Chin-Lesson 12

  1. 变化 or 變化
    • biànhuà
    • change; to change
    • end
  2. 来不及
    • láibují
    • not enough time to do something; too late to do something
  3. 竟然
    • jìng(rán)
    • unexpectedly; contrary to one's expectation
  4. 表哥
    • biǎogē
    • older male cousin of a different surname
    • zhàn
    • station;
    • stop;
    • to stand
  5. 姑妈
    • gūmā
    • father's sister (aunt)
    • pāi
    • to take pictures;
    • to clap;
    • to pat
    • biàn
    • to change
    • zǒng
    • always
  6. 熟悉
    • shúxi
    • to know something or someone well;
    • to be familiar with;
    • familiar
  7. 陌生
    • mòshēng
    • unfamiliar; strange; unknown
    • jiē
    • street
    • gài
    • to build; to construct
  8. 的确
    • díquè
    • (adv.) indeed

  9. to ride
  10. 自行车
    • zìxíngchē
    • bicycle
  11. 上班
    • shàngbān
    • to go to work; to start work;
    • to be on duty
  12. 想像
    • xiǎngxiàng
    • to imagine; to visualize; imagination
  13. 要不是
    • yàobúshì
    • if it were not for; but for
  14. 游客
    • yóukè
    • tourist
  15. 老外
    • lǎowài
    • foreigner
  16. 对面
    • duìmiàn
    • opposite side
  17. 快餐

    fast food; quick meal
  18. 服装
    • fúzhuāng
    • clothing; apparel
  19. 融入
    • róngrù
    • to merge into; to meld into
  20. 特色
    • tèsè
    • distinguishing feature or quality; characteristic
  21. 保留
    • bǎoliú
    • to remain as before; to retain
  22. 建筑
    • jiànzhù
    • architecture; to build
  23. cháng

    to taste
  24. 小吃
    • xiǎochī
    • small and inexpensive dishes; snacks
  25. 不管
    • bùguǎn
    • no matter; regardless of
  26. 民以食为天
    • mínyǐshíwéitiān
    • the people think of food as important as heaven
  27. 啊?
    • á
    • eh? what?
  28. 从来
    • cónglái
    • from past till present; always; at all times
  29. 老百姓
    • lǎobǎixìng
    • common folk; (ordinary people)
  30. 尽可能
    • jǐn kěnéng
    • as much as possible
    • shà
    • mansion; tall building
  31. zuò

    measure word for buildings and mountains
  32. 声音
    • shēngyīn
    • sound; voice
  33. 脚步
    • jiǎobù
    • footstep
  34. 难过

    sad; hard to bear
  35. 咕噜
    • gūlū
    • (onomotapoeia) rumbling sound
  36. 法国
    • fǎguó
    • France
  37. 夫子庙
    • fūzǐmiào
    • Temple of Confucius
Card Set
Chin-Lesson 12
Chinese Vocab