MCN (Nursing Care for the Family in Need of Reproductive Life Planning)

  1. •Includes all decisions an individual or a couple make about having children, including
    o If and when to have children
    o How many children to have
    o The length of time between having children
    •Counseling may include the topics of avoiding conception, increasing fertility, and/or what to do if contraception has failed.
    Reproductive Life Planning
  2. called "periodic abstinence methods"
    Natural Family Planning #1
  3. • No chemical or foreign material into body
    • Failure rate ranges from 2% to 25%
    • Need for couple to be conscious of time period when woman is most likely to be fertile
    Natural Family Planning #1
  4. • 0% failure rate
    • Most effective method to prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
  5. •Lactation amenorrhea method (LAM)
    Natural Family Planning #2
  6. Safe method with failure rate of 1% to 5% if
    > Infant under 6 months of age
    > Breastfeeding with no supplements
    > Menses has not returned
    Natural Family Planning #2
  7. 82% effective; does not prevent STIs
    Coitus interruptus
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MCN (Nursing Care for the Family in Need of Reproductive Life Planning)