AP Lab Exam 1 part 2

  1. What is the body cavity in which the heart is located (by itself)?
    pericardial cavity
  2. What is the body cavity in which the spinal cord is located (by itself)?
    spinal cavity
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    ocular lens
  4. The power of the ocular lens multiplied by the power of the objective lens used is equal to the -----.
    total magnification
  5. What cytoskeletal element is primarily composed of actin?
  6. What paired, cylindrical bodies direct the formation of the mitotic spindle during cell division?
  7. The daughter chromosomes separate during which phase of mitosis?
  8. What do we call a loose connective tissue containing reticular fibers?
    reticular connective tissue
  9. What do we call a loose connective tissue containing both collagen and elastin fibers, and in which the primary cell type is the fibroblast?
    areolar connective tissue
  10. What do we call a dense connective tissue containing a fluid matrix and populated primarily by erythrocytes and leukocytes?
  11. Epithelial tissues are classified by what two criteria?
    cell shape and number of layers
  12. What do we call a muscular tissue in which the cells are striated, multinucleate, and parallel to one another?
    skeletal muscle tissue
  13. What primary type of tissue is excitable but not contractile?
    nervous tissue
  14. What are the primary functional cells of nervous tissue called?
  15. What are the cell junctions between cardiac muscle cells called?
    intercalated discs
  16. Identify one location in the body where hyaline cartilage is found.
  17. Identify one location in the body where adipose connective tissue is found.
  18. Identify one location in the body where transitional epithelium is found.
    urinary bladder
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    areolar connective tissue
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    reticular connective tissue
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    stratum granulosum
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    hair shaft
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    nail root
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    (Eccrine) sweat gland
  25. What is the name of the membrane lining the organ within the pleural cavity?
    visceral pleura
  26. What is the body cavity in which a single lung is located?
    pleural cavity
  27. A plane of section that runs parallel to the long axis of the body and divides it into unequal right and left halves is called a ----- section.
  28. What cytoskeletal elements are stable and resist mechanical forces acting on the cell?
    intermediate filaments
  29. DNA replication occurs during which phase of the cell cycle?
  30. The nuclear membrane disappears during which phase of mitosis?
    late prophase
  31. What do we call a dense connective tissue containing an amorphous matrix and populated primarily by chondrocytes?
    hyaline cartilage
  32. What do we call a muscular tissue in which the cells are non-striated, uninucleate, and spindle shaped?
    smooth muscle tissue
  33. Identify one location in the body where dense regular connective tissue is found.
  34. Identify one location in the body where dense irregular connective tissue is found.
    dermis of skin
  35. Identify one location in the body where pseudostratified columnar epithelium is found.
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    nail body
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  38. What is the name of the membrane lining the walls of the abdominal cavity?
    parietal peritoneum
  39. What is the general term denoting a membrane that lines the walls of certain ventral body cavities?
    parietal serosa
  40. A plane of section that runs parallel to the long axis of the body and divides it into equal right and left halves is called a ----- section.
  41. Image Upload 20
  42. The nuclear membrane reforms during which phase of mitosis?
  43. The chromatin condenses during which phase of mitosis?
    early prophase
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  45. What do we call an epithelial tissue that is composed of cells that are higher than they are wide and appears to be multi-layered, even though it is only one cell layer thick?
    psuedostratified columnar epithelium
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    osseous connective tissue
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    stratum corneum
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    connective tissue root sheath
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    stratum corneum
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  51. What tiny spherical bodies, composed of RNA and protein, are the actual sites of protein synthesis?
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    smooth muscle tissue
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    meissner's corpuscle
  56. What cytoskeletal element is primarily composed of tubulins and helps determine the shape of the cell?
  57. Image Upload 42
    hair follicle
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AP Lab Exam 1 part 2
ap lab exam 1