Geography 1 - Test 1

  1. What do you understand by the term geography?
    Geography is the study of locations and distributions of phenomena and their interrelationships on Earth.
  2. How is geography like history?
    Geography is like history because it's a meta discipline which is defined not by the phenomena studied, but by the spatial approach.
  3. What are some of the subfields of Physical Geography?
    • Climatology (geography + meteorology)
    • Biogeography (biology + geography)
    • Geomorphology (geology + geography)
  4. What are the 3 major perspectives of geography?
    environmental science, spatial science and physical science.
  5. absolute vs. relative location
    absolute: is expressed by a coordinate system or address, whereas relative: is identified by where it is in relation to something else
  6. What are the implications of spatial: movements: and interactions: ?
    spatial: interactions: are processes whereby different phenomena are interconnected, and, as a result impact one another through Earth space.
  7. Is Earth a dynamic or static system?
  8. What are Earth's 4 main subsystems?
    • Atmosphere
    • Biosphere
    • Lithosphere
    • Hydrosphere
  9. Is planet Earth an open or closed system?
    It is essentially a closed system
  10. How many timezones exist?
  11. International Date Line - crossing it from which side do you lose a day?
    Crossing it from west to east.
  12. GMT: stands for...
    Greenwich Mean Time (Prime Meridian)
  13. UTC: stands for...
    Universal Time Coordinated
  14. What are the 3 major types of map: projections: ?
    • Cylindrical
    • Polar/Plane
    • Conic.
Card Set
Geography 1 - Test 1
Study cards based on chapters 1-3 of "Physical Geography"