable rights (life, liberty, and property). Locke also believed that everyone should trust their government and if you don’t then it is your right to overthrow them.
Glorious Revolution
occurred in England when the people did not want King James II who was Catholic in control. They ask his daughter Mary to overthrow her father and take control and she does. This is called the Glorious Revolution because there is no blood shed.
English Bill of Rights
a series of laws created the Parliament (which consist of the House of Lords and the House of Commons). The English Bill of Rights led to “freedom from taxation by royal prerogative, without agreement by the Parliament” and “freedom to petition the king”
William and Mary
Mary was the daughter of King James II and William was her husband. They overthrew King James and took control over England. They began to rule in conjunction with parliament who works with the prime minister. This is called a “constitutional monarchy”
Stamp Act
was created for colonial citizens and stated that anything imported into the colonies that had a stamp on it would indeed be taxed. (enforced by England to help pay for the French and Indian War)
Thomas Paine's Common Sense
This book basically echoed everything that John Locke was saying but added one important thing. It stated to America “why do you need England when you beat the French in war...you can beat England too. Declare your independence.”
a new period during the renaissance which focused primarily on challenging authority
the colonial economy. Consisted of a very basic form of capitalism. Colonies produced raw material, sent to a mother country to be refined, sent back to the colonies.
Constitutional Monarchy
where the king and queen rules in conjunction with the parliament.
James II
was the king of England (Catholic); the father of Mary (married to William) was overthrown by his daughter based on Locke’s theory, which was called the Glorious Revolution
East India Trading Company
Was the means for English Income. They had a tea surplus and decided to send the tea to the colonies so that way, they will have to pay import taxes on the tea. This was one of the factors that led to the American Revolution.
Jean Jacques Rousseau
The French version of John Locke. He believed in liberty, equality, and brotherhood (believed in a collective unit called the “mob”). Rousseau also believed that if you don’t trust your gov’t that you should overthrow them.
The Mob
a group of men who stormed the bastille (prison), set the prisoners free, took all the weapons, and headed toward the Versailles (where King Louis 16th and Marie Antoinette live)
a place for political prisoners but also an armory (where weapons are stored).
French Estate System
broken into 3 categories --> Church (highest = 300 thou)...Nobility (middle = 500 thou)… Everyone else (lowest class = millions). The system they use is feudalism. This is one of the factors that led to the French Revolution.
Gens de coleur
free people of color.
Toussaint L' Ouverture
the leader of the Haitian Revolution. He can read and write and once he has finished with St. Domingue, he will move into the Dominican Republic.
Martin Luther and the 95 Theses
a young German priest who doesnt like the system of indulgences (donating money or offering labor and in return you are allowed to commit a sin and receive forgiveness). He writes a letter to the pope with 95 suggestions that he feels the church needs to make in order to get away from corruption. (Luther believes that good deeds are what gets you to heaven). After being kicked out of the Catholic church Luther forms Protestant Reformation (later called Lutheranism and followers are called reformers)
King Henry VII
breaks from Rome and creates the CHurch of England "Anglican" and he took the reformation and flipped it to fit his needs
The Inquisition
A church sanction trial where people who were suspected of practicing a different religion were sent and asked a series of questions. Was started by Queen Isabella in Spain and many who came before the inquisition were convicted of witchcraft
Printing Press
This gave people a reason to want to read which led them to reading the bible and eventually questioning different aspects of religion and forming their own opinion
began to question Earths place inthe spectru of things (believed that the Earth revolves around the sun)
Takes Copernicus idea and expands on it ti see if it is really true (Galileo builds a telescope and believes that there might be ther planets, the moon is not perfect and the sun has spots)
Isaac Newton
Proved that things in space were not in place by God or Angels but rather by gravity
Scientific Revolution
Began during the Renasissance period and science comes into play and people begin to question God's role
Mita system
a system where land is attached to a mining area and whoever lives on that land, you own them as well and they will work in the mines
Just a land grant that comes with laborers. Can be used to grow one crop or can be used to start a farm
Bartolome de lad Casas
a priest who did not believe in the torture and mistreatment of slaves. Believed that they ad souls and could be converted. He talked and listened to the slaves and wrote what they had to say down in a letter to the King of Spain; was successful in passing the New Laws which made it illegal to enslave Native Americans
Henry the Navigator
Was sent out by Portugal to scope out Africa and attempt to find another trade route to buy from the Indians since the Muslims would not trade with them anymore. He taps into the African trade route and then discovers that they trade slaves as well
Christopher Columbus
sent out by Ferdinand and Isabella and landed in the bahamas. Was offered 3 incentives: admiral of the Ocean sea, governor of new land, 10% of whatever he finds, 3 ships.
Ferdinand and Isabella
Ferdinand wanted money and to expand his empire, Isabella was interested in religion and wanted to convert everyone to Catholic
Treaty of Tordesilas
A law created by the pope and only God can read it. Created a line through the world and Spain receive everything on the west and Portugal got everything on the East