What is this, and what layers can be observed
appendix - mucosa, submucosa, muscularis externa, serosa
What is this?
Colon, large intestine
What is this and what layers can be observed
Colon, intestine - mucosa, submucosa, muscularis/externa, serosa
What is this? What can be observed by the arrows
- This is the colon, large intestine
- - crypts of lieberkuhn and goblet cells, no paneth cells are located in the large intestine
What is this, and what is distinct to this layer?
Doudenum, brunners glands located in the submucosa
What is this and what layers can be observed
Doudenum, mucosa, submucosa, muscularis externa, serosa
What is this and what can be observed
Doudenum, goblet cells, and columnar epithelial cells with brish border
la = lacteals which help with digestion - drainage route
What is this, and what is unique about it ?
Gallbladder, only has mucosa, submucosa, muscularis externa
What is this ?
Liver (Left), gallbladder (right)
What is this ?
Liver, visible bile coniculi, white sinousoidal space, hepatocytes and kupffer cells (whiter larger cells, less common)
What is this
Ileum - peyers patches
What distinct layers are located in this specimen
Villi, peyers patches, crypts of lieburkuhn, mucosa submucosa, muscularis externa, serosa
what two layers are defined here and where is this specimen from
Ileum, inner longitudinal, outer circular
What specimen is this
Where is this and what layers would be observed
The jejunum, mucosa, submucosa, muscularis externa, (inner outer), serosa
Going from Left-right what layers can be observed, where is this specimen from
muscularis externa, submucosa, mucosa, cypts, villi
Where is this specimen from
Jejunum, visible crypts and villi
where is this specimen, what layer is being depicted, and what are the arrows indicating
Jejunem, paneth cells (antimicrobial secretions) and lamina propria
where is this specimen from
what is this and what is depicted
Liver, portal triad, bile ducts, hepatic arteriole, portal venule
What is visible in this image, where is it taken from
liver, kupffer cells (surrounded by more white)(near sinousoids) hepatocytes
what specimen is this taken from, what is the white dot in the middle
Liver, central vein
where is this specimen from, what is depicted
pancreas, lobules
Where is this speciment from, what is located in the black circles? what surrounds them
pancreas, islets, (alpha, beta, delta cells), surrounded by exocrine acini which produce alkaline secretions into the pancreatic duct
Where is this speciment from? what is depicted
Pancreas, islets and acini
What is depicted
the pyloric - doudenum junction
where is this taken, what is the large black arrow indicating and what are the two black outlines indicating (diff structures)
pyloric-doudenal junction
- Pyloric sphincter black arrow
- one outline is villi, one is rugae of stomach
what is this
Where is this? what layers can be seen
mucosa, submucosa, muscularis externa, serosa
Rectum - simple columnar epithelia
where is this, what is depicted
rectum, goblet cells, crypts of lieberkuhn, simple colum
What is this specimen
The ovary, depiciting corpus albicans
What is depicted in this image
Dense connective scar tissue, which occurs at terminal stage, corpus albicans
What is encircled in black in this image
corpus luteum
What is depicted in the image, and what are the layers
Ovary, l-r germinal epithelium (simple cuboidal), tunica albuginea, cortex, medulla
describe the image and what is depicted
graffian / tertiary follicle
inner most pink circle is zona pellucida, then corona radiata, then antrum cavity
what is encircled in black
primary follcile, primary oocyte
What is depicted in this image
germinal epithelial layer, tunica albuginea, primordial follicles
What is depicted in the image
primordial folliucles, with nucleus and nucleolus
What type of follicle is depicted here? what features are represented
secondary, two layers of cells, zona pellucida and granulosa cells, no antrum
What are the three black arrows pointing at
thecal externa, theca interna, granulosa cells
What is depicted in this image, what does the white space represent?
uterine tubes (ampulla) white is the lumen of the fallopian tubes
What is this and what layers are important
uterine tubes, mucosa (L) muscularis externa (inner and outer) and serosa
What is depicted in this image
uterine fallopain tubes, lamina propria between the dark red outlines, simple ciliated/nonciliated columnar epithelium
what is depicted in the image
uterus, L is serosa, then myometrial layer, and then endometrial layer with tubular glands
What is depicted in this image
the uterus, myometrial layer and endometrial layer. Endometrial layer contains the stratum basalis and stratum functionalis, which is depicted by the tubular glands
what is this, where is it ?
uterus, the red dot is an arcuate artery which depicts that this is from the myometrial layer
what is this? where is it located?
uterus, the white squiggles depicts arcuate arteries, thus in the myometrium
What is depicted in this image, what do these characteristics tell us about the location
Uterus, the large lumen holes are simple tubular glands which indicate that this is in the stratum functionalis, thus the arteriole seen is spiral
Where is this
the uterus
Where is this? what defining feature indicates this
vagina, non K strat squam
Where is this? what layers would be seen
vagina, mucosa, smooth muscle msucularis externa (continous with myometrium), adventitia
What is this and what layers are most clearly seen
vagina, non K strat squam epithelium, lamina propria
what is this? what is depicted by the arrows and where would they be found?
vagina, elastic fibers in the lamina propria
What is this ?
efferent ducts
what is this , what surroundes?
efferent ducts, basal cells
what is this
what is this? what is located in the center and what does the inner white depict. What epithelium would normally be found in the circumference
epididymis, spermatozoa, steriocilia, pseudostrat columnar
what is the arrow pointing at, where is this
basal cell, epididymis
what is this?
- two big are corpora cavernosa
- little circle is corpus spongiosum with penile urethra inside
what is this, where would it be located
erythrocytes, close of up corpora cavernosa where blood fills up for erection
what is this
penile urethra
what is depicted in this image
penis, lumen of urethra, skin of glans penis and skin
what is this and what is depicted by the black outline
penis, tunica albuginea
what two layers are depicted in this image and where is it ?
skin of glans penis , skin , penis
what is depicted in this image
prostate gland
what is this
prostate gland
what is this, what epithelium can be found
prostate, tall cuboidal to pseudostrat colum
what is this
what is the outlined and what surrounds it
testis, surrounded by seminal tubules
what is this?
rete testis surrounded by seminferous tubules
what do the arrows indicate , what else is present in this slide
seminal vesicle , prostate
what is this, what layers would be found
seminal vesicle, pseudostrat colum, lp, smooth muscle (msucle externa)
what is this
seminal vesicles
what is this? what else can be observed
testis, seminferous tubules, epidimyis at the top and tunica albuginea covering
what is depicted by the image
testis, seminiferous tibules
what is this ?
the seminiferous tubules
What is thiss
seminferous tubules, surrounded by tunica albuginea
what is depicted in this image
what is this
vas deferens
what is this
vas deferens
what is this
adrenal gland
what is this and what are the two layers
- outer cortex
- inner medulla
what is this and what are the layers
adrenal gland, L-R medulla, zona reticularis, zona fasiculata, zona glomerulosa and then cap
what is this and what are the layers
- biggest seen is zona fasiculata, then zona glomerulosa
- adrenal gland
what is this, be specific
zona fasiculata, adrenal gland
what is this be specific
adrenal gland, reticularis
what is this
adrenal gland, cortex at the top
what is this
what structures are presented in this image
- parathryoid - dark stain
- thyroid pink
where is this, what are teh arrows pointing too, and what does the arrangement indicate
parathryoid, chief cells, arranged in cords which are chief cells
what is this
pineal gland, with brain sand
where is this and what is being pointed at
pineal gland, pinealocytes
what is depicted here
pars nervosa, pars distalis (darker) pars intermedia between
what is this
the pituitary gland with pars distalis, intermedia, and nervosa
what is this ?
pituitary gland
what cells are depicted here
second arrow is for basophiles
what is this?
the pituitary follicle containing colloid ( pars intermedia)
what are the cells, what is the excess space
pituicytes, unmyelinated axons
pituitary gland
what is the first arrow pointing at, what is the third
C cells, follicular cell