projections of pia mater that connect to the dura and arachnoid mater; teeth-like; stabilize spinal cord; only easily separable section of pia mater
conus medullaris
the distal end of the spinal cord; found near the L1 or L2 vertebrae in most humans
cauda equina
"""horse's tail;"" consists of spinal nerves and roots that project below the end of spinal neurons"
filum terminale
fibrous tissue that extends below the conus medullaris; consists of an upper section -- the internum -- that is made up of pia mater and a lower section -- the externum -- that is closely associated with dura mater
cervical enlargement
a lateral enlargement of the spinal cord; area in which the nerves of the brachial plexus originate
lumbosacral enlargement
a lateral enlargement of the spinal cord; area in which the nerves of the lumbosacral plexus originate
gray matter of the spinal cord
contains organized laminas (layers of nerve cells); involves symmetrical halves connected by a commissure; contains dorsal and ventral columns; thoracic and upper lumbar regions also contain interomediolateral projections
white matter of the spinal cord
surround the gray matter; consists of dorsal and lateral and ventral columns; contains distinct axonal pathways (tracts)
function of the dorsal horn
receives sensory information
function of the ventral horn
contains motor neurons
function of the lateral horn
found primarily in the thoracic region of the spinal cord; mediates sympathetic innervation
layers of nerve cells found in the gray matter of the spinal cord
dorsal funiculus
contains ascending axons from the dorsal column-medial lemniscus system
lateral funiculus
contains descending axons from the lateral corticospinal tract
ventral funiculus
contains ascending axons from the spinothalamic/anterolateral system
dorsolateral fasciculus
part of the dorsal horn of the spinal cord; involved in the pain pathway; made up of nerve bodies at the periphery of the spinal cord
dorsal column-medial lemniscus system
made up of ascending fibers; involved in transmitting information about fine touch and proprioception; dessucate in the lemniscal dessication of the medulla
lateral corticospinal tract
made up of descending fibers; involved in motor control; dessucate at the pyrimideal dessucation in the medulla
spinothalamic or anterolateral system
made up of ascending fibers; convey information about pain and temperatue; dessucate at the level of the spinal cord
decussation of nerve fibers
crossing of nerve fibers to the contralateral side of the body
filaments projecting from the nerve bodies in the dorsal and ventral horns
dorsal root
formed from convergence of dorsal rootlets
ventral root
formed from convergence of ventral rootlets
spinal ganglion
collection of cell bodies; found on the dorsal root
dorsal ramus
innervates the muscles of the back; contains both motor and sensory information; smaller than the ventral rami; splits off after the convergence of dorsal and ventral roots
ventral ramus
innervates everything that is not innervated by the dorsal ramus; contains both motor and sensory information; larger than the dorsal ramus; splits off after the convergence of the dorsal and ventral roots
cervical nerve blood supply
vertebral artery; ascending cervical artery; deep cervical artery
thoracic nerve blood supply
intercostal artery
lumbar nerve blood supply
lumbar artery
sacral nerve blood supply
lateral sacral artery
combined spinal nerve blood supply
anterior spinal artery; posterior spinal arteries; medullary and radicular arteries
intercostal arteries
laterally-oriented arteries that supply the intercostal spaces between the ribs; have ventral and dorsal branches
radicular arteries/veins
small laterally-oriented vessels that follow filaments to nerve tissue
spinal medullary arteries/veins
laterally-oriented vessels that branch off to form the radicular arteries/veins
lateral spinal arteries/veins
vertically-oriented vessels that intersect with the spinal medullary arteries/veins and with the vertebral artery/vein
red nucleus
located in the midbrain; involved in motor coordination; receives crossed efferent fibers from the cerebellum; projects to the thalamus and the spinal cord via the rubrospinal tract
inferior cerebellar peduncle
found in the medulla oblangata; a stalk-like collection of nerve fibers that project to the cerebellum; contains fibers of the dorsal spinocerebellar tract and fibers from vestibular nuclei (among others)
middle cerebellar peduncle
found in the pons; the largest cerebellar peduncle; arise in the nuclei pontis and project to the cerebellum
superior cerebellar peduncle
found in the midbrain; contains efferent fibers from the cerebellum to the red nucleus; forms the upper lateral boundry of the fourth ventricle
"the floor of the caudal medulla; chemoreceptor trigger zone with a thin blood-brain barrier that allows the brain to ""sample"" contents of the blood; located at the point at which the fourth ventricle narrows to become the central canal"
the bulk of the brainstem; found below the tegmentum
"found in the brainstem ventral to the fourth ventricle (""floor""); contains mostly motor neurons; involved in reflexive pathways; contains the cerebral aqueduct & periaqueductal gray & reticular formation & substantia nigra & red nucleus"
"found mainly in the midbrain dorsal to the fourth ventricle (""ceiling); contains mostly sensory neurons; involved in visual and auditory reflexes"
path of the medial lemniscus through the brainstem
path of the spinothalamic tract through the brainstem
path of the corticospinal tract through the brainstem
superior colliculi
found in the tectum of the midbrain; receive visual as well as other types of information; involved in ocular reflexes
inferior colliculi
found in the tectum of the midbrain; receive auditory information; involved in sound localization and auditory reflexes
morphology of the medulla
the rostral medulla is wider than the caudal medulla; caudal medulla is more morphologically similar to the spinal cord
periaqueductal gray
found in the tegmentum in the midbrain; contains descending axon tracts; contains collections of opiod receptors; involved in pain suppression
substantia nigra
found in the midbrain; sends dopaminergic efferent fibers to the striatum; involved in motor control; degenerates in Parkinson's disease
cranial nerve I
Olfactory - sensory - involved in sense of smell
cranial nerve II
Optic - sensory - involved in visual input
cranial nerve III
Oculomotor - motor - involved in eye movements/pupil contraction
cranial nerve IV
Trochlear - motor - involved in eye movements
cranial nerve V
Trigeminal - sensory & motor - involved in somatic sensation from face/mouth cornea; innervates muscles of mastication
cranial nerve VI
Abducens - motor - involved in eye movements
cranial nerve VII
Facial - sensory & motor - controls muscles of facial expression; involved in taste
cranial nerve VIII
Auditory/vestibulocochlear - sensory - involved in hearing/sense of balance
cranial nerve IX
Glossopharyngeal - sensory & motor - involved in sensation from pharynx; taste; carotid baroreception
cranial nerve X
Vagus - sensory & motor - involved in autonomic function of the gut; sensation from pharynx; muscles of vocal cords; swallowing
cranial nerve XI
Spinal accessory - motor - controls shoulder & neck muscles
cranial nerve XII
Hypoglossal - motor - involved in movements of toungue
types of cranial nerve nuclei
somatic motor; brachial motor; visceral motor; general sensory; special sensory; visceral sensory
Edinger-Westphal (III); superior salivatory (VII); inferior salivatory (IX); dorsal motor (X); nucleus ambiguus (X)
general sensory nuclei
trigeminal sensory - mesencephalic (V & VII & IX & X); trigeminal sensory - principal (V & VII & IX & X); trigeminal sensory - spinal (V & VII & IX & X)
carries visual information from a single eye to the optic chiasm
optic chiasm
area in which optic nerves partially cross; integrates information from both eyes and segragates information from the left and right visual fields
lateral geniculate nucleus
found in the thalamus; important relay center for visual information
optic radiations
project from the LGN to the ipsilateral side of the occipital lobe
located below the thalamus and above the brainstem; important in regulation of metabolic functions; receives some light information to regulate circadian rhythm
found between the midbrain and the thalamus; receives binocular information and outputs to the Edinger-Westphal nucleus
Edinger-Westphal nucleus
contains parasympathetic neurons that control pupil contraction in the eye
conjugate movements
eye movements are coordinated; light stimulus in one eye will lead to a response in both eyes
medial longitudinal fasciculus
a pair of crossed fiber tracts on either side of the brainstem; involved in coordination of eye movements
loss of sense of smell
olfactory pathway
olfactory receptors -> olfactory nerve of the PNS -> olfactory bulb of the CNS; does not involve the thalamus; involves activation of amygdala (involved in emotion)
gustatory pathway
cranial nerves -> nucleus of the solitary tract -> VPM of thalamus -> insula and frontal cortex; interaction with amygdala and hypothalamus occurs at the level of the nucleus of the solitary tract
principal nucleus of the trigeminal nerve
a group of neurons with cell bodies in the pons; receives sensory information about the face
mesencephalic nucleus of the trigeminal nerve
found in the midbrain; involved with proprioception of the face;
spinal trigeminal nucleus
found in the medulla; involved with pain/temperature information from the face
trigeminal ganglia
carry information from the trigenimal nerve to the principal nucleus of the trigeminal complex
trigeminal lemniscus
carries information form the principal nucleus of the trigeminal complex to the thalamus
3 zones of sensory information in trigeminal nucleus
from top to bottom: optical; maxillary; mandibular
parasympathetic crainal nerve system
facial paralysis
damage to lower motor nuclei leads to paralysis on one side of the face; damage to upper motor nuclei leads to paralysis on the lower half of one side of the face
dorsal column-medial lemniscus pathway in the brainstem
involved in light tough; afferent fibers pass through the gracile and cuneate nuclei to the medial lemniscus and then to the thalamus
gracile nucleus
located in the medulla oblongata; involved in the dorsal column-medial lemniscus tract
cuneate nucleus
located in the medulla oblongata; involved in the dorsal column-medial lemniscus tract
spinothalamic or anterolateral pathway in the brainstem
involved in pain and temperature sensation; involves the spinal trigeminal nucleus
lateral corticospinal pathway in the brainstem
major descending motor system; involves projection through the red nucleus and trigeminal motor nucleus and hypoglossal nucleus
vestibulospinal tract
descending pathway; facilitates quick movements in response to changes in body position; contains crossed and uncrossed fibers; arise from the vestibular nuclei of the brain stem
reticulospinal tract
descending pathway; arises in the reticular formation; descends through ventral and lateral columns of the spinal cord; involves crossed and uncrossed fibers; involved in spinal reflexes
colliculospinal tract
descending pathway; also called the tectospinal tract; arises in the superior colliculus in the tectum of the midbrain and descends through the contralateral ventral column; involved in head turning in response to sudden auditory or visual stimuli
reticular formation
a collection of nerve cells that runs diffusely through the brainstem; involved primarily in consciousness and arousal; also involved in maintaining posture and balance
caudal pontine
involved in premotor coordination of lower somatic and visceral motor neuronal pools; maintains posture and balance
mesencephalic and rostral pontine
involved in modulation of forebrain activity; controls consciousness and arousal
arterial supply of the brain
posterior circulation is derived from vertebral arteries; anterior circulation is derived from carotid arteries
basilar artery complex
involves two vertebral arteries and the basilar artery; supplies blood to the posterior part of the circle of Willis
blood-brain barrier
separates blood from circulating CSF; composed of tight junctions between epithelial cells that are supported by astrocytes
ambiguus nucleus
found in the medulla; controls swallowing and vocalization; gives rise to branchial efferent axons in nerves IX and X