Exam 1 (Instrumental Analysis)

  1. used to compensate for matrix effects
    standard addition
  2. What is a matrix?
    when your analyte is dissolved or mixed (can interfere with analysis)
  3. What is this a graph of?
    Image Upload 2
    Internal standard
  4. What is this a graph of?
    Image Upload 4
    External standard
  5. What are some types of software that can reduce noise?
    signal averaging, amplifiers, filtering, modulation
  6. What are some types of hardware that can reduce noise?
    shielding or grounding, amplifiers, filtering modulation
  7. What is the equation for response ratio?
    RR= analyte response (area under curve)/internal standard response
  8. When should you use external standards?
    when you do not expect sample to sample variation
  9. When should you use internal standards?
    when the instrument is inconsistent (unstable instrument)
  10. How does IR work?
    by passing infrared light through the sample, the bonds vibrate, then based on transmittance and absorption you can determine where the bonds are
  11. Resolution definition
    the smallest change in value that the instrument can detect
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Exam 1 (Instrumental Analysis)