Restorative Arts Bones of Skull

  1. Bone of Cranium (8)
    • 2 parietal bones
    • 2 temporal bones
    • 1 frontal bone
    • 1 occipital bone
    • 1 sphenoid bone
    • 1 ethmoid bone
  2. 2 parietal bone
    parietal eminences
  3. 2 temporal bones
    • squama
    • zygomatic arch
    • external auditor meatus
    • mandibular fossa
    • mastoid process
  4. 1 frontal bone
    • frontal eminences
    • supraorbaital margin
    • supercilary arches
    • glabella
  5. 1 occipital bone
    • foramen magnum
    • occipital protuberance
  6. 1 sphenoid bone
    • greater wing
    • lesser wing
    • sella turcica
  7. 1 ethmoid bone
    • crista galli
    • cribriform plate
    • perpendicular plate
  8. sutures of the cranium
    • squamosal
    • lambdodial
    • coronal
    • sagittal
  9. squamosal
    joins each parietal bone with the corresponding temporal bone
  10. lambdoidal
    joins each parietal bone with the occipital bone
  11. coronal
    joins the frontal bone with each parietal bone
  12. sagittal
    joins the two parietal bone
  13. Bone of the face (14)
    • 1 mandible
    • 2 maxilla
    • 2 zygomatic bones
    • 2 lacrimal bones
    • 2 nasal bones
    • 2 inferior nasal conchae
    • 2 palatine bones
    • 1 vomer
  14. 1 mandible
    • body of the mandible
    • angle of the jaw
    • ramus
    • coronid process
    • condyle of the ramus
    • alveolar process
    • mental eminence
    • incisive fossa
  15. 2 maxilla
    • body of the maxilla
    • alveolar process
    • nasal spine
  16. 2 zygomatic bones
    • zygomatic co-frontal process
    • zygomatic arch
  17. There are 22 bones of the Skull
    • 8 are in pairs (two of each for a total of 16)
    • 6 are single bones
  18. There are 14 bones of the face
    • 6 are in pairs (two of each for a total of 12)
    • 2 are single bones
  19. There are 8 bones of the Cranium
    • 2 are in pairs (two of each for a total of 4)
    • 4 are single bones
  20. parietal eminence
    • 2 parietal bones are smooth & convex in curvature
    • ea. is marked near its center by a Parietal Eminence
    • the widest part of the cranium is measured the between the Parietal Eminences
    • they are located a short distance above the posterior border of the ear
  21. squama
    • is the vertical portion of the Temporal Bone
    • is scale-like, thin, & translucent
  22. Four structures employed as guides in replacement & positioning of the reconstructed ear are:
    Zygomatic Arch, Mandibular Fossa, Mastoid Process, External Auditory Meatus
  23. zygomatic arch
    • projects from the lower part of the squama
    • it is long, thin and arched
    • is used to establish the widest part of the face & to locate the correct position of the reconstructed ear.
    • it divides the ear into equal halves
  24. External auditory meatus
    • is the opening of the ear passage, the front border of the ear is in aligment with this opening
    • is the primary structure for the accurate location & position of a reconstructed ear
  25. mandibular fossa
    • is a small oval depression on the under-surface of the Temporal bone, it's located posterior to the Zygomatic Arch
    • The Condyle of the lower jaw fits into the socket of the mandibular fosssa
    • is the hinge for the lower jaw
  26. mastoid process
    of the process Temporal Bone creates the posterior part of the bone, Physiognomically, it is situated under the ear lobe.
  27. frontal eminences (2)
    • are rounded un-margined prominences, at the upper part of the forehead, they are found on each side of the forehead
    • they vary in size & prominence, they may be indistinct & asymmetrical
  28. supraorbital margins (2)
    forms the upper rim of the eye-socket, it lies inerior to the level of the Superciliary Arches
  29. superciliary arches (2)
    physiognomically, it lies above the medial ends of the eyebrows, they are on the lower part of the forehead
  30. glabella (1)
    is the small smooth elevation which lies between the Superciliary Arches
  31. Foreamen magnum
    • it has a large opening which permits entry of the spinal cord
    • in osteology, the word foramen refers to an opening (or hole) in a bone
  32. occipital protuberance
    • is a small jutting eminence which may be felt through scalp, it may serve as a landmark for finding the Foramen Magnum
    • occipital comes from the word Occiput meaning the back or posterior part of the head or skull
  33. greater wing
    looks like a wing ( or wings) it helps make up the floor of the cranial cavity, the back of the eye-sockets and part of the temple area
  34. lesser wing
    anatomists say it resembles a pair of horns, helps make up the floor of the cranial cavity, the back of the eye-sockets, and part of the temple area
  35. sella turcia
    is a landmark of the sphenoid bone, it holds or cradles the pituitary gland
  36. Crista galli
    christa cock
  37. cribriform plate
    of the ethmoid bone is the flat superior surface of the E bone and is part of the floor of the cranial cavity it has many small holes
  38. perpendicular plate
    • of the ethmoid bone is a thin flat plate of bone which extends down in to the nasal cavity on the midline.
    • makes up part of the nasal septum
  39. sagittal suture
    • 2 parietal bones articulate with each other at the Sagittal Suture
    • marks the highest or most superior part of the cranial dome
  40. Body of the Mandible
    • is curved in the form of a horseshoe and has 3 important structures
    • The Alveolar process
    • The Mental Eminences
    • The Incisive Fossa
  41. ramus of the mandible
    2 perpendicular structures on ea. side of the mandible
  42. coronoid process of the ramus
    condyle of the ramus
    • ea. ramus terminates in 2 processes, the coronoid process & the condyle of the ramus
    • condyle is the posterior process which rests in the socket of the Temporal Bone.
  43. alveolar process of the mandible
    • has 16 sockets for the teeth
    • normally the inferior teeth are set slightly within those of the upper jaw to afford a satisfactory "bite"
    • the position of the lower jaw affects the surface contour of the mouth, the lower lip should be slightly posterior to the upper lip
    • normally the upper & lower teeth are not tightly contracted, there is a slight interval between them
    • tight= not a relaxed appearance
    • tight facial muscles= a change in the form of the cheeks
  44. the mental eminence
    • is a marked by a faint vertical ride on the midline of the body of the mandible
    • it divides & encloses the triangular landmark
  45. incisive fossa
    • between the mental eminence & the incisor teeth, the surface recedes
    • word fossa always indicates a depression or concave recession
    • its a recession that is most readily seen from the profile view, its responsible for the recession of the central plane of the lower lip
  46. zygomaticofrontal process
    forms the lateral & lower rim of the eye-socket
  47. alveolar process of the maxilla
    • are the thickest & most spongy part of the Maxillae
    • they are sockets for the teeth, their are 16
  48. lacrimal bones (2)
    • comes from latin word for tears, the smallest & most fragile bone of the face
    • it is situated at the front part of the medial wall of the orbit (eye-socket)
  49. two orbits sell for less
    • Sphenoid, ethmoid, lacrimal= SEL
    • lacrimal, ethmoid, sphenoid= LES
  50. nasal bone (2)
    • articulate directly inferior to the glabella
    • viewed in profile, they "dip" posteriorly below the glabella
    • together they create a dome over the superior part of the nasal cavity
  51. inferior nasal conchae (2)
    • bony ridge or ledge on thelateral wall of the nasal cavity
    • is one of the turbinates in the nose, it extends horizontally along the lateral wall of the nasal cavity
  52. palatine bone(2)
    • are 2 small bones which help form the posterior part of the roof of the mouth
    • these bones give us the word "palate" which refers to the roof of the mouth
  53. vomer(1)
    • is latin for plowshare, it's located on the midline in the base of the nasal cavity along with the perpindicular plate of the ethmoid bone it forms the nasal septum
    • its the wall that divides the nasal cavity into right & left parts
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Restorative Arts Bones of Skull
Restorative Arts Bones of Skull