The Skeletal system

  1. describe the appendicular skeleton
    • bones of the limbs that connect them to the body 
    • 126 of them 
    • allows manipulation of objects and movement 
    • dominated by long bone
  2. name the bones of the appendicular skeleton
    • clavicle
    • scapula
    • humerus
    • radius
    • ulna
    • carpal bones
    • metacarpal bones
    • phalanges [proximal, middle, distal]
    • hip bone  [os coxae]
    • femur
    • patella
    • tibia
    • fibula
    • tarsal 
    • metatarsal
    • phalanges
  3. movement only occurs where
    only occurs at joints
  4. what does the structure of the joint determine
    determines the amount/type of movement that occurs
  5. what are the tree types of joints
    • immoveable 
    • sligthly moveable 
    • freely moveable
  6. describe immoveable joints
    • sutures of the skull
    • held together by dense connective tissue
  7. describe slightly moveable joints
    bone connected by ligaments strong joints
  8. describe freely moveable joints
    synovial joints usually at the ends of long bones
  9. what surrounds synovial joint
    joint capsule surrounds synovial joint
  10. what cover articulating surfaces
    articular cartilage cover articulating surfaces
  11. what does articulating cartilage do
    it reduces friction during movement
  12. what does synovial fluid do
    it acts as a lubricant and shock absorber
  13. what do accessory ligaments so
    they support and strenghten synovial joints
  14. what do tendons passing around joints do
    tendons passing around joints also provide support
  15. what are bursa
    • they are small, fluid filled pockets containing synovial fluid 
    • they form where tendons/ligaments rub against other tissues
  16. what do bursa do
    they reduce friction
  17. what is enthesis
    the site where a ligament or tendon inserts onto the bone
  18. what is the epiphyseal bone
    the rounded end of the long bone
  19. what are the 3 types of synovial joints
    • gliding/plane
    • hinge
    • condylar
    • saddle
    • pivot
    • ball and socket
  20. describe gliding/plane synovial joints
    • flattened surfaces which slide across one another, 
    • only slight range of movement 
    • sacroiliac and intercarpal joints
  21. describe hinge joints
    • motion in single plane 
    • [elbow/knee]
  22. describe condylar joints
    • oval articular face nestled within a depression on the opposing surface 
    • radiocarpal joint
  23. what is the radiocarpal
  24. describe the saddle joint
    complex articular faces which fit together
  25. what is the joint of the thumb
  26. describe the pivot
    • only permits rotation 
    • atlantoaxial joint
  27. describe the ball and socket joint
    • round end of one bone rests in a cup-shaped depression in another 
    • rotation
    • shoulder and hip joint
  28. what is arthritis
    it is joint inflammation
  29. how does damage occur to articular cartilage
    • infection
    • injury
    • changes in synovial fluid 
    • physical stresses
  30. how does osteoarthritis come about
    cumulative wear and tear
  31. what is rheumatoid arthritis
    it is an autoimmune disease
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The Skeletal system