AGR 504 CHP 10

  1. how does blood coming from the body go through the heart
    vena cava to right atrium through tricuspid valve to right ventricle through pulmonic valve to pulmonary artries to lungs
  2. how does blood coming from the lung go through the heart
    pulmonary veins to left atrium through mitral valve to left ventricle through aortic valve to aorta then body
  3. what is the heart and what is the blood and vessels
    pump and circuit
  4. what are the Chordae tendineae
    strings behind the valves preventing them from going into the atrium
  5. what is right sided heart failure
    Increase in RIGHT ventricular end-diastolic pressure, Mean RIGHT atrial pressure, and Jugular venous pressure, Symmetric venous distension, Increase in pleural, pericardial and abdominal fluids, Hepatomegaly
  6. what is left sided heart failure
    increase in LEFT ventricular end-diastolic pressure, Mean LEFT atrial pressure, and Pulmonaryvenous pressure, Interstitial edema in the lungs, dyspnea, death
  7. What is circuit failure?
    Blood volume is decreased Resulting in incomplete filling of the heart which reduces cardiac output
  8. What 3 ways does the heart try to compensate when part of the system isn’t working correctly?
    Increase in heart rate, Increase in stroke volume, Redistribution of blood flow to vital organs
  9. What are the types of cardiac enlargement?
    Cardiac hypertrophy which causes increased pressure, and Cardiac dilation which causes increased volume
  10. What is the heart muscle itself called?
  11. What is the lining around the heart called?
  12. When blood doesn’t flow “normally” what might you notice?
    Heart murmur
  13. What is brisket disease?
    RIGHT sided heart failure in cattle due to high altitude environment or consumption of locoweed
  14. What is endocardiosis and what species might it be seen in?
    accumulation of glycosaminoglycans in pigs
  15. What are the cardiac toxicities we talked about in class?
  16. what is cardiac glycoside found in
    Milkweed, Foxglove, Azalea/rhododendron, Bufo toads
  17. what is yew toxicosis found in
    taxus spp,
  18. what are the clinical signs of cardiac glycoside
    Sudden death, postural changes, Dyspnea, bloat, diarrhea, seizures
  19. what are the clinical signs of yew toxicosis
    Sudden death, ataxia, dyspnea, seizures, bradycardia
  20. what species is yew toxicosis seen in most
  21. How does ionophore toxicity happen and which species is most sensitive?
    monensin accidentally being mixed into feed of horses
  22. What is thrombophlebitis?
    Formation of a thrombus (clot) at a Injection or catheter site
  23. What is the failure of the ductus arteriosus to close after birth called? What murmur does it make? What species is it most likely found in?
    Patent ductus arteriosus, machinery murmur, horses
  24. What are common causes of pericarditis?
    Horses with SIRS and Cows with Hardware disease
  25. how is pericarditis treated
    Antibiotics, drainage, supportive care
Card Set
AGR 504 CHP 10