
  1. Jargon
    Professional specialized or specific vocab for business. Initials and specific terms.
  2. Slang
    Terminology that quickly goes out of fashion. (Dude, Like, Totally)
  3. Paralanguage
    Voicetone, quality, loud, soft, volume, whisper, rate, pitch
  4. Haptics
    Touching, shake hands, pat on shoulder, embrace, hold hands.
  5. Proxemics
    The space around you- Intimate, personal, social, and public spaces, territory.
  6. Kinesics
    Bodylanguage, appearance (hair, clothing, teeth, body size, facial, fingernails)Eye contact, gestures, posture, glasses, blinking, smile, frown.
  7. Chronemics
    How time is structured—time messaging. (always late, always watching the clock/asking time, waste time)
  8. Artifacts
    Man-made, facial hair, jewelry, tattoos, types of vehicles, uniforms. And piercings.
  9. Silence
    Power messaging, used for communicating feelings, used to prevent communication.Positive, negative, intentional, unintentional.
  10. Culture
    The set of values, beliefs, norms, customs that lead people to define themselves as a distinct group.
  11. Pseudo Listening
    Not listening, distracted, concentrating of something else. (daydream)
  12. Transactional
    Exchange of active communication simultaneously
  13. Pragmatic
    Takes practical approach to problems
  14. Ambiguous
    Communication the delivers a cloudy or unclear message.
  15. Channel
    Method used to deliver message from encoder
  16. Encoder
    One who creates a message, assign meaning, respond, remember message.
  17. Decoder
    One who attaches meaning to words, symbols, or behaviors.
  18. External Noise
    Listening challenges that are external, in the environment.
  19. Internal Noise
    Listening barrier within the person that hinders decoding a message.
  20. Dyadic
    Communication that takes place with just two individual.
  21. Feedback
    Recognizable response of a receiver to a senders message.
  22. Ethnocentric
    Persons pride in own heritage leading to "better than others" attitude
  23. Paraphrase
    Listen to another and restate the message in own words
  24. Stereotype
    Categorizing people, events, objects without regard to others.
  25. Ethics
    An individual system of moral principles
  26. Interpersonal
    Creating and sharing information between two or more people
  27. Intrapersonal
    Process of understanding information with one's self.
  28. Plagiarism
    Using words or ideas from another author without citing the source.
  29. Communication
    Transmission of a message sent by an encoder to a decoder through verbal, non verbal, or written channels
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Speech Words