Bible Test 1

  1. Similarities between Judaism and other religions
    • Higher power
    • Worshiped a deity
    • Priesthood
    • and holy locations
  2. Differences between Judaism and other religions
    • Monotheistic
    • Revealed God
    • Originally a
    • locality
  3. Diaspora
    The spreading out of Jews throughout the world
  4. Septuagint
    • the original scriptures for early Christians made by 70 translators
    • aka LXX
  5. Synagogue
    significant sites for teaching and worship, houses of prayer
  6. Dead Sea Scrolls
    • a library kept by Essenes, elaborates on the diversity of the
    • jewish culture
  7. Hellenism/Hellenization
    the adoption of Greek influence
  8. Pagan
    a heathen who is polytheistic or doesn’t believe in God
  9. Gentiles
  10. Pax Romana
    • The extent of the roman empire with its basic
    • stability, and worldwide unity
  11. Animism
    • belief that spirits can posses people animals and other
    • entities
  12. Animism
    • Belief that spirits can posses people animals and other
    • entities
  13. Herod the Great
    • Iduman/half-jew, politically minded, enlarged the
    • temple, began building programs
  14. Pharisees
    • Middle class
    • Power based outside Jerusalem
    • associated with synagogue
    • teachers and scholars
    • maintain relationship with God via Law
    • accepted most of the OT
    • life after death
    • believed in demons and angels
  15. Sadducees
    • Upper class
    • Power base in Jerusalem
    • Temple
    • Priests
    • relationship via sacrifice
    • only Torah/Pentateuch
    • no after life
    • skepticle of paranormal
    • dissapear after war with Rome
  16. Zealots
    • radical anti-roman Jews
    • physical force
    • included sicarii- knife wielding assasigns who would kills jews
  17. Samaritans
    • only the pentateuch and it was revised
    • Claimed true existance in Israel
  18. Essenes
    • keepers of the dead sea scrolls
    • not mentioned in the NT
    • very ritualistic
  19. Apollonius of Tyanna
    • A worshipper of Roman Gods, who was considered another "Son of God"
    • Tells us the importance of situating Jesus and the NT in the original world
  20. Inflences and results of Greek's culture
    • looked to the septuagint
    • spoke greek
    • Rabbis over priests
  21. Dualism
    • tends to objectify good and evil as realities in nature
    • grants more power to the devil
  22. Epicureanism
    • Origins from Epicurus
    • Free will
    • Pleasure seeking, through tranquility
    • Avoid things that lead to pain
    • No after life
  23. Stoics
    • Origins from Zeno
    • Predestination it is all a cycle
    • Virtue is most important throgh faith
    • Focused on the logic of the universe
  24. Cynicism
    • Origins are Diogenes Of Sinope
    • Athenticity and Independance
    • Voluntary poverty
    • Rhetorical conversation with themself
  25. Gnosticism
    religous movement that regaurded the spirit as fndementally good and matter as evil
  26. Koine
    "common" became the lingua franca of the hellenistic world language and the NT
  27. Unicials
    All capital greek writing earliest version
  28. Cursives/Miniscules
    distinguished between upper and lower case letters later version
  29. Pyramid of Greco-Roman Religosity
    Humans->Divine Beings, demigods, heros, immortals->Daimonia, Local Gods-> The Great Ones-> The One God
  30. Julius Cesar
    Dictator who turned Rome into an Empire
  31. Octavian (Agustus)
    Cesar's adopted son/great nephew who finished Cesar's maste plan
  32. Amount of books in the Protestant canon
  33. Catholic Canon and what its called
    11-15, Apocrypha or Deutero-canonical
  34. What the term "Old Testament" title is
    Christian name for the Jewish bible
  35. The bible originally was in what language?
    Hebrew-> Greek
  36. Bible
    Originally meant a collection of books signifying the different authors
  37. Canon
    • from the greek word meaning to measure or ruler
    • denotes a recognized authoritative collection of books
  38. Historical-Critical Approach
    • focs on the circumstances of a text's composition
    • the way a historian might use the NT
  39. Redaction
    "Editing" the study of possible sites of editing
  40. Hermenetics
    • philosophical reflection on the process of interpretation. The study of
    • interpretation theories. Usually focuses more on present meaning and
    • appropriation.
  41. Exegesis
    • explication of the text. From Greek for “interpret,” to
    • exegete is to explain or analyze a text using historical-critical tools of
    • understanding. Exegesis typically focuses more on past meaning.
  42. NT Basics
    • 27 Books
    • Written in Greek
    • Varios Authors
  43. Gospel transmission
    • Historical Jesus
    • Early tradition
    • Composition of the Gospels
    • Preservation of Manuscripts
    • Translation
    • Reception
  44. Text criticism
    when people analyze the various manuscripts of the NT to judge which are the most reliable
  45. Form criticism
    seeks to classify different materials found in the NT according to genre
  46. Source criticism
    Moves to present a hypothesis regaurding possible sources for NT authors
  47. Sociological criticism
    Scholars examine the NT with tools from social science
  48. Rhetorical criticism
    • Focuses on the strategies used by biblical authors to achieve their purposes
    • types of arguments used
  49. Narrative criticism
    • Treats each book as its own and focuses on that
    • draws on insights of modern lit analysis to determine the expected effects
  50. Redaction criticism
    determine the intentions by analyzing the arrangement and edited source materials
  51. Reader-response criticism
    • focus on polyvaence- capacity to mean different things to different people
    • intrested in how the readers contribute to interpretation
  52. Ideological criticism
    seeks to explore how textx might be intrepreted from different perspectives
  53. Deconstructionism
    • extreme mode fairly recent
    • goes on to explain that all interpretation have no real true foundation
  54. Josephus
    • A first-century Jewish historian.
    • He was appointed court historian by the Roman Emperor Vespasian.
    • His two major works—Wars of the Jews and Antiquities of the Jews—are principal resources for much information about life in
    • first-century Palestine.
  55. types of things in the Gospel
    • parables
    • Miracle Stories
    • Prononcement Stories
    • Individual Sayings
    • passion and resrrection Narratives
  56. The sayings of Jess from the cross
    • Wisdom
    • Prophetic
    • eschatological
    • legal
    • "I" autobiographical
  57. gospel
    early christian preaching
  58. Gospel
    written life of Jesus
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Bible Test 1
Test Review 1 Dr. Isbell