Genesis (Chapter-Events)

  1. Chapter One
    Creation of the World
  2. Chapter 2
    • -day of rest
    • -events of creation
  3. Chapter 3
    First Sin and Consequences
  4. Chapter 4
    Cain Kills Abel
  5. Chapter 5
    Genealogy from Adam to Noah
  6. Chapter 6
    Noah obeys God while living in a land of evil
  7. Chapter 7
    Noah and his family in the arc during the flood
  8. Chapter 8
    • -Waters recede
    • -Noah returns to dry land
  9. Chapter 9
    • -Meat given for food
    • -Law of Capital Punishment
    • -Covenant of the Rainbow
    • -Curse on Canaan
  10. Chapter 10
    Genealogy of Noah's sons
  11. Chapter 11
    • -Tower of Babel
    • -Languages Divided
  12. Chapter 12
    Abram moves to Canaan and decieves Pharaoh on the way
  13. Chapter 13
    • -Lot and Abram seperate
    • -God blesses Abram
  14. Chapter 14
    Abram rescues Lot
  15. Chapter 15
    God blesses Abram
  16. Chapter 16
    Hagar and Ishmael
  17. Chapter 17
    Covenant of Circumcision
  18. Chapter 18
    • -Abram visited by 3 angelic beings
    • -Abram pleads with God for Sodom and Gommorah
  19. Chapter 19
    • -Lot rescued from Sodom and Gommorah
    • -Sodom and Gommorah destroyed
    • -Lot's daughters
  20. Chapter 20
    Abram decieves Abimalech
  21. Chapter 21
    Birth of Isaac and Ishmael cast away
  22. Chapter 22
    • -Abraham almost sacrifices Isaac
    • -Genealogy to Rebekah
  23. Chapter 23
    • -Death of Sarah
    • -Abraham buys burial property from Edom
  24. Chapter 24
    -Abraham's servant led by God retrieves Rebekah to be Isaac's wife
  25. Chapter 25
    • - Abraham's wife Keturah
    • -Abraham's death
    • -Ishmael's Children
    • -Birth of Jacob and Esua
    • -Esua sells his birthright to Jacob
  26. Chapter 26
    • -God renews his covenant with Isaac
    • -Isaac decieves Abimelech
    • -Esua's wives
  27. Chapter 27
    Jacob recieves Isaac's blessing instead of Esua
  28. Chapter 28
    • -Jacob flees to Laban
    • -Esua marries Ismael's daughters
    • -Jacob's Dream and Vow at Bethel
  29. Chapter 29
    • -Jacob marries Leah, then Rachel
    • -Leah's first set of children
  30. Chapter 30
    • -More of Jacob's Children
    • -Jacob's wages from Labann
  31. Chapter 31
    • -Jacob flees Laban
    • -The Stolen Idols
    • -Jacob and Laban's Covenant
  32. Chapter 32
    • -Jacob tries to appease Esua
    • -Jacob Wrestles with God or an Angel (His name is changed to Israel)
  33. Chapter 33
    • -Jacob reconciled with Esau
    • -Jacob moves to Shechem
  34. Chapter 34
    • -Shechem violates Dinah
    • -Simeon and Levi's revenge
  35. Chapter 35
    • -Jacob leaves for Bethel
    • - God's Covenant renewed with Israel
    • -Rachel dies at Benjamin's birth
    • -Ruben's Sin
    • -Jacob's Sons
    • -Isaac's Death
  36. Chapter 36
    Generations of Esua
  37. Genesis 37
    • -Joseph's Dream
    • -Joseph sold into slavery
  38. Chapter 38
    Judah and Tamar
  39. Chapter 39
    • -Joseph serves Potipahar
    • -Joseph's Integrity
    • -Joseph's Imprisonment
  40. Chapter 40
    Joseph interprets dreams while in prison
  41. Chapter 41
    Joseph interprets Pharoah's dream and is given authority
  42. Chapter 42
    • -Jacob's Sons get grain and see Joseph (unknowingly)
    • -He tells them to get Benjamin
  43. Chapter 43
    Jacob's sons return to Egypt with Benjamin and our brought into Joseph's room
  44. Chapter 44
    • -The Silver Cup
    • -Judah pleads for Benjamin
  45. Chapter 45
    • -Joseph reveals his idenity
    • -They are sent home to tell Jacob
  46. Chapter 46
    • -Jacob comes to Egypt
    • -Son's of Jacob's Sons
    • -Jacob request the Land of Goshen
  47. Chapter 47
    • -Pharoah allows Jacob's family to live in Goshen
    • -Joseph sells grain to the people
    • -Israel requests to be buried in the family burial site
  48. Chapter 48
    Jacob blesses Joseph's sons
  49. Chapter 49
    Jacob's last words to his family and final wish
  50. Chapter 50
    • -Jacob buried
    • -Jacob's sons beg Joseph's forgiveness
    • -Joseph dies after long life in Egypt
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Genesis (Chapter-Events)
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