Lacrosse Umpiring Rules

  1. Ball goes out of sideline bounds?
    • Turnover of ball
    • Player steps 2 m into pitch
    • All other players must be at least 1 m away
  2. When to make an advantage call? What happens?
    • When the defense commits a foul on the attack during a scoring play but attack able to maintain quality possession, make the call.
    • Signal you have seen foul with a straight arm in direction of attack and call 'Advantage'
    • If advantage is lost, free position is set at nearest hash to spot of foul
  3. What must an umpire watch for with stick checking?
    • Checks that invade the ball carrier's sphere
    • Upwards checks towards opponent's face
    • Checks that contact the ball carrier's body
    • Checks from behind/across body
    • Empty stick checks
    • Held stick
    • Watch for players being off balance/one-handed swinging
  4. How does the 3 second rule work?
    • Defenders must not be in fan more than a stick's length away from an attacker for more than 3 seconds
    • Can only mark one non-ball player
    • Defender marking directly behind goal is exempt from 3 sec rule
    • If attacking team is on a scoring play at the same time of a 3-sec violation, call Advantage
  5. How does shooting space work?
    • Defender cannot be in pathway to goal of an attacker who has the opportunity to shoot
    • Pathway defined by 2 imaginary lines extending from ball within 11 m of goal to outer edges of GC.
    • Immediate whistle due to danger
  6. What must an umpire check for when she completes stick checks at the start of the game?
    • That the ball freely rolls forward and back in the pocket.
    • That the ball freely rolls side to side and makes contact with the walls of the pocket.
    • The ball can be seen above the wall of the pocket when the stick is held at eye level
  7. How does substitution work?
    • Player on field takes both feet off field in front of sub box
    • Then the sub can enter the field
  8. How do self starts work?
    • Following a whistle for a minor/major foul outside the fan, offended player is awarded a free position at the spot of the foul
    • Must set feet then can start without needing a whistle
    • Offender must immediately commence moving 4 m to the side/behind
    • All other players must allow 4 m of clearance
    • If the ball is within 2 m of the spot of the foul, the offended player may pick up the ball and self start from there
    • If a defender moves closer to the offended player before the self start starts = false start
  9. When is self start not an option?
    • Game clock is stopped
    • Restraining line violation
    • Illegal draw
    • GC fouls, major/minor fouls in fan
Card Set
Lacrosse Umpiring Rules
Test on the rules of lacrosse, specifically for umpires.