Ch4 / Ch8

  1. Balanced scorecard
    a methodology
  2. baseline
    the approved project
  3. BSM
    tools that help track the execution of business
  4. capitalization rate
    the rate used in discounting future cash flow
  5. cash flow
    benefits minus costs or income
  6. CCB
    a formal group of people
  7. change control system
    a formal, documented process
  8. configuration management
    a process that ensures
  9. cost of capital
    the return available by investing the capital elsewhere
  10. directives
    new requirements imposed by management
  11. discount factor
    a multiplier for each year
  12. discount rate
    the rate used in discounting future cash flow
  13. integrated change control
    identifying, evaluating, and managing changes
  14. interface management
    identifying and managing the points of interaction between various elements of a project
  15. IRR
    the discount rate that results in an NPV of zero for a project
  16. mind mapping
    a technique that uses branches radiating out
  17. NPV
    a method of calculating the expected net monetary gain or loss
  18. opportunities
    chances to improve the organization
  19. opportunity cost of capital
    the rate used in discounting future cash flow
  20. organizational process assets
    formal and informal plans, policies, procedures, guidelines
  21. payback period
    the amount of time it will take to recoup
  22. problems
    undesirable situations that prevent the organization from achieving its goals
  23. project charter
    a document that formally recognizes the existence of a project and provides direction on the project's objectives and management
  24. project integration management
    processes that coordinate all project management
  25. project management plan
    a document used to coordinate all project planning documents
  26. required rate of return
    the minimum acceptable rate of return on an investment
  27. ROI
    (benefits minus costs) divided by costs
  28. strategic planning
    determining long-term objectives by analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of an organization
  29. SWOT
    Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats
  30. weighted scoring model
    a technique that provides a systematic process
  31. quality planning
    identifying which quality standards
  32. reliability
    ability of a product or service to perform
  33. rework
    action taken to bring rejected items
  34. Robust Design methods
    methods that focus on eliminating defects
  35. run chart
    chart that displays the history and pattern of variation
  36. scatter diagram
    diagram that helps to show if there is a relationship between two variables
  37. seven run rule
    if seven data points in a row on a quality control
  38. six 9s of quality
    a measure of quality control equal to 1 fault in 1 million
  39. Six Sigma
    a comprehensive and flexible system for achieving
  40. software defect
    anything that must be changed before delivery of the program
  41. SQFD
    a maturity model that focuses on defining
  42. standard deviation
    a measure of how much variation exists in a distribution of data
  43. statistical sampling
    choosing part of a population of interest for inspection
  44. system outputs
    the screens and reports the system generates
  45. system testing
    testing the entire system as one entity to ensure
  46. unit test
    a test of eah individual component (often a program)
  47. user acceptance testing
    an independent test performed by end users prior
  48. yield
    the number of units handled correctly
  49. benchmarking
    a technique used to generate ideas for quality improvements
  50. CMMI
    a process improvement approach that provides organizations
  51. cause-and-effect diagram
    diagram that traces complaints
  52. conformance
    delivering products that meet
  53. conformance to requirements
    the projects processes and products meet written specifications
  54. control chart
    a graphic display of data that illustrates
  55. cost of nonconformace
    taking responsibility for failures
  56. cost of quality
    the cost of conformance plus
  57. defect
    any instance where the product or service
  58. DMAIC
    a systematic, closed-loop process for continued
  59. design of experiments
    a quality technique that helps identify
  60. external failure cost
    a cost related to all errors not detected and corrected
  61. features
    the special characteristics that appeal to users
  62. fishbone diagram
    diagram that traces complaints about quality
Card Set
Ch4 / Ch8
Project Mangement