MGMT 340 CH. 4

  1. Define Emotions
    Psychological, behavioral, and physiological episodes experienced toward an object, person, or event that create a state of readiness.

    L: Its feelings we direct towards objects and ppl

    Involuntary and put ppl in the state of readiness.

    Slide 51 Pg. 105
  2. Define Attitude
    A cluster of beliefs and feelings that result in a potential behavioral intention, or likelihood to act in a given way (e.g., positive attitude toward work)

    • L: It is what we bring to the table before we behave. Positive/Negative
    • Ex: Someone picking up the other end of the phone line.

    Involves logical thinking and is more stable . How you are presenting yourself as an individual. Your handshake conveys attitude.
  3. Influence of positive work environment
    • 1. More employee productivity
    • 2. Successful companies actively create more positive emotional workplace experience
    • 3. Higher profitability, quality and customer service and Higher employee retention

    Slide 53
  4. Why would a company want to create a positive workplace environment?
    • Higher profitability
    • Better quality
    • Better customer service
    • Higher employee retention
  5. Can you create a positive cultural environment?
    Ex: Southwest Airlines.

    Slide 54
  6. Define Cognitive Dissonance
    • Where you have 2 ideas that are not in harmony or are inconsistent.
    • Ex: Smoking

    • Cognitive - Mind
    • Dissonance - Disharmony, inconsistent

    Slide 55 pg. 109
  7. How do you deal with Cognitive Dissonance?
    Ex: Smoker, Buyers Remorse

    Rationalize your behavior towards the direction you want it to go by downgrading undesirable beliefs.

    Our minds do not like dissonance.
  8. Define Emotional Intelligence - Concept
    • Our ability to understand emotions w/in ourselves
    • Manage emotions w/in ourselves
    • Understand and manage them in others.

    Ability to perceive and express emotion, within ourselves and others

    **Understand and reason with emotion & regulating emotion in oneself

    • set of competencies
    • learned, especially through coaching
    • increases with age + experience
  9. 4 dimensions of Emotional Intelligence
    • Relationship Management - Managing others emotion
    • Social Awareness - understanding others
    • Self Management - controlling ur emotions
    • Self Awareness - understanding yourself

    Slide 57
  10. Job Satisfaction & Customers
    increases customer satisfaction and profitability

    • Job satisfaction affects mood, leading to positive behaviors toward customers
    • Less employee turnover, resulting in more consistent and familiar service

    Slide 60 pg. 117
  11. Employee Engagement
    credibility, respect, fairness, pride + camaraderie

    Slide 59
  12. Gallup Q12
    Gallup Q12 uses 12 statements to gauge how engaged or committed an employee is

    Slide 59
  13. Great Place to Work Survey
    • Great Place to Work (GPTW) survey uses 56 statements to gauge satisfaction + engagement, which are broken down into 5 dimensions:
    • credibility, respect, fairness, pride + camaraderie
    • Fortune magazine annually uses GPTW survey to identify the 100 Best Places to Work in the U.S. and also, internationally
  14. Job Satisfaction
    • Job Content
    • Supervisor
    • Coworkers
    • Working conditions
    • Pay and Benefits
    • Career progress

    • A person's evaluation of his or her job and work context
    • A collection of attitudes re. specific facets of the job
    • Satisfaction + engagement can be different dynamics
    • Happy workers often more productive
  15. Organizational Commitment
    • Emotional attachment organization
    • Belief that staying with the organization serves your personal interests - working for a Green company
    • Strong relationship with engagement

    Slide 61
  16. Psychological Contract
    Beliefs about reciprocal agreements and mutual obligations between two parties (including company-employee)

    • Psychological Contracts vary across cultures
    • Employees in Sweden expect more involvement in workplace decisions

    • Psychological Contracts vary across generations
    • Baby boomers -- believe loyalty enhances job security
    • Gen-X/Gen-Y -- assumes adding value = job security
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MGMT 340 CH. 4
Workplace Emotions and Attitudes