Which client QCP was just updated for CP?
Equinor (Statoil)
What did CP change in Equinor QCP?
- 1. Name (from Statoil)
- 2. Reference Equinor spec for product list
- 3. Format
How much can CP bring down the PBR price?
4.8% (down to $90k)
Petrobras supplier recently added
What is Magnex making?
Magnetic sub
CP savings at UAE shop.
- -5% off Tenaris
- -10-15% overall
Structured Query Language
Who is exemption for Arkenu project?
What is GMPI supplying?
Crossovers for Libya
APS Liner Hanger
Anti Pre Set
FTZ vs Bonded Zone
- FTZ: can manufacture
- Bonded Zone: only store
2 RSLSA rings suppliers
- Motif, India, $15
- Sasib, Saudi, $75
2 requirements for consignment
- Supplier to have facility in country
- or
- Work through agent
Mechanical Retrievable Packer
Senior Colarstat eFCV Max bellows price
Technetics eFCV Max bellows price.