
  1. Bactericidal   
    bacteria-killing action
  2. Callus
    a thickened portion of the skin
  3. Cleaning bath   
    a type of bath given chiefly for hygiene purposes
  4. Corn   
    a conical, circular, painful, raised area on the toe or foot
  5. Dandruff
    a dry or greasy, scaly material shed from the scalp
  6. Dental caries   
    tooth decay
  7. Fissures   
    deep grooves, frequently occur between the toes as a result of dryness and cracking of the skin
  8. Gingival   
    of or relating to the gums
  9. Hirsutism   
    abnormal hairiness, particularly in women
  10. Hygiene   
    the science of health and its maintenance
  11. Ingrown toenail   
    the growing inward of the nail into the soft tissues around it, most often results from improper nail trimming
  12. Pediculosis   
    infestation with head lice
  13. Plantar warts   
    a wart on the side of the foot
  14. Scabies   
    a contagious skin infestation caused by an arachnid, the itch mite
  15. Sebum   
    the oily, lubricating secretion of glands in the skin called sebaceous glands
  16. Sudoriferous glands   
    glands of the dermis that secrete sweat
  17. Sweat glands   
    see Sudoriferous glands
  18. Therapeutic baths   
    given for physical effects, such as to soothe irritated skin or to treat an area (e.g., the perineum)
  19. Ticks   small gray-brown parasites that bite into tissue and suck blood and transmit several diseases to people, in particular Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Lyme disease, and Tularemia.
  20. Tinea pedis   
    athlete's foot (ringworm of the foot), which is caused by a fungus
  21. Abdominal paracentesis   
    removal of fluids from the peritoneal cavity
  22. Anoscopy
    visual examination of the anal canal using an anoscope (a lighted instrument)
  23. Ascites   
    the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity
  24. Aspiration   
    the withdrawal of fluid that has abnormally collected (e.g., pleural cavity, abdominal cavity) or to obtain a specimen (e.g., cerebral spinal fluid)
  25. Biopsy   
    the removal and examination of tissue from the living body
  26. Blood chemistry   
    a number of other tests performed on blood serum (the liquid portion of the blood)
  27. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN)   
    a measure of blood level of urea, the end product of protein metabolism
  28. Cannula   
    a tube with a lumen (channel) that is inserted into a cavity or duct and is often fitted with a trocar during insertion
  29. Clean catch specimen (CC)   urine specimens for urine culture
    Clean voided   urine specimens for routine urinalysis
  30. Colonoscopy   visual examination of the interior of the colon with a colonoscope
  31. Complete blood count   
    (CBC) specimens of venous blood which includes hemoglobin and hematocrit measurements, erythrocyte (RBC) count, leukocyte (WBC) count, red blood cell (RBC) indices, and a differential white cell count
  32. Computed tomography   
    (CT) a painless, noninvasive x-ray procedure that has the unique capability of distinguishing minor differences in the density of tissues
  33. Creatinine   
    a nitrogenous waste that is excreted in the urine
  34. Cystoscope   
    a lighted instrument used to visualize the interior of the urinary bladder
  35. Cystoscopy   
    visual examination of the urinary bladder with a cystoscope
  36. Echocardiogram   
    a noninvasive test that uses ultrasound to visualize structures of the heart and evaluate left ventricular function
  37. Electrocardiography   
    provides a graphic recording of the heart's electrical activity
  38. Guaiac test   
    a test performed for occult (hidden) blood to detect gastrointestinal bleeding not visible to the eye
  39. Hemoglobin   
    the red pigment in red blood cells that carries oxygen
  40. Hemoptysis   
    the presence of blood in the sputum
  41. Intravenous pyelography (IVP)   
    an x-ray filming of the kidney and ureters after injection of a radiopaque material into the vein
  42. Leukocyte   
    white blood cell
  43. Lumbar puncture   
    a procedure where cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is withdrawn through a needle that is inserted into the subarachnoid space of the spinal canal between the third and fourth lumbar vertebrae or between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae
  44. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)   
    a noninvasive diagnostic scanning technique where the client is placed in a magnetic field
  45. Midstream urine specimen   
    see Clean-catch specimen
  46. Occult blood   
    hidden blood
  47. Peak level   
    indicates the highest concentration of the drug in the blood serum
  48. Phlebotomist
    a person from a laboratory who performs venipuncture, collects the blood specimen for the tests ordered by the physician
  49. Polycythemia   
    a condition in which clients with chronic hypoxia may develop higher than normal counts of red blood cells
  50. Positron emission tomography (PET)   
    a non-invasive radiologic study which involves the injection or inhalation of a radioisotope
  51. Proctoscopy   
    the viewing of the rectum
  52. Proctosigmoidoscopy   
    the viewing of the rectum and sigmoid colon
  53. Radiopharmaceutical   
    a pharmaceutical (targeted to a specific organ) labeled with a radioisotope, administered through various routes, to determine hyperfuction or hypofunction of the organ
  54. RBC indices   
    may be performed as part of the CBC to evaluate the size, weight, and hemoglobin concentration of RBCs retrograde pyelography
  55. Reagent   
    substance used in a chemical reaction to detect a specific substance
  56. Saliva   
    the clear liquid secreted by the salivary glands in the mouth, sometimes referred to as "spit"
  57. Serum osmolality   
    a measure of the solute concentration of the blood
  58. Specific gravity   
    the weight or degree of concentration of a substance compared with that of an equal volume of another, such as distilled water, taken as a standard
  59. Sputum   
    the mucous secretion from the lungs, bronchi, and trachea
  60. Steatorrhea   
    an excessive amount of fat in the stool which can indicate faulty absorption of fat from the small intestine
  61. Stress electrocardiography   
    uses ECGs to assess the client's response to an increased cardiac workload during exercise
  62. Thoracentesis   
    Insertion of a needle into the pleural cavity for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes
  63. Trocar   
    an instrument used to measure the pressure of fluids or gases
  64. Trough level   
    represents the lowest concentration of the drug in the blood serum
  65. Ultrasonography   
    the use of ultrasound to produce an image of an organ or tissue
  66. Urine osmolality   
    a measure of the solute concentration of urine, a more exact measurement of urine concentration than specific gravity
  67. Venipuncture   
    puncture of a vein for collection of a blood specimen or for infusion of therapeutic solutions
  68. White blood cell
    (WBC) see leukocyte
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ch 33 and 34 nursing fund