dental radiology

  1. why is an opaque film mount preferred over other types of film mounts?
    because it masks the light around each radiograph
  2. name 5 reasons why a film mount is used
    • quicker and easier to view and interpret
    • easily stored in pt record and readily accesible
    • decrease chance of error in determining right and left side
    • decrease handling of films and prevents damage to emulsion
    • mask illumination
  3. what information is placed on the film mount? and when is it written there?
    • pts full name
    • date of exposure
    • dentist's name
    • radiographer's name
    • before radiographs are mounted
  4. a small raised bump on the radiograph
    identification dot
  5. radiographs are placed in the film mount with the raised side of the identification dot facing the viewer. radiographs are viewed as if the viewer is looking directly at the pt.
    labial mounting
  6. radiographs placed on the film mount with the depressed side of the identification dot facing the viewer. radiographs are viewed as if the viewer is inside the mouth looking out.
    lingual mounting
  7. is the labial or lingual mounting method preferred?
  8. what are you looking for in a mounted radiograph sheet?
    • unerupted, missing, and impacted teeth
    • dental caries and the size and shape of pulp cavities
    • bony changes, the level of alveolar bone and calculus
    • roots and periapical areas
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dental radiology