Engine Fire Warning (In flight)
- *1. Throttle-idle
- *2. Throttle-off(if fire light remains on)
- *3. If fire is confirmed- Eject
- 4. Land ASAP
Alternate Airstart
*1. Throttle(s)- MAX
*1. Seat firing handle- Pull and Hold
- *1.Throttles-Idle
- *2. Aerobrake-Maximum without becoming airborne
- *3. Wheel brakes- As required
Single Engine Go Around
- *1. Throttles- Max
- *2. Flaps- 60%
- *3. Attain Final Approach Speed Airspeed Minimum
Uncommand Abrupt Pitch Up, Flaps Extended
- *1. Control Stick - Full Forward to arrest Pitch Rate
- *2. Throttles- MAX
- *3. Flaps- 60%
- *4. Landing Gear - Up
- *5. Flaps- Up when above No-Flap Flying Airspeed
Tire Failure During Takeoff, Takeoff Continued
- *1. Gear- Do not retract
- 2. Flap Position- Do not change, if possible
Emergency Ground Egress
- *1. Inform other Crew Member
- *2. Safe/ARMED handle- Safe
Engine Failure/Fire Warning During Takeoff, Takeoff Continued
- *1. Throttles- Max
- *2. Flaps-60%
- *3. Attain SETOS Minimum, +10Kts Desired
- 4. Gear-Up (When airborne above SETOS +10kts)
- 5. Flaps-Up (As required Above 200kts)
Erect Spin Recovery
- 1. Full aileron, using both hands, in the direction of the spin and as much aft stick as possible without sacrificing aileron.
- 2. Rudder- Full opposite(DIRECTION OF SPIN)
- 3. DO not change gear, flaps, and speed brake positions during recovery
- 4. Neutralize controls after recovery
Inverted Spin Recovery
1. All flight controls-Neutralize
Stall Recovery
- 1.Throttles-max
- 2. Relax aft stick pressure
- 3. Roll- wings level using ailerons and rudder