
  1. 4 types of tissues
    • 1. epithelial
    • 2. connective
    • 3. muscle
    • 4. nervous
  2. Epithelial: (4)
    • 1. covers body & many of its parts
    • 2. forms continuous sheets
    • 3. contains no blood vessels
    • 4. cells packed closely together
  3. Shapes of cells (epithelial): (3)
    • 1. Squamous...flat, scalelike
    • 2. Cuboidal...cube-shaped
    • 3. Columnar...taller than they are wide
  4. Arrangements of cells (epithelial): (3)
    • 1. Simple...single layer of same shaped cells
    • 2. Stratified...many layers of same shaped cells
    • 3. Transitional...many layers of differently shaped cells
  5. Types of Epithelial Tissue: (6)
    • 1. Simple Squamous E.T.
    • 2. Stratified Squamous E.T.
    • 3. Simple Columnar E.T.
    • 4. Stratified Transitional E.T.
    • 5. Pseudostratified E.T.
    • 6. Glandular/Simple Cuboidal E.T.
  6. Simple Squamous E.T.: (looks, fx, find, & imp. note)
    • Looks: single layer of flat, scale-like cells
    • Fx.: absorption
    • Find: make up lungs
    • Imp. note: very thin, so air goes in & out easily; one layer allows it to be even easier for oxygen to get in & out vs. many layers
  7. Stratified Squamous E.T.: (looks, fx, find)
    • Looks: many layers of flat, scale-like cells
    • Fx.: protection
    • Find: skin
  8. Simple Columnar E.T. (looks, fx, find)
    • Looks: single layer of cells that are taller than they are wide
    • Fx.: absorption
    • Find: digestive system (stomach, intestines, etc.)
  9. Stratified Transitional E.T.: (looks, fx, find, & imp. note)
    • Looks: many layers of cuboidal cells
    • Fx.: protection
    • Find: urinary bladder
    • Imp. note: stretches
  10. Pseudostratified E.T.: (looks, fx, find)
    • Looks: appears as 2 layers, really only one
    • Fx.: protection
    • Find: lining of trachea
  11. Glandular/Simple Cuboidal E.T.: (looks, fx, find)
    • Looks: single layer of cube-shaped cells
    • Fx.: secretion (opposite of protection)
    • Find: groups of cells called glands
  12. Connective Tissue: (5, 1 w/ 2 subcategories)
    • 1. most abundant tissue type in body
    • 2. found in skin, membranes, muscles, bones, blood, & internal organs
    • 3. looks like delicate, paperthin webs; strong, touch cords; rigid bones; & fluid like blood
    • 4. quality & appearance of C.T. determined by 2 things
    • a. Matrix
    • b. fibers
    • 5. made up of fewer cells than E.T.
  13. Matrix
    intercellular fluid
  14. fibers: (3)
    • tough
    • made of strong, white collagen
    • strengthens C.T.
  15. Types of C.T.: (7)
    mnemonic = Adorably Amusing Babies Can Find Happy Blankies
    • 1. Areolar
    • 2. Adipose
    • 3. Bone
    • 4. Cartilage
    • 5. Fibrous
    • 6. Hemopoietic
    • 7. Blood
  16. Areolar C.T.: (4)
    • 1. most widely distributed
    • 2. like glue
    • 3. gives organs form
    • 4. matrix = gel-like
  17. Adipose: (2)
    • 1. fat tissue
    • 2. stores lipids
  18. Fibrous: (1 + ex.)
    • 1. contains lot of collagen fibers in matrix
    • 2. example = tendons
  19. Bone: (1)
    matrix = rigid/hard & calcified
  20. Cartilage: (1)
    matrix = gel-like
  21. Blood: (1)
    matrix = liquid
  22. Hemopoietic/hematopoietic: (2)
    • 1. in red bone marrow cavities
    • 2. responsible for formation of blood cells
  23. Muscle Tissues: (2)
    • 1. allows us to move (movement specialist)
    • 2. able ot contract (shorten)
  24. Types of Muscle Tissue: (3)
    • 1. Skeletal
    • 2. Cardiac
    • 3. Smooth/visceral
  25. Skeletal: (3)
    • 1. voluntary muscle (we have control over it)
    • 2. attaches to bone
    • 3. produces controlled movements
  26. Cardiac: (2)
    • 1. involuntary
    • 2. makes up the walls of the heart
  27. Smooth/Visceral: (3)
    • 1. involuntary
    • 2. makes up walls of blood vessels
    • 3. lines hollow internal organs (ex. intestines, stomach)
  28. Nervous Tissue: (function)
  29. Types of Nervous Tissue: (2)
    • 1. neurons
    • 2. neuroglia
  30. neurons: (1)
    1. conducting units
  31. neuroglia: (1)
    1. supporting units
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about tissues