AntiViral Agents

  1. Match the disease or use to the correct drug - abacavir (ABC).
    NRTI HIV drug developed at University of Minnesota.
  2. Match the disease or use to the correct drug - amprenavir (AMP).
    PI HIV drug. Most often used in combination with ritonavir.
  3. Match the disease or use to the correct drug - fosamprenavir (Lexiva, FAMP).
    PI HIV drug. Prodrug of amprenavir with increased F. Contains sulfonamide. Check contraindications.
  4. Match the disease or use to the correct drug - atazanavir (ATV).
    • PI HIV drug.
    • Preferred in patients with elevated cholesterol or atherosclerosis and glucose intolerance.
  5. Match the disease or use to the correct drug - efavirenz (EFV).
    • NNRTI HIV Drug.
    • EFV + TDF + FTC (Atripla) is first-line option and most commonly used combination.
  6. Match the disease or use to the correct drug - emtricitabine (emtriva-FTC).
    • NRTI HIV drug.
    • Used only in combination with AZT.
    • Also approved for treatment of chronic Hep B.
  7. Match the disease or use to the correct drug - enfuvirtide (Fuzeon).
    • Entry inhibitor HIV drug.
    • Salvage therapy.
    • Will be used in combo with HAART therapy
  8. Match the disease or use to the correct drug - etravirine (Intelence, ETV).
    • The newest NNRTI for HIV.
    • Used only in combo with nucleoside analogs in patients harboring NNRTI resistant virus.
  9. Match the disease or use to the correct drug - fosamprenavir (FAMP).
    PI HIV drug.
  10. Match the disease or use to the correct drug - lamivudine (3TC).
    • NRTI HIV drug.
    • Also approved for treatment of chronic Hep B.
    • cytidine analog, 5'-triphosphate metabolite is the active drug.
  11. Match the disease or use to the correct drug - lopinavir/ritonavir (LOP).
    PI HIV drug.
  12. Match the disease or use to the correct drug - mariviroc (Selzentry, MVC).
    Entry inhibitor HIV drug.
  13. Match the disease or use to the correct drug - nelfinavir (NFV).
    PI HIV drug.
  14. Match the disease or use to the correct drug - nevirapine (NVP).
    • NNRTI HIV drug.
    • Only use in combo with nucleoside analogs.
    • More adverse events than with efavirenz.
  15. Match the disease or use to the correct drug - raltegravir.
    • Integrase inhibitor HIV drug.
    • raltegravir + TDF/FTC (truvada) is now recommended (2010) as a first line combination due to low potential for drug-drug interactions, low toxicity and minimal effects on lipids.
  16. Match the disease or use to the correct drug - ritonavir (RTV).
    PI HIV drug.
  17. Match the disease or use to the correct drug - saquinavir (SQV HGC or SGC)
    PI HIV drug.
  18. Match the disease or use to the correct drug - stavudine (d4t)
    • NRTI HIV drug.
    • not used very often.
  19. Match the disease or use to the correct drug - tenofovir DF (TDF).
    • NtRTI HIV drug.
    • Will be FDA approved soon for treatment of HepB.
    • TDF + FTC (tuvada) is one of the recommended initial therapy backbones for HIV patients also infected with HepB.
  20. Match the disease or use to the correct drug - tipranavir (TPV)
    PI HIV drug.
  21. Match the disease or use to the correct drug - zidovudine (Retrovir also in Combivir and Trizivir, AZT or ZDV)
    • NRTI HIV drug.
    • First line for prevention of maternal-fetal HIV transmission.
  22. Match the disease or use to the correct drug - Acyclovir (ACV).
    • Nucleoside anti-herpes agent.
    • guanosine analog.
    • Treatment and amelioration of Herpes virus infections (outbreaks).
    • It can be used topically on lesions or systemically.
    • not active against latent forms of the virus and thus is not a cure
  23. Example of activating a nucleoside prodrug to the active nucleotide - acyclovir (ACV).
  24. Match the disease or use to the correct drug -Valacyclovir (VZV).
    • Herpes Virus Infection: HSV-2 and HSV1 (cold sores)
    • Varicella Zoster Virus Infections (Shingles): NOT chicken pox.
    • Unapproved uses: HIV suppression and Epstein-Barr Virus Infection
  25. Match the disease or use to the correct drug -Famciclovir & Penciclovir.
    • Nucleoside Anti-Herpes drugs.
    • Famciclovir is prodrug for and is better absorbed than penciclovir.
  26. Match the disease or use to the correct drug - Ganciclovir.
    • Nucleoside CMV drug that inhibits the activity of the viral DNA polymerase.
    • Uses: CMV prophalaxis in AIDS patients, orally in oran transplant, burkitt's lymphoma, HHV-6 encephalitis and hepatitis, topical gel for herpetic keartitis.
  27. Match the disease or use to the correct drug - Cidofovir.
    • Nucleotide analog that mimics the structure of cytidine
    • monophosphate.
    • Uses: severe cytomegalovirus (CMV) infections; broad activity vs all HHV, HPV, adeno virus and pox virus.
    • Use is limited due to toxicity.
  28. Match the disease or use to the correct drug - Foscarnet.
    • Organic analog of inorganic pyrophosphate.
    • Treatment of severe CMV.
    • Treatment of acyclovir-resistant HSV.
    • HHV-6 and CMV infections.
    • IV only
    • nephrotoxic
    • causes seizures
  29. Match the disease or use to the correct drug - Imiquimod.
    • activates immune cells by binding to toll-like receptor 7 (TLR7)
    • Genital warts
    • Skin cancers
    • Actinic keratosis
  30. Match the disease or use to the correct drug - Adefovir.
    • approved only for HBV

    Hepatitis B: may be useful in cases where there is lamivudine resistance.
  31. Match the disease or use to the correct drug - Entecavir
    • guanasine analog
    • contraindicated in pregnancy
  32. Match the disease or use to the correct drug - Telbivudine
    • thymadine analog
    • ok to use in pregnancy
  33. Match the disease or use to the correct drug - Ribavirin
    • Hep C - main use
    • RSV
    • influeza virus and and B (unlabled use)
    • HSV
  34. Match the disease or use to the correct drug - Pegylated interferon a-2B
    current preferred treatment for Hep C
  35. A typical first-line therapeutic regimen for HIV.
    • HAART- usually consists of two nucleosides plus either a NNRTI or a PI combo (with RTV)
    • Example 1: Truvada (TDF/FTC) + Sustiva (EFV)
    • Example 2: Truvada (TDF/FTC) + Kaletra (lopinavir/RTV)
  36. A typical first-line therapeutic regimen for Hep B.
    • Lamivudine (3TC): it has a better side effect profile and less interactions than entecavir, telbivudine and adefovir
    • may need to switch to adefovir if resistance developes
  37. A typical first-line therapeutic regimen for Herpes infections.
  38. A typical first-line therapeutic regimen for influenza.
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AntiViral Agents
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