Medical-Surgical Nursing

  1. Squamous Cell Carcinoma
    • A cancer of the epidermis
    • Can invade locally
    • Potentially metastatic
  2. Basal Cell Carcinoma
    • Cancer of the basal cell layer of the epidermis
    • Can damage underlying tissues and progress to include vital structures
    • Not usually metastatic
  3. Malignant Melanoma
    • Highly metastatic cancer
    • Originates in the melanin-producing cells of epidermis
  4. Biopsy: Punch
    • 2-6 cm circular instrument
    • Small circle of tissue removed to depth of SQ fat
    • May be sutured
  5. Biopsy: Shave
    • Scalpel or razor blade
    • Skin elevated above the surrounding tissue by injection of local anesthetic is shaved off
    • For superficial or raised lesions
  6. Biopsy: Excision
    • Scalpel
    • A deep incision is made and then sutured after the entire lesion is removed
    • For large, deep lesions
  7. Cryosurgery
    • Freeze tissue by application of liquid nitrogen
    • Cleanse with hydrogen peroxide and apply topical antimicrobial until healed
  8. Signs and Symptoms: ABCD's of Melanoma
    • Asymmetry
    • Borders
    • Color
    • Diameter
  9. Melanoma: Asymmetry
    One side does not match the other
  10. Melanoma: Borders
    • Irregular
    • Ragged
    • Notched
    • Blurred edges
  11. Melanoma: Color
    • Lack of uniformity in pigmentation
    • Shades of tan, brown or black
  12. Melanoma: Diameter
    The width is greater than 6 mm (about the size of a pencil eraser)
  13. Topical Chemotherapy
    5-flourouarcil cream for treatment actinic keratoses
  14. Interferon
    Post-op treatment of stage III or greater melanomas
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Medical-Surgical Nursing