Physical activity
Bodily movements produced by the contraction of skeletal muscles that increases energy output above baseline level.
- -physical activity done for the purpose of getting in shape.
- -planned, structured, and repetitive. The duration, frequency, and intensity can be measured.
Physical fitness
- -capacity of people to perform physical activities
- -allows people to carry out daily tasks without getting tired.
Highly organized, competitive physical activities governed by rules.
An occupation requiring specialized training in an intellectual field of study, dedicated to the betterment of society.
Sub-disciplines of Phys ed, exercise science, and sport
- 1. Sport...History
- 2. Philosophy
- 3. Sociology
- 4. Pedagogy
- 5. Management
- 6. Medicine
- 7. and Exercise Psychology
- 8. Motor Development
- 9. Motor Learning
- 10. Biomechanics
- 11. Adapted Physical Activity
- 12. Exercise Physiology
Development of the discipline movement occured when
and by who?
1964, Frank Henry called for the "organization and study of the academic discipline herein called physical education."
Exercise Physiology
- -is the study of the effects of various physical demands, particularly exercise, on the structure and function of the body.
- -clinical exercise testing, designing rehabilitation programs
Sport medicine
- -concerned with the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of sports related injuries.
- -Athletic trainer is responsible for conditioning programs and promotion of proper nutrition.
Sport Biomechanics
- -applies physics and mechanics to the study of human motion and the motion of sports objects.
- -provides analysis of movement with respect to efficiency and effectiveness.
Sport philosophy
- -the nature of reality, knowledge in sport, ethical and moral questions, and the aesthetics of movement.
- -sport philosophers debate questions of ehthics and morals
Sport history
concerned with the who, what, why, when, and how in relation to sport.
Sport and exercise psychology
- -studies human behavior in sport
- -exercise psychology is concerned with exercise addiction, adherence, cohesion, and leadership.
Motor Development
studies the factors that influence the development of abilities essential to movement.
Motor learning
- -is concerned with the stages an individual progresses from a beginner to highly skilled performer.
- -motor learning specialists find the most effective training conditions, and the use of reinforcement to enhance learning.
Sport sociology
- -study of the role of sport in society.
- -sport sociologists examine the influence of gender race and socioeconomic status on participation in sports and physical activity
Sport pedagogy
studies how physical educators and sport leaders provide an effective learning enviorment.
Adapted Physical Activity
individualized educational plan for students with disabilities so that they can participate to the fullest of their extent.
Sport Management
figure out the best ways to promote a sports program, and change policies.
3 Allied fields
Health, Recreation and Dance
3 main areas of Health Education
- 1.health instruction
- 2.provision of health services
- 3.environmental health
self chosen activities that provide a means of revitalizing and refreshing one's body and spirit
A form of recreation, and a performing art that gives participants an opportunity for aesthetic expression through movement.
Physical Fitness:
-health related
-performance related
-Cardiovascular endurance
-Body composition
-Flexibility - -Muscular endurance
-Muscular strength
Performance Related
Power P
Agility A Reaction R
Time T Coordination C
Balance B
- -The love of wisdom
- -A set of beliefs relating to a particular
- field.
- -A system of values by which one lives and
the ultimate nature of reality; what is real and exists.
the nature of knowledge
- Examines ideas in an
- orderly manner and systematic way.
General Philosophies
- Realism
- Idealism
- Pragmatism
The mind interprets events and creates reality; truth and values are absolute and universally shared.
The physical world is the real world and it is governed by nature; science reveals the truth.
Reality and truth is determined by an individual’s life experiences.
- Reality and life are governed by the laws of nature; the individual is more important than the
- society.
Reality is based on human existence; individual experiences determine what is true.
Modern Educational Philosophy
-Progressive Education
-Humanistic philosophy
- -education means to improve society
Dewey “learning by doing"
-Development of full potential of each individual.
Mind-Body Relationship
- -Belief that the mind and body are separate entities.
- -Belief that the mind and the body are unified entities.
Philosophical Approaches:
-Education of the Physical
-Education through the Physical
-Focus on the development of the total person: Social, Emotional, Intellectual, and Physical development.
-Focus on fitness development and acquisition of skills; the development of the body.
Sport Philosophy
- Study of the true meanings and actions of
- sport and how sport contributes to our lives.
Eclectic philosophy of education (1875-1950) - Comparative Systems Approach (1950-1965)
Disciplinary Approach (1965-present)
- Sport philosophy offers us guidance in
- addressing inequities in physical activity opportunities experienced by underserved populations.
Sport Philosophy – Areas of Study
-What is the meaning of competition for athletes with disabilities?
-What are the ethical implications of genetic engineering and its potential use in elite sport?
-How can the sport experience be made more just and equitable?
Why develop your own philosophy?
Assists in the development and clarification of beliefs and values that guide your behaviors.