is any procedure performed on the human body that uses instruments to alter tissue or organ integrity.
Reasons for Surgery
-To cure or minimize disease;
-To diagnose the specific presence of a disease or condition; to reconstruct or eliminate a defect;
-To enhance form and function; to prescribe appropriate postoperative treatment and prognosis;
-To palliate, or offer comfort, when cure is not possible; to follow up or monitor an incurable disease
process; and
-To offer a preventative option when disease is inevitable, such as an elective, prophylactic
mastectomy for a woman at high risk for breast cancer.
Surgery may be:
-Planned or unplanned
-Elective/optional or necessary,
-Major or minor, and
-May involve any body part or system
Side effects of surgery:
A. Loss of function of specific body parts.
B. Reduced function as a result of organ loss.
C. Scarring or disfigurement.
D. Grieving:
D1. Altered body image.
D.2 Imposed change in lifestyle
Factors to consider for prophylactic surgery:
Family history and genetic predisposition.
Potential risks and benefits.
Ability to detect cancer at an early stage.
Alternative options for managing increased risk.
The patient’s acceptance of the postoperative outcome
connotes the delivery of patient care in the preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative periods
of the patients surgical experience through the framework of the nursing process.
Perioperative nursing
Perioperative nursing connotes the delivery of patient care in the _________, ________, and _________,
of the patients surgical experience through the framework of the nursing process.
preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative periods
Perioperative Nursing
The nurse assesses the patient -
collecting, organizing, and prioritizing patient data; establishing
nursing diagnosis; identifies desired patient outcomes; develop and implements a plan of care; and
evaluates that care in terms of outcomes achieved by the patient.
Perioperative Nursing
Practiced in various settings:
True or False:
Outpatient procedures DO NOT require an overnight hospital stay.
(taronga ninyo pagtuon)
True or False:
The client goes to the outpatient site the day of surgery, has the procedure, and leaves the next day.
The client goes to the outpatient site the day of surgery, has the procedure, and leaves the SAME day.
Phases of surgery:
Begins when the decision to have surgery is made;
It ends when the client is transferred to the operating table.
Preoperative Phase
Preoperative phase
Begins when ___________________;
It ends when ___________________.
the decision to have surgery is made;
the client is transferred to the operating table.
Preoperative Phase
Nursing activities:
A. Assessing the client,
B. Identifying potential or actual health problems,
C. Planning specific care based on the individual’s needs, and
D. Providing preoperative teaching for the:
D2. The family, and;
D3. The Significant Others
Intraoperative Phase
Nursing Activities:
A. Create and maintain a safe therapeutic environment for the:
A2. Health care personnel.
These activities include:
-Interventions that provide for the client’s safety,
-Maintaining an aseptic environment,
-Ensuring proper functioning of equipment, and
-Providing the surgical team with the instruments and supplies needed during the
Begins with the admission of the client to the postanesthesia area and ends when healing is complete.
Postoperative phase
Postoperative phase begins with _____________________,
and ends when ___________________.
admission of the client to the postanesthesia area;
healing is complete.
Types of Surgery
Surgical procedures are commonly grouped according to:
Degree of urgency, and
Degree of risk.
Types of Surgery
Types of Surgery
Purpose: Allows to confirm or establishes diagnosis.
Types of Surgery
Purpose: Excision or removal of diseased body part.
Types of Surgery
Purpose: Restore function or appearance to traumatized or malfunctioning tissues.
Types of Surgery
Purpose: Removes a diseased body parts
Types of Surgery
Purpose: Relieves or reduces pain or symptoms of a disease; it does not cure
Types of Surgery
Purpose: Replaces malfunctioning structures
Types of Surgery
Purpose: Performed to improve personal appearance.
Types of Surgery
Degree of Urgency:
Emergency Surgery
Elective Surgery
Urgent Surgery
Optional Surgery
Required Surgery
Types of Surgery
Degree of Urgency:
-Failure to have surgery not catastrophic
-Performed when surgical intervention is the preferred treatment
-NOT imminently life threatening BUT may ultimately threaten life or wellbeing,
-To improve the client’s life.
-Delay of surgery has no ill effects;
-Can be scheduled in advance based on patient’s choice.
Elective Surgery
True or False:
Elective Surgery is NOT imminently life threatening BUT may ultimately threaten life or wellbeing,
Types of Surgery
Degree of Urgency: Elective Surgery
Examples are -
Cholecystectomy for chronic gallbladder disease,
Hip replacement surgery, and
Plastic surgery procedures such as breast reduction.
Simple Hernia repair,
Vaginal repair.
Cataract extraction and lens implantation,
Hip prosthesis,
Scar revision,
Types of Surgery
Degree of Urgency:
-Without delay
-Performed immediately to:
Preserve function
Preserve life of the client
Emergency Surgery
Types of Surgery
Degree of Urgency: Emergency Surgery
-Without delay
-Performed immediately to:
Preserve function
Preserve life of the client
Types of Surgery
Degree of Urgency: Emergency Surgery
Examples -
Control internal hemorrhage; severe bleeding
Repair a fracture
Intestinal obstruction
Stab wounds
Extensive burns
Types of Surgery
Degree of Urgency: Urgent Surgery
-Patient requires prompt attention
-Usually done within 24–48 hours
-To remove or repair a body part
-To preserve or restore health
-To prevent further tissue damage
Types of Surgery
Degree of Urgency:
-Patient requires prompt attention
-Usually done within 24–48 hours
-To remove or repair a body part
-To preserve or restore health
-To prevent further tissue damage
Urgent Surgery
Types of Surgery
Degree of Urgency: Urgent Surgery
Examples -
Removal of gallbladder,
Coronary artery bypass,
Surgical removal of a malignant tumor,
Kidney or ureteral stones,
Colon resection,
Types of Surgery
Degree of Urgency:
-Not critical to survival or function.
-Decision rests with patient
-Personal preference
Optional Surgery
Types of Surgery
Degree of Urgency: Optional Surgery
-Not critical to survival or function.
-Decision rests with patient
-Personal preference
Types of Surgery
Degree of Urgency: Cosmetic Surgery
-Patient needs to have surgery.
-Plan within a few weeks or months
Types of Surgery
Degree of Urgency:
-Patient NEEDS to have surgery.
-Plan within a few weeks or months
Required Surgery
Types of Surgery
Degree of Urgency: Required Surgery
Examples -
Prostatic hyperplasia without bladder obstruction
Thyroid disorders
Types of Surgery
Degree of Risk:
Affected by the client’s -
General Health
Nutritional Status
Mental Status
Types of Surgery
Degree of Risk:
-very young and elder clients are GREATER surgical risks than children and adult.
Types of Surgery
Degree of Risk:
-surgery is LEAST RISKY when the client’s general health is good
General Health
Types of Surgery
Degree of Risk:
-required for normal tissue repair.
Nutritional Status
Types of Surgery
Degree of Risk:
-regular use of certain medications can INCREASE surgical risk.
True or False:
Regular use of certain medications can decrease surgical risk.
Regular use of certain medications can INCREASE surgical risk.
Types of Surgery
Degree of Risk:
-disorder that affect cognitive function
Mental status
True or False:
Children and adult are greater surgical risks than very young and elder clients
very young and elder clients are greater surgical risks than children and adult.
Intraoperative phase:
Begins when _____________________
Ends when __________________
the client is transferred to the operating tabl;
the client is admitted to the: PACU (Postanesthesia Care Unit)
Also called: Postanesthetic Room or Recovery Room (RR)
what is the goal in the Postoperative Phase?
To assist the client to achieve the most optimal health status possible.
Nursing activities:
-Assessing the client’s response (physiological and psychological) to surgery,
-Performing interventions to facilitate healing and prevent complications,
-Teaching and providing support to the client and support people, and
-Planning for home care.
GOAL: To assist the client to achieve the most optimal health status possible.