Chem 1 study guide 2

  1. Anion (2)
    an ion with a negative charge
  2. Atom (3)
    the smallest particle of an element that can exist and retain all of the properties of that element
  3. Atomic number (2)
    the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom. The atomic number is also equal to the number of electrons in an atom.
  4. Atomic weight (2)
    approximately equal to the number of protons plus the number of neutrons
  5. Cation (2)
    an ion with a positive electrical charge
  6. Combining capacity
  7. Diatomic molecules
  8. Electron dot structure
  9. Electronegativity (2)
  10. Electronic configuration
  11. Electrons
    particles found outside the nucleus of atoms having a -1 charge
  12. Element number
  13. Formula
    alphabetic symbol representing one molecule of a compound
  14. Inert
  15. ion (3)
    an atom that develops an electical charge during a chemical reaction
  16. ionization
    breaking apart into ions when placed in a solution (such as dissolbing table salt in water)
  17. Molecule
  18. neutrons
    atomic particle found in the nucleus of an atom having a neutral (0) charge
  19. Nucleus of an atom
  20. Orbits or Shells of an atom
  21. Oxidation number
    the number of electrons transferred or shared in a chemical reaction
  22. Polyatomic Ion
    atoms that are checmically bonded and as a group have a net electrical charge and remain together as a group during a chemical reaction (synonymous with radical)
  23. Polyatomic molecules
  24. prontons
    atomic particle found in the nucleus of an atom having a +1 charge
  25. radical
    atoms that are checmically bonded and as a group have a net electrical charge and remain together as a group during a chemical reaction
  26. valence
  27. Valence electrons
    the electrons in the outermost energy level of an atom
  28. A "charged atom is called
  29. A charged group of atoms that stay together & act as a single unit in a chemical reation is what? (2 names)
  30. A group of symbols that represents all of the elements present in a compound is
  31. A measurement of how well electrons are held onto by the nucleus of an atom is
  32. An atom that has either a positive or a negative charge is called
  33. An atom that has gained electrons is called
  34. An atom that has lost electrons is
  35. An atom that has lost or gained electrons is
  36. An ion with a negative charge is
  37. Elements are made up of very small units of matter called
  38. Give the formula that tells us there are two combined atoms of copper?
  39. Group VII of the periodic table of the elements is known as
  40. Group VIII of the periodic table is known as
  41. How are the elements arranged horizontally on the periodic table?
  42. How are the elements arranged vertically on the periodic table?
  43. How does an ion get it's charge?
  44. In a chemical reactions, elements in groups IV through VII will tend to do what?
  45. In chemical reactions, elements found in groups I, II, and III will tend to do what?
  46. Ions which are positively charged are
  47. Know the elctrical charge associated with each of the following: Proton, Neutron, Electron
  48. Know the mass of each of the following: proton, newtron, electron
  49. Know the names and formulas for the required polyatomic ions on page 22 of the text
  50. The arrangement of the elctrons around the nucleus of an atom is called
  51. The attraction between the nucleus and the valence electrons refers to what?
  52. The basic structural unit of an element is the
  53. The combination of two or more atoms is
  54. The combination of two or more elements is
  55. The electrons in the outermost shell are called
  56. The electrons responsible for the physical and chemical properties of an element are
  57. The electrons are horizontally arranged in the periodic table in what order?
  58. The number of valence electrons is equal to what of the periodic table?
  59. The number of valence electrons will tell us what?
  60. The periodic table arranges the elements according to similar chemical properties. These vertical groupings are called what are these columns called? (2 names)
  61. The smallest portion of an element that retains all the properties of that element is
  62. The term "inert" means
  63. The three names for the electrical charge formed when an atom loses or gains electrons are
  64. Those elements whose atoms have eight valence electrons or a full outermost shell are the most stable. These elements are known as the
  65. What determins the atomic number of an element?
  66. What do the dots stand for in the electron dot structure?
  67. What does each of the following mean: Cl, Cl2, 2Cl, 2Cl2
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Chem 1 study guide 2
Chem 1 study guide 2