A&P Lab - Quiz #1 - Set #2

  1. What are the four (4) quadrants concerning the abdominal area?
    Image Upload 2
    • Right upper quadrant (RUQ) / Left upper quadrant (LUQ)
    • Right lower quadrant (RLQ) / Left lower quadrant (LLQ)
    • Image Upload 4
  2. Body Sections:

    What is the sagittal plane?
    • A lengthwise cut that divides the body into left and right portions.
    • Image Upload 6
  3. Body Sections:

    What is the mid-sagittal plane?
    [A length wise cut that divides the body into equal left and right portions]

    • When a sagittal section passes along the midline and divides the body into equal parts.
    • Image Upload 8
  4. Body Sections:

    What is the pari-sagittal plane?
    [A length wise cut that divides the body into equal left and right portions]

    • A sagittal section lateral to midline is called parasagittal.
    • Image Upload 10
  5. Body Sections:

    What is the transverse or horizontal plane?
    • It is when the body is divided into superior and inferior portions.
    • Image Upload 12
  6. Body Sections:

    What is the frontal plane?
    • It is when the body is divided into anterior and posterior portions.
    • Image Upload 14
  7. Cylindrical parts may be cut into what three (3) sections?
    • (a) cross section
    • (b) oblique section
    • (c) longitudinal section
    • Image Upload 16
  8. The abdominal cavity contains what organs?
    • liver
    • spleen
    • stomach
    • gallbladder
    • small intestine
  9. The crainial cavity contains what organs?
  10. The pelvic cavity contains what organs?
    • internal reproductive organs
    • urinary bladder
  11. The thoracic cavity holds contains what organs?
    • lungs
    • mediastinum
    • heart
  12. The vertebral canal (spinal cavity) contains what organs?
    spinal cord
  13. What is the general function of the cardiovascular system?
    The cardiovascular system transports nutrients, wastes, and gases throughout the body.
  14. What is the general function of the digestive system?
    The digestive system converts food molecules into absorable forms.
  15. What is the general function of the endocrine system?
    The endocrine system is the main system that secretes hormones.
  16. What is the general function of the integumentary system?
    The integumentary system provides an outer covering of the body.
  17. What is the general function of the lymphatic system?
    The lymphatic system transports excess fluid from tissues to blood.
  18. What is the general function of the muscular system?
    The muscular system is what is responsible for movements via contractions and creates most body heat.
  19. What is the general function of the nervous system?
    The nervous system stimulates muscles to contract and interprets information from sensory organs.
  20. What is the general function of the reproductive system?
    The reproductive system produces gametes (eggs and sperm).
  21. What is the general function of the respiratory system?
    The respiratory system exchanges gases between air and blood.
  22. What is the general function of the skeletal system?
    The skeletal system provides a framework and support for soft tissues and produces blood cells in red marrow.
  23. What is the general function of the urinary system?
    The urinary system removes liquid and wastes from blood and transports them to the outside of the body.
  24. What are the four (4) major types of tissues within the human body?
    • 1. epithelial tissue
    • 2. connective tissue
    • 3. muscular tissue
    • 4. nervous tissue
  25. Epithelial tissue does what?
    Epithelial tissue is the tissue that covers the body's external and internal surfaces and most glands.
  26. Connective tissue does what?
    Connective tissue binds and supports parts.
  27. Muscular tissue does what?
    Muscular tissue is responsible for making movement possiable.
  28. Nervous tissue does what?
    Nervous tissue conducts impulses from one part of the body to another and helps to control and coordinate body activities.
  29. When discussing tissue what is the difference between simple and stratified tissue?
    simple - means a single layer

    stratified - means multiple layers
  30. What are the functions of epithelial tissue?
    • For:
    • - protection
    • - secretion
    • - absorption
    • - excretion
  31. What does the underside of epitheal tissue contain?
    Epitheal tissue contains on its underside an acellular basement membrane layer composed of adhesives and collagen to which the epithel cells anchor to underlying connective tissue.
  32. Epithelial cells always have what?
    Epithelial cells always have a free (apical) surface exposed to the outside or to an open space internally and a basal surface that attaches to the basement membrane.
  33. True or False?

    Epithelial cells readily divide and always have blood vessels.

    Epithelial cells readily divide and lack blood vessels.
  34. What type of epithelial tissue is this?

    Image Upload 18
    Simple squamous epithelium

    (side view) (from lung)
  35. What type of epithelial tissue is this?

    Image Upload 20
    Simple cuboidal epithelium

    (from kidney)
  36. What type of epithelial tissue is this?

    Image Upload 22
    Simple columnar epithelium

    (from intestine)
  37. What type of epithelial tissue is this?

    Image Upload 24
    Pseudostratified columnar epihelium with cilia

    (from trachea)
  38. What type of epithelial tissue is this?

    Image Upload 26
    Transitional epithelium

    (unstretched) (from urinary bladder)
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A&P Lab - Quiz #1 - Set #2
Study cards of the first quiz