What are the 4 components of Personal System?
- Goals - Achieve and Attain
- Competencies - What we do well
- Beliefs - What we perceive to be true
- Values - most important and engrained beliefs
Slide 17 pg.
How do you change your beliefs?
Disconfirming Data - info that potentially shows us our beliefs are untrue.
Big, Hairy, Audacious, Goal
Ex: Lexus: “Beat Benz” (mid 1980’s), Stanford University: “Become the Harvard of the West” (1940s)
Slide 17
MARS Model of Individual Behavior and Results
- Motivation
- Ability
- Role Perceptions
- -->
- Situational Factors
- =
- Behavior and Results
Slide 19 pg. 35
What are the Individual Characteristics that are involved in MARS MODEL
- Values
- Personality
- Perceptions
- Emotions and Attitudes
- Stress
Pg. 35
Define Organizational Citizenship
Performance beyond the required job duties (pick up paper in hall)- without selfish intent.
Slide 20 pg.39
Organizational Values
- Stable, important beliefs that guide our preferences and behaviors
- Define right or wrong, good or bad
Ex: Communication, Respect, Integrity, Excellance
Define Values Congruence
- Value congruence-- where two or more entities have similar value systems
- (consistemcy between personal and organizational values)
Slide 21 pg. 44
Define Ethics
The study of moral principles or values that determine whether actions or their outcomes are right or wrong, good or bad
Slide 23 pg. 48
Define Personality
The relatively stable pattern of behavior and state of mind that explains a person's attitude and behavior
Slide 24 pg. 51
Define Locus of Control
- Internals - believe in their effort and ability to influence environment and affect change (They are in control of their future)
- Externals - believe events are mainly due to external causes, e.g., fate (Future is cuz of external events)
Slide 25
Self Monitoring
- (Self-Mgmt)
- Sensitivity to situational cues, and ability to adapt your behavior to that situation. (Adapt to behaviors of others)
Slide 25 pg. 55
What is Holland’s Occupational Choice Theory
Career success depends on fit between the person and his/her work environment