
  1. Discrete random variable-
    A discrete random variable is a random variable that can take on only a finite or at most a countably infinite number of values
  2. Basic description of the probability mass function:
    function p such that

    Image Upload 1 and Image Upload 2
  3. cumulative distribution function (cdf)
    Image Upload 3
  4. Random variable
    a numeric outcome from a random problem
  5. support-
    The values a random variable can take on is the support of a variable
  6. The probability of k successes in a binomial distribution:
    Image Upload 5
  7. Probability of all the variation of successful sequences in a binomial distribution
    Image Upload 7
  8. Use of capital and lower case letters to describe random variables and their realizations
    • capital= random variable possibilities
    • lowercase= realization (set of finite/interval of values)
  9. Continuous random variables
    has an interval or union of intervals as its support
  10. distribution-
    pattern and frequency we observe the random variable
  11. Formula for a geometric distribution
    Image Upload 9
  12. Formula for a negative binomial distribution
    Image Upload 11
  13. CDF theorum
    Image Upload 13
  14. What do you get when you take the integral of a PDF?
  15. Endpoints don't matter if you are finding probabilities for continuous functions
  16. How do you find probability from a PMF?
    • sum of the range it has support for
    • (discrete)
  17. How do you find probability for a PDF?
    Integrate over the range of interest
  18. Endpoints don't matter for a PMF
  19. What are values of the PDF often refered to as?
    relative liklihoods
  20. Image Upload 14  (graph)
    Image Upload 16
  21. Image Upload 17  (graph)
    Image Upload 19
  22. Image Upload 20 (graph)
    Image Upload 22
  23. Image Upload 23 (graph)
    Image Upload 25
  24. In a coin flip experiment to determine whether a coin is biased or not, what is an example of the following term: population
    all coins of this type
  25. In a coin flip experiment to determine whether a coin is biased or not, what is an example of the following term: parameter
    =p= P(coin lands on heads)
  26. In a coin flip experiment to determine whether a coin is biased or not, what is an example of the following term: sample
    Sequence of observed coin flips
  27. In a coin flip experiment to determine whether a coin is biased or not, what is an example of the following term: Statistic
    observed number of heads (y) or sample proportion of heads Image Upload 26
  28. Support-
    values the random variables can take on
  29. The differences between CAPITAL and lowercase variables
    ex. X vs x
    little 'x' represents realization of the random variable

    big 'X' represents the actual random variable
  30. Support for a discrete random variable
    countable support
  31. Support for a continuous random variable
    interval (or union of intervals) for the support
  32. How can you identify a CDF of a random variable Y?
    Image Upload 27
  33. Cumulative Distribution Function (cdf) of a random variable (Y)
    denoted as either: Image Upload 28  or Image Upload 29

    The cumulative probability up to and including the actualized value of (y)

    Image Upload 30
  34. Graph the CDF and find Image Upload 31
    Image Upload 33
  35. CDF theorem:
    Image Upload 35
  36. Frequency function
    The probability mass function of a discrete random variable:

    Image Upload 36
  37. Probability density function (PDF)
    • a continuous random variable is the function Image Upload 37 that satisfies:
    • Image Upload 38
    • or
    • Image Upload 39
  38. Describe a PDF
    PDF is a visualization of the distribution of your random variable
  39. PMF/PDF theorem:
    Image Upload 41
  40. For discrete random variables, the probabilities are the sum of the PMF over the range of interest and (end points do matter)
  41. For continuous random variables, the probabilities are the integrals of the PDF over the range of interest and (end points do matter)
    • False
    • End points DO NOT matter
  42. Solving for probability for a discrete variable:
    (PMF or PDF? describe how to solve)

    Image Upload 43
  43. Solving for probability for a continuous variable:
    (PMF or PDF? describe how to solve)
    Image Upload 45
  44. integrating factor=
    constant required to make an integral = 1
  45. What are the values of the PDF often refered to as?
    "relative likelihoods"
  46. Does f(a) or f(b) have a higher liklihood?
    Image Upload 47
  47. Formula for finding probability from a CDF:
    Image Upload 48
  48. Formula for finding probability from a PDF:
    Image Upload 49
  49. Formula for finding probability from a PMF:
    Image Upload 50
  50. Expected value for a random variable Y:
    • Expected Value (or Mean) of a RV Y , denoted as E(Y)= µY , is the average value of Y weighted by the probability distribution.
    • Image Upload 52
Card Set
Intro to random variables