Micro Vocab Chap 5

  1. Metabolism
    The sum of all the chemical reactions that occur in a living cell
  2. catabolism
    all decomposition reactions in a living organism; the breakdown down of complex organic compunds into simpler ones
  3. anabolism
    all synthesis reactions in a living organism; the building of complex organic molecules from simpler ones.
  4. coenzymes
    a nonprotein substance that is associated with and that activates an enzume - assist enzymes in accepting atoms or donating atoms
  5. NAD+
    nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide; a coenzyme that functions in the removal and transfer of hydrogen ions and electrons from substrate molecule
  6. FAD
    Flavin adenine dinucleotide; a coenzyme that functions in the removal and transfer of hydrogen ions and electrons from substrate molecules
  7. oxidation
    the removal of electrons form a molecule
  8. reduction
    the addition of electrons to a molecule
  9. oxidation-reduction/redox reaction
    a coupled reaction in which one substance is oxidized and the other is reduced.
  10. phosphorylation
    the additon of a phosphate group to an organic molecule
  11. substrate-level phosphorylation
    the synthesis of ATP by direct transfer of a high-energy phosphate group from an intermediate metabolic compound to ADP
  12. oxidative phosphorylation and chemiosmosis
    the synthesis of ATP coupled with electron transport and a mechanism that uses a proton gradient across a cytoplasmic membrane to generate ATP
  13. electron transport chain (system)
    a series of compounds that transfer electrons from one compound to another, generating ATP by oxidative phosphorylation
  14. glycolysis
    the main pathway for the oxidation of glucose to pyruvic acid
  15. aerobic respiration
    respiration in which the final electron acceptor in the electron transpport chain is molecular oxygen (O2)
  16. anaerobic respiration
    respiration in which the final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain is an inorganic molecule other than molecular oxygen (O2)
  17. kreb's cycle
    a pathway that converts two-carbon compounds to CO2 transferring electrons to NAD+ and other electron carriers
  18. fermentation
    the enzymatic degradation of carbohydrates in which the final electron acceptor is an organic molecule, ATP is sythesized by substrate-level phosphorylation and O2 is not required
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Micro Vocab Chap 5
Micro Chap 5 vocab