A&P Lab - Quiz #1 - Set #4

  1. What type of connective tissue is this?

    Compact bone

    (from skeleton)
  2. What type of connective tissue is this?

  3. What is tissue comprises much of the body and is the most abundant type of tissue by weight?
    Connective tissue
  4. What are some general characteristics of Connective Tissues?
    • - bind structures together
    • - provide support and framework
    • - serves as framework- fills spaces
    • - stores fat- produce blood cells
    • - protect agianst infections
    • - helps repair cell damage

    • - have a matrix (materials between the cells)
    • - have varying degrees of vascularity
    • - have cells that usually divide
  5. Describe the fibroblast cell type in connective tissues.

    (might not be on the exam)
    • - fixed cells (wherever they are is where they stay)
    • - most common cells
    • - large, star shapped
    • - produce fibers
  6. What are the eleven (11) types of Connective tissues?
    • - Areolar connective tissue
    • - Adipose tissue
    • - Reticular connective tissue
    • - Dense regular connective tissue
    • - Dense irregular connective tissue
    • - Elastic connective tissue
    • - Hyaline cartilage
    • - Elastic cartilage
    • - Fibrocartilage
    • - Bone
    • - Blood
  7. Connective Tissue:

    Describe Areolar Connective Tissue.
    • - thin membrane (throughout the body)
    • - cells = mainly fibroblasts = located far apart
    • - elastic fibers
    • - binds skin to the underlying organs
    • - fills space between muscles
    • - underlies most layers of epithelium
    • -
  8. Connective Tissue:

    Describe Adipose Tissue.
    • - stored fat in cell's cytoplasm
    • - nuclei are pushed to one side
    • - provides stored engergy supply in fat vacules
    • - protects, (heat) insulates, stores fat
    • - beneath the skin, around the kidneys, behind the eyeballs, on the surface of the heart
  9. Connective Tissue:

    Describe Reticular Connective Tissue.
    • - thin collagenous fibers (in a three-dimensional network)
    • - helps provide the framework of certain internal organs (liver, spleen, lymphatic organs)
    • - collagenous fibers
    • - white blood cells
  10. Connective Tissue:

    Describe Dense Connective Tissue (regular).
    • - many, closely packed, thick, collagenous fibers*
    • - fine network of elastic fibers
    • - a few cells = mostely fibroblasts
    • - binds tendons and ligaments
    • - main tissue of tendons and ligaments
    • -
  11. Connective Tissue:

    Describe Dense Connective Tissue (irregular).

    (wasn't one on the lab report)
    • - thicker
    • - interwoven
    • - more randomly organized
    • - in the dermis, the inner skin layer
  12. Connective Tissue:

    Describe Elastic Connective Tissue.
    • - yellow, elastic fibers in parallel strands
    • - or in branching networks
    • - between are collegenous fibers and fibroblasts
    • - connects parts of the spinal column
    • - in walls of arteries and airways
    • - occurs in ligament attachments between vertebrae and artery walls
  13. Connective Tissue:

    Describe Hyaline cartilage.
    • - most common type
    • - cells in solid-gel matrix
    • - has very fine collagenous fibers in exracellular matrix
    • - looks somewhat like white glass
    • - on the end of bones, nose, and rings in walls of repiratory passages
    • -
  14. Connective Tissue:

    Describe Elastic cartilage.
    • - more flexiable than hyaline (similar)
    • - extercellular matrix has a dense network of elastic fibers*
    • - provides framework of external ear and part of larynx
    • -
  15. Connective Tissue:

    Describe Fibrocartilage.
    • - very tough tissue
    • - many collagenous fibers
    • - shock absorber for structures subjected to pressure
    • - examp: forms pads (intervertebral discs) between the individual bones (vertebrae)
    • - also cushions bones inthe knee and pelvic
  16. Connective Tissue:

    Describe Bone.
    • - most rigid connective tissue
    • - bones of skeleton, middle ear
    • - matrix contains collegen fibers and mineral salts
    • - supports body structures
    • - protects vital structures
    • - cells arranged around central canal
  17. Connective Tissue:

    Describe Blood.
    • - cells suspended in plasma (fluids extracellular matrix)
    • - contains red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets (cellular fragments)
    • - red blood cells (transports gases)
    • - white blood cells (fights infections)* [have a dark look]
    • - platelets (blood cloting)
    • - large amounts of fluids and lacks fibers
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A&P Lab - Quiz #1 - Set #4
Study cards of the first quiz