On metallic-hull ships, the ____________ shall be considered ground potential?
Ship’s hull (Page 16 in PDF)
What is the personal safety grounds max resistance?
Contact resistance of .1 ohms or less between equipment housing and ground potential (Page 16 in PDF)
What is an electromagnetic (EM) disturbance resulting from the generation of frequencies equal to the sum or difference of integral multiples of two or more frequency sources when mixed in a nonlinear junction?
Inter-Modulation Interference (IMI) (Page 17 in PDF)
What are shipboard spaces having electromagnetic shielding against radiated emissions in the 10 MHz to 1000 MHz frequency range?
TEMPSTEST Protected Space (Page 20 in PDF)
Systems installed for less than _______ days will have no TEMPTEST related requirements?
60 days (Page 26 in PDF)
What types of bond straps only shall be installed topside?
Type I and Type II (Page 29 in PDF)
What type of bond straps shall be installed in below deck locations?
Type III and Type IV (Page 29 in PDF)
Cellular phones, pagers, cordless phones, PDA’s and faxes are considered what?
RF transmitters (Page 33 in PDF)
Red Processor minimum distance to RF transmitter?
3 meters (Page 33 in PDF)
Exterior walls minimum distance to Red Processors and Red Cables?
1 meter (Page 33 in PDF)
Unshielded BLACK signals minimum distance to RED processors and cables?
15 cm (Page 33 in PDF)
Black Signal (shielded) minimum distance from Red Processor and Red cables?
5 cm (Page 33 in PDF)
Black Signal (unshielded) minimum distance from Red Processors and Red Cables?
15 cm (Page 33 in PDF)
Black Signal (exiting IS), Black Signal (connected to RF Transmitter), Black Power Line (to Black Transmitter/ exit IS) and exterior walls has a minimum distance from Red Processors?
1 M (Page 33 in PDF)
Black Signal (exiting IS), Black Signal (connected to RF Transmitter), Black Power Line (to Black Transmitter/ exit IS) minimum distance from Red cables?
5 cm (Page 33 in PDF)
Exterior walls minimum distance from Red Processors and Red cables?
1 M (Page 33 in PDF)
Minimum distances from RF Transmitter to Red Processors?
3 M (page 34 in PDF)
Minimum distances from RF Transmitter to Red Cables?
1 M (Page 34 in PDF)
Increase to ____________ cm for parallel runs exceeding 30 meters.
15cm (Page 34 in PDF)
What is the minimum separation between a telephone instrument and RED data processing equipment?
1 meter (39 inches) (Page 34 in PDF)
What is the minimum separation distance between RED/BLACK equipment within a common cabinet?
30 cm (1 feet) (Page 34 in PDF)
What is the maximum time period for prototype installation of RED processing equipment?
9 months (Page 45 in PDF)
A ____________ shall be conducted for all shipboard, aircraft, and fixed facilities processing SCI once construction of the facility is complete and electronic equipment is installed.
VTI (Page 46 in PDF)
How often are TEMPTEST accreditations reviewed/updated?
5 years from initial accreditation and every 5 years thereafter (Page 46 in PDF)
All visual TEMPTEST inspections shall be conducted by a certified __________?
FTA (Page 47 in PDF)
Discrepancies shall be corrected within _____ working days after receipt of the VTI or partial VTI summary report?
30 (Page 48 in PDF)
What are the 3 TEMPTEST facility zones?
Zone A, Zone B, Zone C (Page 53 in PDF)
What is inspect able space that is less than 20 meters (66 feet)?
Zone A Facility (Page 53 in PDF)
What is inspect able space that is greater than 20 meters and less than 100 meters?
Zone B Facility (Page 53 in PDF)
What is inspect able space that is equal to, or greater than 100 meters?
Zone C Facility (Page 53 in PDF)
When underway, what Zone rating is a ship?
Zone C (Page 55 in PDF)
Towers are defined as any permanent structure that is more vertical than horizontal, that is energized or non-energized, guyed or free standing, and exceeds __________ feet in height?
20 feet (Page 6 in PDF)
Small towers are those less than _______ in height?
300 feet (Page 6 in PDF)
Tall towers are those more than _________ in height?
300 feet (Page 6 in PDF)
What is the primary consideration to which all Coast Guard personnel must devote their complete attention whenever they are climbing a tower or are in the immediate vicinity of a tower of any height?
Safety (Page 10 in PDF)
Towers are classified as elevated structures as defined by who?
OSHA (Page 10 in PDF)
All personnel engaging in construction, maintenance, repair or inspection shall use _________ __________ when working on any Coast Guard tower.
Fall Protection (Page 10 in PDF)
What is required to be worn by any person within a tower’s drop zone?
A Safety Helmet (Page 10 in PDF)
What is the drop zone when talking about towers?
The radius is ½ the height of the tower and centered on the tower axis (Page 10 in PDF)
What is the safety climber distance?
150 feet (Page 10 in PDF)
When climbing to a height of 150 ft. or less a safety observer should be located where?
The ground (Page 10 in PDF)
Who shall have constant two-way communication with the climber on the tower?
Safety Observer (Page 10 in PDF)
When climbing towers greater than 150 ft. in height the safety observer shall join the primary climber on the tower and stay within ___________ ft. of the primary climber at all times.
150 ft. (Page 10 in PDF)
The climber shall be issued a written qualification letter from the servicing CEU. This letter will specify what?
The max height of tower that the individual is authorized to climb
Whether the individual is authorized to climb an energized or non-energized tower
NOT doing PMS on Lightning protection “ON TEST” (Page 11 in PDF)
The climber must use a complete Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS) which consists of what?
Full body harness
Deceleration lanyard
Connecting devices (D-Rings)
When using a ladder for ascent or descent, the climber must us a ladder safety climbing device (Page 11 in PDF)
What system consist at a minimum of an anchorage, full body harness, deceleration lanyard and connecting devices?
Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS) (Page 13 in PDF)
Full body harness must meet ANSI Z359.1-1992 requirements and must have what type of ring which is centered in the wearer’s upper back?
“D” ring (Page 13 in PDF)
What type of devices include deceleration lanyards, working lanyards and ladder safety climbing devices?
Connecting devices (Page 13 in PDF)
Shock absorbing fall restraint lanyards must meet ANSI Z359.1-1332 and ANSI A10.14-1991. The devices limit free fall to _________ feet?
6 Feet (Page 13 in PDF)
Ropes, straps and webbing used in lanyards, lifelines and strength components of body harness shall be made from what type of fibers?
Synthetic (Page 13 in PDF)
All connecting hardware must have a minimum tensile strength of ________ lbs.?
5000 lbs. (Page 13 in PDF)
All connecting hardware shall be proof tested to a minimum of ________ lbs.?
3600 lbs. (Page 13 in PDF)
What is the working load limit for a full body harness is what lbs.?
310 lbs. (Page 14 in PDF)
In inclement weather radio checks should be initiated at least every ______ minutes?
5 minutes (Page 14 in PDF)
What should be used to positively ground a tower?
A dead-man stick (Page 15 in PDF)
How many points of contact shall a climber maintain while climbing?
3 points of contact (Page 15 in PDF)
True or False: NGPS and DGPS can be climbed while energized?
False (Page 17 in PDF)
It is Coast guard policy to conform to the _________________ standards with respect to ladders and fall protection.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards (Page 18 in PDF)
When does a tower have to be lighted/marked for air navigation?
At heights equal to or greater than 200FT (Page 118 in PDF)
Each ungrounded tower is provided with a _________ __________ lightning protector (with or without a rain shield) for installation across the base insulator.
Ball Gap (Page 124 in PDF)
The base insulator ball gap distance should be set approximately _______ inch greater than the maximum arc-over distance under full operating transmitting power.
1/8 inch (Page 124 in PDF)
The ball gaps for the isolation transformers should be set _____________ of an inch greater than the base insulator ball gap.
1/8 (Page 125 in PDF)
To further discourage travel of lightning into the transmitter building, antenna feedlines should have a _______________ shaped bends rather than straight lead to tower.
“Vertical Z” (Page 125 in PDF)
XTL-5000 Low power range?
10W +/- 1W ( Page 3 in PDF)
XTL-5000 High power range?
20-25 Watts (Page 4 in PDF)
If power indication is incorrect what should be done first?
Perform Transceiver program (Page 4 in PDF)
What is the deviation of an XTL-5000?
8KHz to 5KHz (Page 4 in PDF)
If deviation is incorrect what should be done?
Replace Microphone (Page 4 in PDF)
What is a correct SINAD level on a XTL-5000 transceiver?
12dB or higher (Page 5 in PDF)
What is the acceptable resistance reading for CEMT-390 Antenna?
Greater than or equal to 100 Mega ohms (Page 3 in PDF)
When testing an HF antenna from the feed cable and you see a megger reading below 100 M ohms what should be done next?
Attach megger to antenna (Page 4 in PDF)
After attaching the megger to the antenna and you see a reading of more than 100M ohms what should be replaced?
Feed cable (Page 4 in PDF)
What is the minimum slug values for MORAD-VHF-159 VSWR test?
Required slugs need 0-25 watts minimum with the frequency range of 156-163MHZ (Page 7 in pDF)
How do you get the transceiver test on the AIS transponder?
FNC- 8 (Page 7 in PDF)
Test transmissions will automatically “time out” after approximately _____ seconds?
20 seconds (Page 8 in PDF)
0 CW modulation frequency for 1 KHz tone?
Set RF signal generator to 156.001 MHz when generating a 1KHz tone on a CW mode 156 MHz frequency (Page 4 in PDF)
If DF BEARING and PLOTTED BEARING are different by _____ degrees the unit should be replaced?
+/- 3 degrees (Page 3 in PDF)
When testing receiver sensitivity on a DF what is the maximum micro-volts?
5 micro-volts
What should be done if the receiver sensitivity higher than 5 micro-volts?
Replace unit (Page 3 in PDF)
When checking resistance from antenna to doublet element and you get a reading of less than 10M ohms what should be done first?
Clean the antenna (Page 3 in PDF)
After cleaning the antenna and you still get less than 10M ohms what should be done next?
Replace antenna (Page 3 in PDF)
XTL-5000 Low power range?
10W +/- 1W ( Page 3 in PDF)
XTL-5000 High power range?
20-25 Watts (Page 4 in PDF)
If power indication is incorrect what should be done first?
Perform Transceiver program (Page 4 in PDF)
After performing Transceiver Program what should be next if the power indication is incorrect?
Replace Transceiver (Page 4 in PDF)
What is the deviation of an XTL-5000?
8KHz to 5KHz (Page 4 in PDF)
If deviation is incorrect what should be done?
Replace Microphone (Page 4 in PDF)
What is a correct SINAD level on a XTL-5000 transceiver?
12dB or higher (Page 5 in PDF)
What is the bonding and grounding standards for buildings?
MIL-STD-188-124A (Page 1 in PDF)
An ____________ ____________ subsystem shall be installed by the responsible facilities engineering activities at each C-E facility to provide a low resistance path to earth for lightning and power fault currents and ensure that hazardous voltages do not occur within the facility?
Earth Electrode (Page 14 in PDF)
The basic earth electrode subsystem configuration shall consist of driven ground rods uniformly spaced around the facility and placed __________ ft. to _________ ft. outside the drip line of structures.
2 ft. to 8 ft. (0.6 m to 1.8 m) (Page 14 in PDF)
The ground rods shall be interconnected with a _________ AWG bare copper cable buried at least .45 m (1.5 feet) below grade level.
1/0 AWG (Page 14 in PDF)
The interconnecting cable shall be ________ or __________ to each ground rod and shall close on itself to form a complete loop.
Brazed or Welded (Page 14 in PDF)
The resistance to earth of the earth electrode subsystem should not exceed ________ ohms at fixed permanent facilities.
10 ohms (Page 14 in PDF)
Ground rods shall be copper-clad steel a minimum of _________ ft. in length, spaced apart not more than twice the rod length, and shall not be less than ____________ inch in diameter.
10 ft. (3 m); ¾ inch (1.9 cm) (Page 14 in PDF)
The thickness of the copper jacket for ground rods shall not be less than ___________?
3mm (0.012 inch) (Page 14 in PDF)
The entrance plate shall be bonded to the earth electrode subsystem with what?
2 minimum length 1/0 copper cables (Page 15 in PDF)
The resistance to earth of the earth electrode subsystem shall be measured only by what technique?
The Fall of Potential technique (Page 20 in PDF)
To assure adequate performance under all climatic conditions, resistance measurements of the earth electrode subsystem to earth will be made at ___________ month intervals for a 12 month period following installation.