Contemporary Prelim

  1. 3 continents according to Ancient Greeks
    Europe, Africa, Asia
  2. largest continent
  3. smallest continent
  4. 6 subregion of asia
    North Asia,East asia, South asia, Southeast asia, Southwest asia, Central asia
  5. 11 Countries in southeast asia
    Brunei, Malaysia, Burma (Myanmar), Philippines, Cambodia Thailand Timor-Leste Vietnam Indonesia Singapore Laos
  6. Poverty, Hiv, Hunger, Gender inequality, Other socio-economic problem( abortion, drug addiction, prostitution)
    5 Problems in asia
  7. MEDs in asia
    Japan, South korea, Singapore,Taiwan
  8. LEDs in asia (Highly impoverished countries
    Nepal, Cambodia, Laos
  9. Most populous countries in asia
    China, India
  10. world ‘s smallest
    Maldives, Bhutan
  11. Us strategy commiting more resources & attention to region, The shift form atlantic century to pacific century
    Pacific pivot
  12. Foreign affair , US Sec state
    Hillary Clinton
  13. 3 key allies (Emerging giants in asia)
    India, Indonesia, China
  14. How region affect globalization
    Externalist view
  15. region is active agent
    Generative view
  16. Group of countries in same specified area
  17. Societal integration & indirect process
  18. Formal process of intergovernmental collab between 2 or more states
  19. Rapid expansion of social relations
  20. 3 Core claims of globalization
    Deregulation, Privatization of state owned enterprises, Liberation of trade
  21. -a view that is Colonial rule & dominance of western countries 
    -Colonial rule and dominance
    -Technology &industry are more advance in western countries
    Externalist view
  22. Great modernizer brought reforms to thailand
    Rama V
  23. Mark the end of japan’s domination
    Bombing of pearl harbor
  24. Cute culture/ Pink globalization
  25. Philippines, India, China -
    3 top recipient states of migrant remittances
  26. Develop cooperation w/ outside actors and Resolve tension between reginal trade agreement
    Open regionalism
  27. Alternative to APEC
  28. Infamous for Bali bombing
    JI / Jemaah Islamiyah
  29. currency of Santi Suk in Thailand
  30. National currency of Thailand
  31. Store & deliver info/data
  32. means/channel of communication
  33. Technology instruments where communication flows
    Mass media
  34. There was a _ within social life in 20th century
  35. globalization has been going since
    19th century
  36. 5 time periods study globalization & media
    Oral Electronic Script ,Digital, Print -
  37. Overlooked medium of globalization, and Oldest and most enduring of all media
    Oral medium / Human Speech
  38. Stage where transitiomoral form to printing
    • First writing develop that enables to record info
    • Script
  39. Prior to ___the production & copying of written document was slow
    Printing press
  40. Writing has its evolution & developed from _, _, _
    Cave paintings, Petroglyphs, hieroglyphs
  41. Encourage challenge of political & religious authority
  42. Popular writing surfaces from a plant
  43. First book printed in philippines
    Doctrina christiana
  44. Electronic media that rely on digital code
    Digital media
  45. New economic interdependencerecreate the world in the image of
    Global village
  46. Ph own version of town criers of ancient barangay
  47. The world has been given an awkward term
  48. System of beliefs & practices
  49. latin form religion, means Bind together again
  50. there are _ religions in the world
    4 300
  51. 5 most influential religion
    Christianity,Islam,Buddhism,Hinduism, Judaism
  52. Monitor the number & size of religion
  53. Religions overlapping but distinctive ethics
  54. International effort cancelling 3rd world debt
    Jubilee 2000
  55. Effort to support development agendas of UN MDG
    World faith development dialogue
  56. Brought worlds diverse faith tradition
    Parliament of world religions of 1993
  57. 1 god in 3 person
    Everyone sins = separation from god
    Restoration/salvation through faith in jesus
    External heaven/ hell
  58. One God: Allah
    Human must submit to will of Allah to earn paradise after death
    External Paradise/ hell
  59. Nothing is permanent
    Human desire = suffering
    Human earn release from cycle of rebirth by emptying self
    Nirvana (extinction of self)
  60. One supreme reality (Brahman manifested in many gods/goddeses
    Humans in bondage to ignorance
    Gain enlightmen to earn better rebirth
    Reincarnation until enlightment
  61. One God: Yahweh
    Focus on living ethically (obeying God’s commands)

    Varies. Not heavily emphasized
  62. God = The Universe
    Purpose = inner harmony
    Longevity = earned by living in accordance with Tao
    Revert back to state of non being
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Contemporary Prelim