criteria for Mental Retardation
- significantly sub-average intellectual functioning ( IQ 70 or below)
- concurrent deficits or impairments in adaptive functioning in two of the following areas: communication, self care, home living, social/interpersonal skills, work, leisure, health
- onset before 18 years
Mild retardation
IQ is 55 to 70
Moderate retardation
IQ is 40-54
severe retardation
IQ is 25-39
profound retardation
IQ is below 25
features of fetal alcohol syndrome
- the most preventable cause of MR
- epicanthal folds
- low nasal bridge
- short nows
- indistinct philtrum
- small head circumference
- wide set eyes
- thin upper limit
perinatal causes of MR
- fetal malnutrition
- premature birth
- fetal hypoxia
- birth trauma
mental status exam findings for MR
- communication deficits
- dependency
- passivity
- poor self-esteem
- low frustration tolerance
- aggressiveness
- stereotypic, repetitive motor movements
- self-injurious behavior
onset and clinical symptoms of autism
- onset before 3 years- before 30 months
- impaired development in social interaction and communication
- language disturbance ( delayed, deviant, echolalia)
- stereotypic behavior ( hair pulling, flapping arms, rocking)
- self-injurious behavior (wrist biting, hair pulling)
mental status findings of Autism
- little or no eye contact
- flat or blunted affect
- lack of emotional reciprocity
- stereotypic or repetitive motor movements
criteria for Asperger's Disorder
- severe and sustained impairment in social interaction as seen by:
- failure to develop appropriate peer relationships
- impairments in use of non-verbal behavior
- lack of social or emotional reciprocity
- restricted, repetitive behaviors in the following areas:
- preoccupation with one or more stereotyped, restricted pattern of interest
- inflexible adherence to specific, nonfunctional routines or rituals
- normal intelligence, good verbal skills
- impulsivity or aggression are common
- common with tic disorders
Rett's disorder
- characterized by development of multiple deficits following a period of normal functioning
- deceleration of head growth between 5 and48 months
- loss of language skills
- loss of previously acquired purposeful hand skills
- loss of interest in social environment
- only in girls
childhood disintegrative disorder
- characterized by significant regression in multiple areas of functioning after at least 2 years of normal growth and development
- loss of social skills or adaptive behavior
- loss of bowel or bladder control
- loss of play and motor skills
- occurs between ages 3 and 4
applied behavioral analysis (ABA)
- treatment for autism, other pervasive developmental disorders
- teaches appropriate behaviors that are to be generalized to all domains of a child's environment
pharmacologic treatments for PDD
- antipsychotics: for aggression, agitation, irritability, hyperactivity
- SSRIs: for anxiety, perseveration, compulsions, depression and social isolation
- stimulants: for hyperactivity and inattention
- alpha-2 agonists: for hyperactivity and inattention
- naltrexone: for self-injurious behavior
- amantadine: for hyperactivity, irritability and aggression
- melatonin: for sleep dysregulation
- characterized by persistent inattention, hyperactivity and impulsiveness
- persistent need for stimulation, over-focus on activities of enjoyment, hypersensitive perception of justice
- avoidance or difficulty completing tasks that are challengin
ADHD comorbidities
- anxiety
- depression
- mood disorder
- learning disorders
Learning disorders
- verbal: problems with reading and writing, usually identified in 1st grade
- nonverbal: mathematics, can go undetected until 5th grade
- low self-esteem and poor social skills are common
- early identification, effective intervention and lack of co-existing problems associated with better outcomes
communication disorders
communication deficit that hinders development, academic achievement or activities of daily living, including socialization
Expressive Language Disorder
- impaired ability to communicate through verbal and sign language
- difficulty learning new words and speaking in complete sentences
- speech is limited
- disorder can be present at birth or acquired as result of neurologic/brain injury
Mixed Receptive/Expressive language disorder
- combination of expressive language disorder and difficulty understanding ( receiving) and determining the meaning of words and sentences
- may be present at birth or acquired from neurologic/brain injury
Phonologic Disorder
- problem with articulation- forming sounds associated with speech
- familial
- occur more in boys than girls
- disturbance of normal fluency and time patterning of speech
- familial
- more common in boys than girls
Developmental coordination disorder
- impaired coordination severe enough to interfere with academic achievement or activities of daily living
- becomes evident when child attempts to crawl or walk or an older child tries to dress independently or manipulate toys
- often co-exists with communication disorder, can persist into adulthood
Separation Anxiety Disorder
- school phobia often
- occurs in 4% of school age children
- runs in families
- may emerge after a change
- treatment: antidepressants, psychotherapy, behavior therapy
- involuntary excretion or urination after at age of attainment of bladder control
- common in boys
- need to limit fluid intake in evening
- soiling clothes with feces or depositing feces in inappropriate places
- more common in boys
- usually not result of physical problems
- use educational and behavioral interventions