Social Welfare exam 1

  1. People must be poor in order to recieve benefits. Includes TANF, Food stamps, medicaidm SSI, school lunches, and gereral assistance.
    Public Assistance
  2. Designed to prevent poverty, includes social security, Medicare, unemployment insurance, and workers comp.
    Social Insurance
  3. Provide Care, counseling, education or other forms os assistance to children, elderly individuals, those with disabilities, and others with particular needs
    Social Services
  4. People who generally opose virtually all gov regulation of the economy. Favors local and state action over federal.
  5. People who believe in more gov action to meet individual need. Gov should do much more to promote distributive justice.
  6. Law inforced in Europe when mutual aid wasn't working anymore. Was implicated in 1601 and only the "deserving" poor were aided.
    Elizabethon poor law
  7. The objectives were "relief, recovery, and reform" Under rosevelt
    The new Deal
  8. This was the most important provisions under the new deal. Still remains the cornerstone of social welfare legislation today.
    Social Security Act
  9. The 6 reasons for expansion of social welfare.
    • 1. Rual to Urban Migration
    • 2. Residency requirements eliminated
    • 3. Welfare rights Moverment
    • 4. Cost of Living adjustments
    • 5. Aging of America
    • 6. Increase in single parent families
  10. Types of taxes
    Progressive and Regressive
  11. They Tax the rich at higher rates then the poor. Includes federal and state income taxes
  12. They tax the poor at a higher rates then the rich. Includes social security and sales tax.
  13. insufficiency in food, housing, clothes, medical care, and other items required to maintain a decent standard of living.
    Poverty of Deprivation
  14. Federal gov calculations of the cash income required for individuals and families to satisfy minimum living needs
    Poverty Thresholds
  15. simplified versions of the poverty thresholds used to determine who qualifies for federal support.
    Poverty Guidelines
  16. Inequlity refersd to relative deprevation. Some people perceive that they have less income than most americans and believe they are entitled to more/
    Poverty as Inequlity
  17. This theory explains that income variations in a free market economy as a result of differences in productivity. The poor are boor because their economic productivity is low.
    Poverty as a Lack of Human Capitol.
  18. Poverty is a "way of life" passed on from generation to generation in a self-perpetuation cycle
    Poverty as a culture
  19. Pverty serves many functions to middle and upper classes in america, such as providing a cheap source of labor
    Poverty of exploytation
  20. HUD provides funds to local housing agencies or authorities that administer the program locally. The vouchers go to peoples whose income is not more than half the areas median income.
    Section 8
  21. Excluded from in cash income when used for defining poverty. Including Medical care, food stamps, school lunches, and public housing.
    In-Kind Benefits
  22. Worlds largest gov program, regressive tax, age requirement is 66 and up.
    Social Security
  23. Major Social Insurance program, provides some income to recently and involuntarily unemployed people and helps stabilize the economy during recession.
    Unemployment insurance.
  24. People work at jobs for which they are overqualified
  25. Social Insurance program of the states. Mandatory for most provate employers except in tx.
    Workers compensation.
  26. Child Poverty
    14.1 Million children were poor
  27. Who is the most likely to be poor?
    Children in female headed families
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Social Welfare exam 1
Socail welfare exam 1