pharm exam 1

  1. pharmacodynamics
    study the effects of drugs and the mechanism of action (what the drug does to the body)
  2. pharmacokinetics
    • movement of drugs in the body
    • what the body does to the drug: absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion
  3. Adverse drug reactions
    are not therapeutic, can be harmful and undesireable,
  4. underuse of medications
    leads to increase pain and suffering and poor control of chronic disorders such as diabetes, depression and hypertensionn
  5. overuse of medication
    leads to increased illness, increased injuries, and increased fatalities
  6. polypharmacy
    simultaneous use of medications
  7. pill container
    suggeseted for elderly who forget days and time
  8. when should fluids be given in eldery patient when taking meds
    before and after medication is administered to facilitate swallowing
  9. pharmocologic classification
    if the method for organizing drugs on the basis of their mechanism of action
  10. generic name
    assigned by the govt, nonpropriety
  11. combination drug
    more than one active generic ingredient
  12. when do you document medication administration
    affter vaccine or medication is given
  13. Tdap
    in infant recieve a lesser amount of antigens
  14. DTaP
    higher amount of antigen, would not be revacinated, but will have a sore arm at the vaccination site
  15. uppercase letters in DTaP
    corresponds with higher antigen quantity of the diptheria and pertussis components, relative to Tdap and its lowercase letters
    formulation for active immunization of pediactric clients of 6 weeks to 8 years
  17. great risk for toxicity
    neonates, infants and older adults
  18. MASTER rules
    • Minimal number of drugs as appropiate
    • alternate methods considered
    • start low, go slow
    • titrate therapies
    • educate client
    • review regularly
  19. example of antagonistic effect
    warfarin is used to decrease blood clotting but can be blocked if combined with vitamin K
  20. drugs to avoid in elderly
    • LA benzodiazepines
    • seddative hypnotics
    • LA oral antiglycemics
    • older tca: elavil
    • CNS depressing muscle relaxers
    • less efficient anticholinergics
    • sedating antihistamines
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pharm exam 1