Operations Manual

  1. Max quarterly and annual flying time
    • 500 per quarter
    • 800 in 2 consecutive quarters
    • 1400 per calendar year
  2. Max commercial flight time per 24 hours
    • One pilot = 8 hours
    • Two pilots = 10 hours
    • May exceed if duty period < 14 hrs and get 10 hours rest and cannot exceed 8 hours?
  3. Rest
    No duty assignment will be given unless it provides at least 10 consecutive hours of rest during the preceding 24 hrs from planned completion of the assignment
  4. Compensatory rest
    If flight time exceeded for a 24 hour period by < 30 min = 11 rest. 30-60 min = 12 rest. > 60 min = 16 hrs rest.
  5. Quarterly rest periods
    Pilot will be assigned at least 13 rest periods consisting of 24 consecutive hours each during a calendar quarter.
  6. Repair dollars I can authorize?
    $500 if unable to receive verbal authorization through a certificated mechanic or authorized repair facility. 5.6
  7. Immediately notify director of maintenance if:
    Page 5.7 list
  8. Foreign or military airport vis for takeoff and landing
    8.2, 135.225 1 mile for to, min VIS for procedure or 1/2 mile whichever is greater.
  9. 3.13 28 a. Oxygen Equipment and Use
    • Pilots
    • >30 minutes between 10,000 and 12,000 feet.
    • Any time above 12,000 feet.

    • Passengers
    • Any time above 15,000 feet.
  10. 3.15 32 LAHSO
    • Add 1000 feet to flight manual landing distance
    • Do not have to accept.
    • Once accepted, clearance is binding.
    • Minimum ceiling of 1500 feet and 5 statue miles vis, or 1000 feet and 3 statute miles if PAPI or VASI.
    • Night - must have approved lighting.
    • Dry only.
  11. 3.23 34 Aircraft Deicing Before Takeoff Contamination Check
    • 5 Minutes Before Takeoff
    • Visual Check
    • Outside of windshield, windows,
    • wing struts
    • radar pod
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Operations Manual