Human Defence System

  1. What is the WBC response to antigens? (3p)
    • Each antigen causes a specific antibody to be produced that binds to the wall of the microbe and helps destroy it.
    • As microbe enters the body, lymphocytes try attach their antibodies to the surface of the microbe (antigen).
    • Eventually the correct match is found and that WBC reproduces (more antibodies).
  2. What do antigens cause to be produced?
    Each antigen causes a specific antibody to be produced
  3. What does the antibody produced do in response to an antigen?
    The specific antibody produced binds to the wall of the microbe and helps destroy it.
  4. When a microbe enters, what attaches to the surface of the microbe?
    Lymphocytes try attach their antibodies to the surface of the microbe (antigen).
  5. How may some lymphocytes survive longer?
    Some lymphocytes survive for many years as memory cells, allowing long term immunity.
  6. What form of a lymphocyte allows long term immunity ?
    Some lymphocytes survive many years as memory cells, allowing long term immunity.
  7. What is induced immunity?
    The ability to resist disease by producing antibodies caused by specific antigens.
  8. The ability to resist disease by producing antibodies caused by specific antigens is what type of immunity?
    Induced immunity
  9. What are two types of immunity?
    Active immunity and passive immunity.
  10. Explain active immunity?
    • Active immunity means that a person makes their own antibodies (longterm).
    • Provides longterm immunity in 2 ways-
    • When pathogens naturally enter the body by cold or flu.
    • When antigens are artificially placed in the body by vaccination.
  11. What type of immunity is longterm?
    Active immunity.
  12. What two ways can longterm immunity be provided?
    • Naturally: when pathogens naturally enter the body by cold/flu.
    • Artificially: when antigens are artificially placed in the body by vaccination.

    (Cold/ flu or vaccination)
  13. What is a vaccine?
    A substance introduced into a person to induce an antibody response, leading to immunity to that disease.
  14. What is a vaccination ?
    The introduction of a non-disease causing dose of a microbe so as to generate an active immune response.
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Human Defence System