human Anatomy

  1. the
    general tissue type

  2. the
    specific tissue type

  3. the
    type of cells

  4. the
    number of layers

  5. location
    of tissue

    • epithelial
    • simple cubodial
    • cubodial
    • one
  6. the
    general tissue type

  7. the
    specific tissue type

  8. the
    type of cells

  9. the
    number of layers

  10. location
    of tissue

    • epi
    • simple columnar
    • column
    • one
  11. the
    general tissue type

  12. the
    specific tissue type

  13. the
    type of cells found along the edge

  14. the
    type of cells found near the middle (toward connective)

  15. the
    number of layers

  16. location
    of tissue

    • epi
    • transitional
    • cubodial
    • squamous
    • many
    • bladder
  17. the
    general tissue type

  18. the
    specific tissue type

  19. the
    type of cells

  20. the
    number of layers

  21. location
    of tissue

  22. epi

  23. pseudostratified

  24. column

  25. one
  26. the
    general tissue type

  27. the
    specific tissue type

  28. the
    type of cells

  29. the
    number of layers

  30. location
    of tissue

Card Set
human Anatomy
histology unit