THREE New Deal agencies still in existence today
Federal Deposit Insurance Company, Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Social Security system (UARG:43,2,1)
Man at the Crossroads
Diego Rivera mural censored for its depiction of the Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin (UARG:44,1,1)
location of Diego Rivera’s Man at the Crossroads
the Rockefeller center (UARG:44,1,1)
TWO leading figures of New Deal art projects
Edward Bruce and Holger Cahill (UARG:44,2,1)
Public Works of Art Project
first New Deal experimental art agency led by Edward Bruce (UARG:44,2,2)
Section of Painting and Sculpture
second New Deal experimental art agency led by Edward Bruce under the Treasury Department (UARG:45,1,0)
group representing 41% of artists working on Works Progress Administration projects
women (UARG:45,2,0)
Diego Rivera
20th century Mexican painter who greatly influenced public art in the United States (UARG:45,2,2)
birthplace of Diego Rivera
Guanajuato, Mexico (UARG:45,2,3)
Mexican art academy which Diego Rivera attended from 1896 to 1905
Academy of San Carlos (UARG:45,2,3)
three European nations where Diego Rivera lived before returning to Mexico in 1921
Spain, France, and Italy (UARG:46,1,1)
José Vasconcelos
Mexican Secretary of Public Education who commissioned Diego Rivera’s mural Creation (UARG:46,1,2)
Dwight Morrow
United States ambassador to Mexico from 1927 to 1930 who commissioned a mural cycle from Diego Rivera at the Cortés Palace (UARG:46,1,3)
Frida Kahlo
Diego Rivera’s wife and fellow painter (UARG:46,1,4)
mural cycle painted by Diego Rivera from 1932 to 1933
the Detroit Institute of Arts murals (UARG:46,2,0)
controversial mural which Diego Rivera painted in New York in 1933
Man at the Crossroads (UARG:46,2,0)
number of mural panels comprising Detroit Industry
21 (UARG:47,1,1)
event depicted on the east wall of Diego Rivera’s Detroit Industry cycle
the origins of human life (UARG:47,1,1)
industry depicted on either side of the plant bulb in Detroit Industry
agriculture (UARG:47,1,1)
focus of the west wall of Detroit Industry
intersections between technology, natural resources, and human life (UARG:47,1,1)
number of horizontal fields into which the north and south walls are divided in Diego Rivera’s Detroit Industry
three (UARG:47,1,2)
On which factory was the south wall of Detroit Industry based?
the Ford Motor plant (UARG:47,1,3)
Charles E. Sorenson
head of production at Ford’s River Rouge factory in 1933, depicted in Detroit Industry (UARG:47,2,0)
William Valentiner
director of the Detroit Institute of Arts in the 1930s (UARG:47,2,2)
Edsel Ford
president of the Ford Motor Company and the Detroit Arts Commission in the 1930s (UARG:47,2,2)
number of automobiles produced in 1931
one million (UARG:48,1,2)
home of Ford Motor Company and site of a 1932protest for better working conditions (UARG:48,1,2)
religiously controversial scene in Detroit Industry
vaccination of a child (UARG:48,1,4)
Why did upper‐class Detroit residents object to Detroit Industry?
It depicted them standing next to working‐class people. (UARG:48,1,4)
Aaron Douglas
African‐American Harlem Renaissance painter (UARG:48,2,1)
two Harlem Renaissance poets who befriended Aaron Douglas
Langston Hughes and Countee Cullen (UARG:48,2,1)
Wineld Reiss
German illustrator who illustrated an issue of Survey Graphic dedicated to the Harlem Renaissance (UARG:48,2,2)
Egyptian form
simplified Egyptian‐influenced figures used by Aaron Douglas (UARG:48,2,2)
two significant Harlem Renaissance magazines, illustrated by Aaron Douglas
Crisis and Opportunity (UARG:49,1,1)
city where Aaron Douglas traveled to study European modernism
Paris (UARG:49,1,2)
institution where Douglas studied from 1928 to 1929
the Barnes Foundation in Philadelphia (UARG:49,1,2)
university which commissioned a mural cycle from Aaron Douglas for its library
Fisk University in Nashville, Tennessee (UARG:49,1,2)
location of Aaron Douglas mural cycle commissioned by the Public Works of Art Project in 1934
the 135th Street Branch of the New York Public Library (UARG:49,1,2)
university where Aaron Douglas taught until 1966
Fisk University (UARG:49,1,3)
city where Aaron Douglas died in 1979
Nashville (UARG:49,1,3)
current name of the 135th Street Branch of the New York Public Library
the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture (UARG:49,1,4)
first panel in the Schomburg Center cycle
The Negro in an African Setting (UARG:49,1,5)
two horizontal panels showing scenes of joy and African‐American unity in the Schomburg Center mural cycle
Idyll of the Deep South and From Slavery to Reconstruction (UARG:49,2,0)
final panel of the Schomburg Center mural cycle
Song of the Towers (UARG:49,2,0)
familiar New York icon which establishes the setting of Song of the Towers
the Statue of Liberty (UARG:49,2,1)
musical instrument held by the large male figure in Song of the Towers
saxophone (UARG:50,1,0)
government organization that commissioned Aspects of Negro Life
Works Project Administration/Federal Art Project (UARG:50,1,4)
George Biddle
prolific printmaker, painter, and sculptor known for his advocacy of public art projects (UARG:50,2,1)
alma mater of George Biddle
Harvard University (UARG:50,2,1)
Parisian academy where George Biddle studied after abandoning a law career
Académie Julian (UARG:50,2,1)
art academy where George Biddle enrolled after returning from Paris to the United States
Philadelphia Academy of Fine Arts (UARG:50,2,1)
conflict that cut Biddle’s art career short
World War I (UARG:50,2,1)
nation to which George Biddle traveled in 1928 and befriended Diego Rivera
Mexico (UARG:50,2,2)
location of a George Biddle mural commissioned by the Mexican government
the Supreme Court building in Mexico City (UARG:51,1,0)
classmate of Biddle who hired a team of artists to paint the Justice Department
Franklin D. Roosevelt (UARG:51,1,1)
location of George Biddle’s 5‐panel mural cycle for the Justice Department
the first floor lobby of the Justice Department (UARG:51,1,2)
group which Biddle chaired in 1943, spending time with American troops in northern Africa
U.S. War Artists Committee (UARG:51,1,3)
Where did George Biddle die in 1973?
Croton‐on‐Hudson, New York (UARG:51,1,3)
subject of the first vertical field of Tenement
an elderly woman holding an axe and wood next to an apartment building (UARG:51,1,5)
the subject of the foreground of the first horizontal field of Tenement
an old woman and a younger man sawing wood (UARG:51,2,1)
Louis D. Brandeis
influential Supreme Court Justice during the New Deal period (UARG:52,1,2
Supreme Court Justice who is quoted in Tenement
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. (UARG:52,1,2)
Ben Shahn
leftist 1930s painter, printmaker, and photographer who used his art to express his political views (UARG:52,1,3)
birthplace of Ben Shahn
Kovno, Lithuania (UARG:52,1,3)
city where Ben Shahn’s family settled when they moved to the United States in 1906
Brooklyn, New York (UARG:52,1,3)
printmaking technique Ben Shahn learned through an apprenticeship
lithography (UARG:52,1,4)
two colleges at which Ben Shahn studied biology
New York University and the City College of New York (UARG:52,2,0)
two art academies that Ben Shahn attended
the National Academy of Design and the Art Students League (UARG:52,2,0)
two continents where Ben Shahn traveled with his wife from 1924 to 1928
Europe and Africa (UARG:52,2,0)
style of art Ben Shahn developed in the 1930s
social realism (UARG:52,2,0)
series of 23 gouache paintings created by Ben Shahn between 1931 and 1932
The Passion of Sacco and Vanzetti (UARG:52,2,1)
Diego Rivera painting on which Ben Shahn was invited to work
Man at the Crossroads (UARG:52,2,2)
Bernarda Bryson
artist and social activist for whom Shahn abandoned his family (UARG:52,2,3)
federal agency for which Ben Shahn produced posters and photographs from 1935 to 1938
the Farm Security Administration (FSA) (UARG:52,2,3)
Walker Evans
photographer who guided Shahn through the South and Midwest while working for the Farm Security Administration (UARG:52,2,3)
most famous mural cycle created by Ben Shahn during the New Deal
mural cycle for the Jersey Homesteads government housing project (UARG:52,2,4)
three mural cycle government commissions completed by Ben Shahn
the Bronx Central Postal Station, the Social Security Building, and the Jersey Homesteads housing project (UARG:53,1,0)
government agency for which Shahn worked during World War II
the Office of War Information (UARG:53,1,1)
subject of famous Ben Shahn portrait for Time magazine in 1965
Martin Luther King, Jr. (UARG:53,1,1)
position Ben Shahn held at Harvard from 1956
the Charles Eliot Norton Professor (UARG:53,1,2)
The Shape of Content
collection of Ben Shahn’s Harvard lectures (UARG:53,1,2)
medium of Riveter
tempera on paperboard (UARG:53,2,1)
two dominant color tones in Riveter
browns and grays (UARG:53,2,1)
collaborator on Ben Shahn’s initial sketches for Riveter
Bernarda Bryson (UARG:54,1,1)
government agency that sponsored the mural commission for which Riveter was created
the Treasury Department Section of Painting and Sculpture (UARG:54,1,1)
number of panels in the Resources of America mural cycle
13 (UARG:54,1,1)
Walt Whitman poem which inspired Ben Shahn’s Resources of America mural cycle
“I Hear America Singing” (UARG:54,1,2)
Fiorello LaGuardia
New York City mayor from 1934 to 1945 and New Deal supporter (UARG:43,1,1)
two working arrangements to which most artists were accustomed before the New Deal
working for private patrons or selling works in private galleries (UARG:43,1,2)
later name for the Section of Painting and Sculpture
the Section of Fine Arts (UARG:45,1,0)
number of murals created under federal art programs between 1933 and 1945
3,500 (UARG:45,1,1)
number of sculptures created under federal art programs between 1933 and 1945
18,000 (UARG:45,1,1)
number of paintings created under federal art programs between 1933 and 1945
108,000 (UARG:45,1,1)
number of prints created under federal art programs between 1933 and 1945
250,000 (UARG:45,1,1)
number of photographs taken under federal art programs between 1933 and 1945
500,000 (UARG:45,1,1)
art technique which Diego Rivera taught other United States artists
fresco (UARG:45,2,1)
political ideology of Diego Rivera’s parents
liberal (UARG:45,2,3)
city where the Cortés Palace is located
Cuernavaca (UARG:46,1,3)
corporation where Ambassador Dwight Morrow previously worked
J.P. Morgan and Company (UARG:46,1,3)
city where Diego Rivera traveled in 1930 with Frida Kahlo
San Francisco (UARG:46,1,4)
location of a Diego Rivera work painted shortly after the Rockefeller Center affair
New York’s New Worker’s School (UARG:46,2,0)
year of Diego Rivera’s death
1957 (UARG:46,2,0)
Diego Rivera’s largest and most complex work completed in the United States
Detroit Industry (UARG:47,1,0)
the two larger walls in Detroit Industry
north and south (UARG:47,1,2)
machine in the far right quarter of the south wall of Detroit Industry
stamping press used to make steel fenders (UARG:47,1,3)
machine depicted in the upper center portion of the south wall of Detroit Industry
welding buck (UARG:47,2,0)
car parts that female workers are testing in the upper right corner of Detroit Industry
spark plugs and ignition systems (UARG:47,2,1)
type of Renaissance artwork recalled by the use of grisaille in Detroit Industry
altarpieces (UARG:47,2,2)
two races represented by figures holding limestone and sand in Detroit Industry
Asian and Caucasian (UARG:47,2,3)
industry represented in the upper left panel in Detroit Industry
pharmaceutical (UARG:47,2,3)
industry represented in the upper right panel in Detroit Industry
chemical (UARG:47,2,3)
selected artist whom Diego Rivera taught the fresco technique
George Biddle (UARG:48,1,0)
director who took an unpaid leave from his position at the Detroit Institute of Arts in 1932
William Valentiner (UARG:48,1,2)
death toll of the March 1932 Dearborn march
four (UARG:48,1,2)
Albert C. Barnes
white Philadelphia art collector from who supported the Harlem Renaissance and influenced Aaron Douglas (UARG:48,2,1)
two intellectual figures who spurred the Harlem Renaissance
W.E.B. DuBois and Alain Locke (UARG:48,2,1)
three Harlem Renaissance writers who commissioned Aaron Douglas to illustrate their books
Countee Cullen, Langston Hughes, and James Weldon Johnson (UARG:49,1,1)
James Weldon Johnson book illustrated by Aaron Douglas to critical acclaim
Trombones: Seven Negro Sermons in Verse (UARG:49,1,1)
subject of The Negro in an African Setting
two central figures dancing with drummers and singers, while hunters and fighters watch (UARG:49,2,0)
Aaron Douglas’ view of urban industrialism, from Song of the Towers
provided opportunities for social equity (UARG:50,1,1)
island where George Biddle traveled after World War I before returning to the United States
Tahiti (UARG:50,2,1)
popular destination for American artists during the post‐World War I era
Mexico (UARG:50,2,2)
three items of clothing worn by the subject of The Riveter
white workers’ gloves, a cap, and dark khaki worker’s clothing (UARG:53,1,3)
Which three parts of the riveter’s body are given more emphasis in The Riveter?
arms, hands, and his tool (UARG:53,1,4)
How was Ben Shahn’s style influenced by his work as a photographer?
use of tightly cropped framing and emphasis on human action (UARG:53,2,0)
number of proposals submitted to the Treasury Department for the Bronx Central Postal Station commission
189 (UARG:54,1,1)
poet shown in Ben Shahn’s Bronx mural panels as a man with long white hair
Walt Whitman (UARG:54,2,2)
controversial Walt Whitman poem used by Ben Shahn in his Bronx mural
“Thou mother with Thy Equal Brood” (UARG:54,2,2)
Why was Walt Whitman’s poem “Thy mother with Thy Equal Brood” controversial?
seen as an attack on the Christian church’s role in society (UARG:54,2,2)
birthplace of George Stanley
Acadia Parish, Louisiana (UARG:55,1,1)
birth year of George Stanley
1903 (UARG:55,1,1)
city to the north of Los Angeles where George Stanley spent his youth
Watsonville, California (UARG:55,1,1)
college where George Stanley studied sculpture from 1923 to 1926
the Otis Art Institute in Los Angeles (UARG:55,1,1)
two schools where George Stanley taught
the Otis Art Institute in Los Angeles and the School of Arts in Santa Barbara (UARG:55,1,1)
high school for which George Stanley completed a sculpture commission
Long Beach Polytechnic High School (UARG:55,1,1)
George Stanley’s most notable public artwork
the sculpture of Sir Isaac Newton at Griffith Observatory (UARG:55,1,2)
the larger collaborative sculpture project of which George Stanley’s Isaac Newton is a part
Astronomers Monument (UARG:55,1,2)
two George Stanley sculpture projects funded by the Public Works of Art Project
Astronomers Monument and Muse of Music, Dance, Drama (UARG:55,1,2)
number of artists who collaborated on Astronomers Monument
five (UARG:55,1,3)
overseer of the construction of Astronomers Monument
Archibald Garner (UARG:55,1,3)
name appearing on the Astronomers Monument sculpture in place of the artists’ names
PWAP (UARG:55,1,3)
Cedric Gibbons
the art director of MGM during George Stanley’s early career (UARG:55,1,4)
well‐known bronze statuette created by George Stanley for Cedric Gibbons
the Academy Award of Merit/Oscar (UARG:55,1,4)
year when the first Oscar statuette was awarded
1929 (UARG:55,2,0)
width of Muse of Music, Dance, Drama
200 feet (UARG:55,2,1)
height of Muse of Music, Dance, Drama
22 feet (UARG:55,2,1)
material used in Muse of Music, Dance, Drama
concrete with light gray granite facing (UARG:55,2,1)
source of the granite used in Muse of Music, Dance, Drama
a quarry near Victorville, California (UARG:55,2,1)
style of sculpture embodied in Muse of Music, Dance, Drama
Art Deco (UARG:55,2,1)
height of the central figure in Muse of Music, Dance, Drama
15 feet (UARG:55,2,2)
Which muse is the central figure in Muse of Music, Dance, Drama?
the muse of music (UARG:55,2,2)
height of statues on either side of the muse of music in Muse of Music, Dance, Drama
10 feet (UARG:55,2,2)
pose of the figures in Muse of Music, Dance, Drama which recalls Greek sculpture
contrapposto (UARG:55,2,2)
two masks worn or carried by the muse of drama in Muse of Music, Dance, Drama
comedy and tragedy (UARG:55,2,3)
expression of the figure of dance in Muse of Music, Dance, Drama
calm and serene (UARG:56,1,1)
instrument played by the muse of music in Muse of Music, Dance, Drama
harp (UARG:56,1,2)
two selected artists who depicted the muses of music, dance, and drama
Diego Rivera and George Stanley (UARG:56,1,3)
location of Diego Rivera’s depiction of the muses of music, dance, and drama
the Creation mural at the National Preparatory School in Mexico (UARG:56,1,3)
year of opening of the Hollywood Bowl
1922 (UARG:56,1,4)
year of completion of Muse of Music, Dance, Drama
1940 (UARG:56,1,4)
two orchestras that perform at the Hollywood Bowl regularly
the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra and the Los Angeles Philharmonic (UARG:56,1,5)
year which saw the highest attendance ever at the Hollywood Bowl
1936 (UARG:56,2,0)
event that drew the highest attendance of all time at the Hollywood Bowl
performance by Lily Pons, a French opera star (UARG:56,2,0)
number of people in attendance at Lily Pons’ 1936 Hollywood Bowl concert
26410 (UARG:56,2,0)
two organizations that commissioned Muse of Music, Dance, Drama
the Hollywood Bowl Association and the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors (UARG:56,2,1)
year in which Muse of Music, Dance, Drama was restored
2006 (UARG:56,2,2)
year in which Muse of Music, Dance, Drama was designed
1938 (UARG:56,2,1)
the two most popular genres of photography
portraiture and landscape (UARG:58,1,3)
During which decade did photography make its debut as an art form?
the 1930s (UARG:58,1,3)