network management

  1. Management Interoperability Subdimensions
    • The communication viewpoint
    • The function viewpoint
    • The information viewpoint
  2. Analogy
    Two persons want to successfully conduct a business interaction
  3. communication viewpoint
    must hear each other and must speak the same language
  4. function viewpoint
    know what services they can provide
  5. information viewpoint
    clear about what you are talking about
  6. Communications Rules Need to be Established
    How is the agent supposed to react if two messages that seemingly contain the same request are received?
  7. Informational
    • Introduces common terminology between manager
    • and agent
  8. Standards
    The role of standards is to establish common rules that everyone adheres to.
  9. Management Interoperability Standards
    The rules for management message exchange, and the way in which management messages encode information
  10. Management Life Cycle
    • Plan
    • -Current and forecasted needs
    • Deploy
    • –Install, configure, and turn up
    • equipment
    • Operations
    • –Monitoring, tuning, statistics
    • Decommission
    • –Orderly plan to replace or
    • eliminate equipment
  11. Telecommunications Management Network
    • a set of standards by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU-T)
    • related to the principles for how networks used to manage
    • telecommunication networks are to be constructed and which standards they should adhere to.
  12. Element management
    Managing individual devices and keeping them running
  13. Network management
    Managing relationships and dependencies between elements (devices)
  14. Services management
    Managing the services provided by the network
  15. Business management
    Billing, help-desk, business forecasting, etc.
  16. Network element
    The management agent
  17. (FCAPS)
    Fault, Configuration, Accounting, Performance, Security
  18. Standardize
    Common tasks should follow a predefined template
  19. Cryptography
    a branch of mathematics used to protect information.
  20. cipher
    the mathematical function used to scramble
  21. encrypt
    the message so it can be unscrambled
  22. decrypted
    by the intended recipient, but not by anyone else
  23. Plaintext
    the message you wish to send/encrypt
  24. Ciphertext
    the message after its encrypted
  25. Key
    • similar to a password, used to access your data
    • Measured in bits
  26. Breaking the code
    Brute force (key search) attack
  27. Private Key Cryptography
    • Sender and receiver must share a key, which
    • must be kept private
  28. DES
    56 bit key
  29. Diffie-Hellman Public Key System
    • Used frequently in Cisco routers
    • Each participant starts with his or her own secret key
  30. RSA Algorithm
    • Public key system used by PGP and others
    • Key servers server public keys for people over the Internet.
  31. PGP
    • Plaintext is encrypted with session key
    • Session key is a 1-time use symmetrical key randomly generated
  32. The receiver uses
    SECRET key to decrypt
  33. The sender uses
    PUBLIC key to encrypt the message/text
  34. Digital Signatures
    A message digest function produces a number (with PGP, a 128-bit number) with the message
  35. PGP
    • Your keys are kept on keyrings
    • Your secret key is stored encrypted using IDEA encryption
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network management
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