Krater of Aristonothos, from Cerveteri, Italy 650 BCE.Terracotta
Tomb of the Shields and Chairs, Banditaccia Necropolis, Cerveteri, Italy. Ca. 550-500 BCE. Cut Tufa.
Portonaccio Temple, with terracotta sculptures of Herakles, Apollo, and possibly Niobe. Veii, Italy. 510-500 BCE.
Sarcophagus of the Spouses. Banditaccia Necropolis, Cerveteri, Italy. ca. 520 BCE. Painted Terracotta.
Tomb of the Augurs, MonterozziNecropolis, Tarquinia. Ca. 520 BCE
Temple of Hera II, Paestum, ca. 460 BCE. Limestone
Warrior A, from Riace., Italy Ca. 460-450BCE. Bronze
Sarcophagus of Lucius Cornelius ScipioBarbatus. From the Tomb of the Scipios, Rome.Early 3rd Cent. BCE. Tufa.
Gold Stater of Titus Quinctius Flamininus. Struck in Greece, 197-196 BCE.
Victory Monument of Aemilius Paulus, Delphi, Greece. 168BCE. Reconstruction Drawing and Fragment of Inscription
Paris-Munich Reliefs (Altar of Domitius Ahenobarbus). From Rome. Late 2nd Century BCE.Top: Wedding of Neptune and Amphitrite with Marine Thiasos. Marble. Glyptothek, MunichBottom: Roman Ritual Frieze. Marble. Louvre, Paris
- Temple of Portunus, Forum Boarium, Rome. Late 2nd -
- Early 1st Century BCE
Sanctuary of Fortuna Primagenia, Palestrina. Late Second - Early First Century BCE
Aerial View, Forum of Pompeii. 1) Temple of Apollo 2) Capitolium 3) Forum 4) Basilica , ca. 80 BCE
Forum Basilica (VI.1.1), Pompeii. ca. 80 BCE
- Plan, Forum Baths
- (VII.5.24), Pompeii. Ca.
- 80-70 BCE
- 1) men’s entrance, 2)
- palaestra, 3) men’s
- apodyterium,
- 4) men’s frigidarium, 5)
- men’s tepidarium, 6)
- men’s caldarium,
- 10) women’s
- caldarium, 9) women’s
- tepidarium,
- 7) women’s
- apodyterium and
- frigidarium, women’s
- entrance (below 8)
Men’s Tepidarium, Forum Baths, Pompeii. Ca. 80-70 BCE
Aerial View, Theater (VIII.7.20), begun Second Century BCE, and Odeon, ca. 80-70 BCE
Amphitheater (II.6), Pompeii. Ca. 80-70 BCE
- Plan, House of Sallust (VI.2.4), Pompeii. 3rd Century BCE
- View of atrium
First Style Wall Painting, Atrium, House of Sallust. Ca. 100 BCE. Pompeii
18th Century Plan by KarlWeber andReconstruction,Villa of thePapyri, Herculaneum. FirstCentury BCE - FirstCentury CE. Possiblyowned by LuciusCalpurnius Piso
Second Style Fresco fragmentfrom the Villa of the Papyri,Herculaneum. 1st CenturyBCE
Statue of Athena,Villa ofthe Papyri, Herculaneum
Herm Bust of Doryphoros, by Apollonios of Athens (after Polykleitos, fifth century). First Century BCE.Naples Archaeological Museum
“Terme Ruler” (Hellenistic Prince orRoman General). Rome. Third to FirstCentury BCE. Bronze
Aule Metelle (Arringatore),Cortona. Ca. 90-70 BCE. Bronze
Tivoli General,” From Temple of Hercules, Tivoli. Ca.75-50 BCE. Marble. Rome, Palazzo Massimo.
Portrait of Gaius Julius Caesar, fromTusculum. ca. 44 BCE. Turin. Marble
Sestertius with Portrait of Julius Caesar as Divus Julius and Octavian as Divi Filius (son of a god). 37BCE. London
Aerial View, Mausoleum of Augustus. Campus Martius, Rome. 28-23 BCE
“Actium Type” Portrait of Octavian, Rome.
Bronze Head of Augustus, from Meroë, Kush (Sudan). Ca. 27-25 BCE. So-called “Prima Porta Type”
Augustus of Primaporta, from Rome. Early FirstCentury CE, copy of a bronze original of ca. 20BCE.Vatican Museums
Ara Pacis Augustae. 13-9 BCE. Rome
Altar and Inner Precinct, Ara Pacis Augustae. 13-9 BCE. Rome
Ara Pacis Augustae, South Frieze. 13-9 BCE. Rome
Plan, ForumAugustum.Vowed 42 BCE,Dedicated 2BCE. Rome
Caryatids with Jupiter Ammon, Forum Augustum, Dedicated 2 BCE. Rome
Relief from Algiers, Showing Cult Statue of Mars Ultor,Venus, and Divus Iulius
- Tomb of “The Baker,” Marcus Vergilius
- Eurysaces, and his wife Atistia. Late 1st
- Century BCE. Travertine. Rome, Porta
- Maggiore
Relief of the Servilii, Rome. Late 1st Century BCE. Marble. Vatican Museums
Arch of Augustus at Susa. Ca. 9 BCE
Portion of Relief with Double Suovetaurilia, from Rome. Ca. 14 CE. Musée du Louvre, Paris
Gemma Augustea,’Early 1st Century CE.KunshistorischesMuseum,Vienna
Claudius in the Guise of Jupiter, from Lanuvium. Ca.42-43. Marble.Vatican Museums
Porta Maggiore. 41-54 CE. Travertine. Rome. Exterior.
Portrait of Nero, from the Palatine Hill, Rome